My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 29

The next day Anders woke Anton and Anna from their sleep and told them that they needed to leave early. Breakfast was already waiting for them and Anton wondered how early the inn folks wake up to have breakfast ready at this hour since when he checked the time in his browser, it said that it was only five in the morning.

Anton and his family ate their breakfast and he provided the mana water.

“That magic of water of yours is truly magical son. I drank two mugs of ale last night and normally that would cause a bit of hangover and headache the next day but now after drinking your water, the headache’s gone.” Anders said.

“You drank four mugs of ale Father,” Anna suddenly added.

Anton laughed when he heard that.

“Father, I didn’t give the vampire a chance to attack us. Do you happen to know what move it would have done if it was given a chance to do so?”

“I don’t know. Normally a vampire will use his incredible speed and strength to attack but some use their magic and since we found a wand and book that could be a spell book, there was a high chance that the vampire would have used magic. But then again, he might not have since he considered us as beneath him.”

“I wonder how much is inside the purse?”

“I can take a look.”

Anton opened his private stash and checked the vampire’s purse. He was surprised to see that mentally hovering his mental mouse on the items provided details just like the details on the in-game equipment. He didn’t even need to take out the items from his stash to examine them which was convenient. He also checked the book and the wand and was surprised to see that his inventory and private stash provided him another service which was to identify the items that he put there.

“We’re in luck father. I don’t need to take out the items from my space. I would be able to see what the vampire’s items were. One purse contained one hundred gold coins and the other one contained one hundred silver coins. The wand would allow anyone to cast magic missiles. It had around forty charges but there were only fifteen left. The spell book said that it’s a novice spell book that will allow someone with mana to learn the spell Sleep. It would allow the caster to cast the spell to others but attacking them would wake them up. My space also didn’t detect any tracing magic and I’m very sure that it would have if there’s any.”

“That’s a lot of coins! Even me and your mother, after years of doing mercenary work only managed to save ten gold coins at most. Take out the purse with the silver coins and the wand. I’ll keep them and use them for emergencies although I will probably use the silver coins when we’re farther away from here.”

“We’re rich! Can I study the spell book?” Anna asked his father.

After careful thought and due to the fact that its description said that it was a novice spell, basically a beginner spell, Anders allowed his daughter to read the book.

“Will it not cause any issues? I’ve read somewhere in one of the dreams that I had that if a spell book were read by a non-mage there is a possible backlash although from what I remember, the backlash from novice spells would most likely result in headaches only but still…” Anton said.

“Your brother is right Anna. I’m sorry for not being thoughtful enough. We can consult a mage once we arrive in a city. Wait until then and since we earned a lot of gold, we can afford to hire a mage to tutor you.”

Anna was pacified by her father’s promise that they would hire a mage to be her teacher. Anton and his father knew that ever since Anna saw his brother casting spells, they could see her desire to be a mage as well, and the fact that Anton easily dispatched the ghouls as well as a high-ranking undead which was the vampire added greatly to that desire.

Anton handed the purse with the silver coins and the wand to his father.

“Oh, the purse is so pretty!” Anna said when she saw the silver-lined purse.

Anders put the silver coins in his coin pouch and gave the purse with ten silver coins to Anna.

“This is mine?! It has so much money!” Anna exclaimed.

“Yes, it’s yours and you can only use them for emergencies. It’s your responsibility so take care of it and not lose it.”

“don’t show it or wave it around or somebody will steal it,” Anton told his sister.

“Of course not. I’m not a moron,” She retorted.

“How do you use the wand?” Anders asked his son.

“Normally for items like that, you would be able to feel it like a sneeze that was about to happen but can control it,” Anton told his father based on his experience in using his spells in the real world like knowing if anyone was already in range of his Frost Nova spell.

Anders then held the wand then pointed it at the wall.

“Ahh yes, I can feel it. With just a thought I can use the spell in the wand. I even know how many spells it had left and you’re correct, it had fifteen spells left.”

“Can I use it?” Anna asked.

“No, we will only use it for emergencies.”

“Do we need to buy more supplies?” Anton asked his father.

“Yes. At first, I was worried about our finances but because of the funds from that monster we had a lot extra now and the coins were the common ones you can see anywhere so we don’t need to hesitate anymore in using them. We will need to buy more spices, soaps, and additional clothing. Let me handle it so it’ll be faster. You and Anna wait for me here.”

“Father, can you check if you can find me a guitar, and if you do please buy me one if it's not too costly.”

“What’s a guitar?”

Anton was startled when his father asked what a guitar was. He thought he saw the minstrel playing with one last night but maybe they call it something else here.

“It’s the instrument that the minstrel was playing with last night.”

“We will not be able to find one here. We should wait until we’re in the city.”

Anders left and Anton and Anna waited in the room.

“Why do you want a lute?” Anna asked his brother.

“I know how to play an instrument but now I’m not sure after learning that it’s a different instrument.”

“Is it also from your dreams?”

“Yes. How long do you think Father will take with the supply purchase?”

“Around an hour. Why do you ask?

“I want to meditate so I can learn more spells.”

“No don’t. It’s boring with you staring at nothing and me here just waiting. I know! You can write the stories of The Little Match Girl and The Ugly Duckling in my notebook.”

“Fine and I’ll even add more stories if Father hasn’t arrived yet so If I want to meditate you can just read your notebook,” Anton told his sister and Anna cheered when she heard that.

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