My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 14

By the time Anton’s father finished cutting up the body of the bear so he could lift it and put it in his inventory, Anton was told by Anders that it was already noon, so they decided to return home.

Before they reached their house, both father and son could smell the food that was being cooked by Anna. The fact that the surrounding area was filled with the cooking smell meant that she had cooked a lot of food.

When they entered the door, Anna greeted them.

“You’re back! How was the hunt?” Anton’s sister asked.

“We’re successful. We hunted a hare, five deer, and a bear. We also managed to fill a couple of sacks with berries,” Anders answered his daughter.

Anna served his father and his brother their lunch. While they were eating Anna asked if they would continue hunting in the afternoon.

“That was the plan, but I changed my mind. I will butcher the bear and sell the skin in the village to see if we can get a few coins for it. It would be cheaper compared to regular times, but we will need the funds. “

“Are you going to help Father in butchering the bear? You will need to learn how to do it,” Anna told Anton.

“I think It would be best if I go back to meditating. I will need to increase my power and learn more spells,” Anton was glad that he had an excuse to avoid butchering the animals.

Anders and Anna laughed which indicated that they knew that Anton was just avoiding getting near the animal corpses.

After lunch, Anton brought the corpses of the animals to the back where his father usually handles things related to dead animals. At first, he thought that Anders would ask him to bring out the corpses one by one, but he told Anton to bring out all the animals. He suggested to his father to do it one by one to avoid any decay, but Anders told him that he would be fast enough to handle the meat. He just shrugged and brought out the bear, the five deer, and the hare.

Anders already prepared the barrels and boxes where he would store the meat. He left his father to where he was and went inside the house to continue playing the game to level up his character. He couldn't wait to get more spells.

He sat down in front of the fireplace and maximized his game. Before he started, he saw a flashing envelope icon at the lower left corner of his view and when he mentally clicked on it, a message appeared.

“New week will arrive tomorrow and resetting of stats and skills will refresh. Please remember that the reset options do not stack.”

Anton read the message and closed it. It was a bit difficult playing the game with his skill points spread all over the place. Yes, he needed them so he could have more spells in the real world but for leveling up, it was difficult. Now since the new week, meaning a new reset option would come within a few hours, he thought that he could reset his skills to specialized like putting them all in Charged Bolt. He was worried for a bit about needing some of the other spells but then again, he would only need to wait a few hours before he could have them again, so he decided to do it.

The important thing was to level up his character fast and then reset his spells again to get all the spells he wanted to have in real life before they left the farm. So, without further ado, Anton did just that.

He was level nine now so when he clicked the reset option it asked him if he would like to reset his stats and skill tree or just the stats or just his skill tree. One good thing that he saw on the message page there was a note below that once he turned eighteen, he would earn the missing three stat points because he was a teenager. He chose the option just to reset his skill tree then put one skill point to Warmth for the mana recovery and dumped eight skill points to Charged Bolt. Having a staff with plus three to Charged Bolt would also help a lot since he luckily found the staff in Akara’s shop and purchased it. Now he had thirty-two thousand and some change of gold left. He had been diligent in getting what he thought were the valuable items that he could sell in so much that he wasted a lot of time and town portals to transport them back to the Rogue Encampment.

Anton started playing and the difference was huge. He was decimating the monsters, and the rogue mercenary was actually helpful. He remembered that when he was playing before in his previous world he always increased the game difficulty using the console command but playing the game normally was a breeze. A single cast of a level eight Charged Bolt just destroyed everything, and the rogue mercenary actually killed enemies.

Clearing out the Stony Field and Dark Wood and then getting the scroll from the Tree of Inifuss to rescue Cain from Tristram and then clearing out Black Marsh without touching the Forgotten Tower leveled him up to level thirteen. It helped that he even tackled the mostly untouched zone like the Hole or the Cave. He didn’t touch Forgotten Tower since he knew that he would spend an ungodly amount of time in that zone to hunt runes.

Dumping most of his skill points to Charged Bolt really helped a lot, but he will still reset his skills once midnight comes. The situation was dire and there was a possibility that he and his family would need to leave before the three days allotted time. He would need to practice the spells that he would learn like Fire Ball, Lightning, or Nova to make sure that he would be able to manipulate the mana needed to fully utilize and understand the spells for hours. That was the main reason he needed to reset his skill tree back once the reset option was available.

Even now, Anton was still worried about having no other spell than Charged Bolt still he needed to do it and he thought that they still had time.

Anders called him after around two hours to tell him that the meat was already in their storage boxes or barrels ready to be stored so Anton minimized the game and went to gather the items and stored them in his inventory. His father asked him to leave the bear skin and the deerskins since he would leave for the village to sell them.

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