My Enigmatic Life

Volume Five, Chapter One:

         Hullo, it's me, Daisuke. Right now, I'm walking home from school with my mates as per usual, chatting away when Takai changes the subject.

"It's strange to think that we'll be graduating soon. I mean, I knew it was coming, but it still feels weird, y'know?"

Oh, yeah. I almost forgot about that. I mean, with all that's happened in my life recently, I can't really blame myself for that.

"Yeah, I know!", Naoya nods. "I was wondering about what job I would have to take."

Gege snorts loudly.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore.."

"Yeah, no kidding..."

"I have to say.", I interject. "Naoya, I'm surprised to see how much you improved during the tests. You made it to the top forty this time."

"I was really proud of you. You did great."

Akai smiles at Naoya charmingly as he showers him with praise. Naoya however, seems a bit affronted. 

"Oi, oi. Why are you two making it seem like I'm a remedial, huh? I'm not that bad."

"And yet, you're still not on our level.", Takai sneers.

Naoya was about to make a scatching retort, but-

"Well, well, look at this. Some Nishi No Oka bastards."

Ugh. What now?

"Oh, it's our fated rivals, boys.", Naoya says with a smirk. "Kita No Oka."

Kita No Oka. Translated, it simply means North Hill. And just as Naoya said, our schools have been rivals since their inception over a century ago. From academia to athelics, there's always been a fierce competition between us. But, the fiercest and most heated part of our rivalry is without a doubt-

"You losers got lucky last month with that win! Don't let it get to your heads, 'kay?"

Takai laughs loudly at the North Hill bloke's statment.

"Haha! Lucky? We smoked you weaklings five to three, remember?"

"How the hell is that smoking, shorty?!"

The scruffy looking member of their group bristles at Takai's uppity reply.

"Oh, it's you! You're the one who made that really bad throwing error!"

Takai apparently recognises him. Naoya points his finger at him in realisation.

"That's right!", he clamours. "Boy are you stupid, man. Couldn't you tell that Isshiki had an easy in-field single? You should've put it in your pocket, you idiot."

While Naoya and Takai oh so gracefully stoke the flames, the tallest of the North Hill scoffs

"Che! You two sure can talk smack for someone who had a losing record against us."

"I mean we are squared up at 1000-1000 or whatever it is now, aren't we? It really shows the futility of it all, I guess.."

Gege tries to come of as philosophical, but his usual slovenly way of speaking makes him seem apatheic to the situation. Which only further incense the blokes from North Hill. Akai nudges me with his shoulder.

"Daisuke, do something."

He must be joking.

"Me? What can I do?"

"Try to quell the situation!", he says in a panicked whisper. "Please, I don't want to get in trouble!"

I sigh inwardly. I know how his parents can be at times, especially Mr.Chikara. So for Akai's sake, I'll give it a go.

Besides, I'm not interested in any trouble either, if I'm honest.

"Alright, everyone, let's just settle down.", I say in my most soothing voice. "After all, it's only a game we're talking about, right? We should try to be gentlemen and go about our merry way, don't you think?"

There's a slight pause. Did it work? Will we actually get out of this without any head-ache?

"You! You're that damn foreigner third baseman who hit walk-offs against us in back-to-back games! We have it out for you, outsider!"

Of course it didn't work. Maybe I ought to take some lessons..

"Well, if you got a grudge against us, let's settle it here!"

"Yeah, bring it on!"

Naoya and Takai are rearing to go as per usual. 

"Please don't let dad find out about this... Please..."

Akai looks like he's fighting back tears, and Gege simply yawns. I guess they've accepted the situation.

Hooray. Another fight. I can barely contain my enthusiasm.

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