My different world is game mode

Important notice!

Still a reminder, there will still be major changes in the content of the next volume.

Although it is centered on adventure and story, it will not be about defeating powerful enemies as before.

Maybe a bit like a superpower detective story?

In short, be careful before subscribing!

Then there is a small summary.

According to the relatively cool way of writing online articles, the story of the courtyard in the forest should end with Lindsay taking action and killing the villain directly.

This ending should be the same as Montenegro.

However, this book is mainly about practicing writing. After thinking carefully about the story itself, I think I still need to give it a try.

Villains like organizers who don't care about others and only care about themselves.

It seems more appropriate to end up suffering consequences for this kind of behavior.

Readers who expect the protagonist to show off his power may be very disappointed. I'm really sorry about this.

The essence of coolness is not inconsistent with a good story.

But the difficulty of integrating it perfectly is not something I can master yet.


I, this stupid coding machine, tried my best to write it, but unfortunately my ability was insufficient.

I hope that one day I can better describe this kind of plot.

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