My different world is game mode

Chapter 7 The old woman in the snow

In the forest where heavy snow falls.

Lindsay ran wildly, frequently weaving in and out of trees.

One second he was behind a birch tree, and a few seconds later he was in front of another tree similar to a maple.

Lindsay chose such a strenuous run.

The purpose is naturally to avoid the dangerous ice picks shot from behind.

The effect of doing this is about every fifteen seconds. He then heard a popping sound from the trees next to him, and it was obvious that the ice pick had made a notch.

Just take a step slowly.

This notch will not appear on the tree trunk, but will bloom on Lindsay's body!

Lindsay looked at her dashboard.

Under the physical attribute, there is a yellow bar that means physical strength, which is consumed more than ten times faster than when jogging!

At this moment, Lindsay thanked the efforts of his human ancestors, which gave him outstanding endurance among animals.

Otherwise, if he continues to consume like this, he will no longer have the strength to run!

After a few minutes, Lindsay had a rough idea of ​​the situation.

This monster was faster than him at first.

In the first ten seconds, the distance between one person and one beast went from more than twenty meters to less than ten meters.

But start here.

The speed of Warcraft dropped to the same level as Lindsay, or even slightly behind.

However, Lindsay frowned because he had no time to expand his weak advantage bit by bit and finally get rid of the opponent.

It's not clear yet physically.

But in just a few minutes, the endurance value on the status bar dropped by one-third!

The remaining endurance could not guarantee him to get rid of this monster.

Being caught up.

One ice pick is the end result of ten deaths and no life!

Lindsay can bet her life on her own efforts, but she cannot trust the endurance of an unknown monster!

In times of crisis, change is expected.

In the race for life, Lindsay began to think about her own survival.

In the winter when food is scarce, beasts may not give up their fat.

Since running away can't solve the problem, we can only find a way to solve the source of the problem.

Lindsay's eyes immediately calmed down, and murderous intent emerged.

At this time, he remembered a Sherlock Holmes-themed game he had played, in which the great detective had encountered a similar situation and was chased in the wild by a hunter with a gun.

Isn't this a treat when I am being chased by a monster that shoots ice picks?

Games are games.

But some of these experiences are definitely useful.

During the subsequent escape process, Lindsay began to avoid the bushes as much as possible.

Because this thing will seriously hinder humans walking upright, but it will have less impact on monsters lying on all fours.

In contrast, if she encounters a trail near a rock, Lindsay dives into it without hesitation.

In this kind of terrain, he can use his palms to gain strength.

Moreover, stones and trees are the best shields to protect the body.

Warcraft's ice pick did not have the ability to penetrate these things and then harm Lindsay.

At the same time, it is due to the cautious nature of Warcraft.

This monster cannot see Lindsay around the corner and will slow down cautiously. This gave Lindsay, who was behind the corner, a chance to stop briefly.

It doesn’t take much, just a few seconds.

The long yellow bar symbolizing physical strength on the panel will grow longer, and Lindsay can continue to maintain his escape.

The longer it takes, the better chance he has of finding a solution to the problem.

After chasing like this for a while, the monster behind realized that Lindsay had no ability to resist, so he stopped cowering around corners and other places.

It's like a great athlete.

Start sprinting at the last minute, ready to put the precious winter food in your mouth.

But luckily, Lindsay seems to be a good hunter!

His breathing had hitched between chases.

But this bold plan to risk his life finally received a response at this moment.

In front of the escape route, Lindsay saw a large slanted bluestone exposed on the surface. Covered by white snow, the surrounding area was covered with moss and weeds.

What’s even better!

Through the tilt of the stone, Lindsay saw a dense bush growing beneath the stone.

Large rocks form the slope.

There are overgrown snowflakes and moss, and you can slide all the way to the bottom.

The two formed a natural trap, and the bushes below were Lindsay's last hope for survival.

In an instant, Lindsay organized a plan in her head.

So he changed direction without hesitation and rushed directly to the big bluestone.


Sure enough, the stone was extremely slippery.

Lindsay stepped up and fell down along the angle of the boulder in the next second. However, he was prepared and worked hard to control his body, so he was only scratched by the bushes and was not in danger of life.

There was no time to cry or complain.

He endured the pain and immediately took action, trying his best to break off a hard enough bush branch, then put one end against the ground and the sharper end toward the top of the slope.

Lindsay held the branch tightly, allowing her to control the direction of its tip.

This fight determines life and death!


Sure enough, the monster, which felt confident in winning, pursued him without hesitation.

The place where Lindsay's foot slid down was even slipperier than at the beginning. Even though the Warcraft moved quickly, it could not stop the sudden slide and fall.

And what's behind it is a sharp wooden tip!


The magic beast that slipped down was immediately penetrated by the 'short spear' raised by Lindsay.

However, the remaining force of the fall was not dissipated. The man and the beast collided with each other in the next second, and then rolled into the bushes.

Click! Click!

There was a noise in the bushes.

After a few seconds, the body of the last monster was pushed aside, and Lindsay, whose body was scratched by the bushes, crawled out.

"Cough, cough!"

Lindsay coughed tiredly.

Excessive physical exertion made his chest feel hot and painful.

But a strong emotion was also brewing in the pain, making him want to laugh out loud.

But Lindsay didn't do that.

He didn't want to provoke other 'little animals' with his laughter, so his smile turned into a sharp kick, kicking the monster he killed aside, revealing the red spots under the bushes.


Lindsay recognized the wild berries, which were edible and had good nutritional value.

Lindsay, who was already exhausted, immediately grabbed a handful, and the sweet and sour juice filled his taste buds.

"Is this a reward for killing the enemy? It tastes really good."

Lindsay sat miserably on the ground, enjoying the fruits of her victory.

Then I didn't dare to delay any longer.

He quickly crawled out of the bushes, pulled out the thorns on his body, then reoriented himself and limped toward the west.

The battle with the monsters severely consumed his physical strength.

If it weren't for the handful of berries that gave him strength, he wouldn't even have the strength to brush the snow off his head under the heavy snow.

Gradually, Lindsay's body temperature began to drop helplessly, and her perception of time became somewhat numb.

Lindsay looked at the stamina bar on her data panel.

The rhythm of the long yellow bar rising and falling seemed to be the last pulse of his life.

I don’t know how long it has been.

Finally, Lindsay saw where the smoke was coming from.

It was a clean and tidy town with a large area!

On Lindsay's panel at the moment. In the humanoid pattern that symbolizes him, the soles of his feet have turned yellow and are marked with the word frostbite.

But Lindsay doesn't care about that anymore.

Because right in front of him was a cemetery on the outermost side of the town.

He gathered his strength and came to a small white church in front of the cemetery.

He plopped down at the door of the church and knocked on the door with all his strength.

Bang bang bang——

The movement drained his strength.

Lindsay calmed down and waited for the endurance bar to rise again before continuing to shout:

"Is there anyone? Help!"


The door didn't open.

But Lindsay heard the crunch of snow coming from the cemetery to the left of the church.

He was excited and stared over there.

The next second, under the flying snow.

A dark figure stepped out from behind the blue-gray wall on the side.

This is an old woman wearing a dark black monk's robe. Her wrinkled face shows confusion about Lindsay's presence here. The thick snow turned her shoulders white, and her stumbling steps were even slower than Lindsay's weak breathing.

But this did not prevent the old woman from walking up to Lindsay.

She walked out of the cemetery, which symbolized death, and stared at Lindsay who was sitting by the door with her dark and turbid eyes.

The old woman stood between the white snow and Lindsay.

Finally, she tremblingly opened the wooden door of the church and extended a dry but symbolic helping hand of hope to Lindsay.

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