My different world is game mode

Chapter 412 Storm

"Manda, you stay on the deck."

"All passengers and ordinary sailors are asked to return to the cabin immediately and do not remain on the deck."

"The storm is coming!"

On the deck, the sailors of the fishing boat were in a hurry and rushed to tell each other.

The dark clouds appearing on the horizon announced the coming of heavy rain.

In the core territory of the Seven Seas Alliance, this is a rare event that is extremely difficult to encounter.

Even if there are seamen towing the boats so that they are not afraid of the oncoming storm, the deck is definitely not a safe place.

Many people followed the command and took refuge inside the cabin.

However, there were still some people who were unwilling to leave. They even cursed at the sailors who came forward to remind them:

"Look ahead, it's a storm at sea!"

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime scene. I must record this scene on my drawing board."

The sailor stepped forward to stop him and reminded:

"Sir, you can't..."

"Let me go, that's exactly what I need!"

"I'm leaving this storm to my craft!"

The painter flicked his hand with one hand, and a piece of paint flew out of the pen tip in his hand, knocking the sailor to the ground.

He cursed angrily:

"You vulgar thing! You can't appreciate the preciousness of things!"

The painter stopped paying attention to the sailor lying on the deck.

He dragged his drawing board and walked forward, with feverish eyes, intending to welcome the arrival of the storm as soon as possible.

"Storm! Let the storm come more violently!"


Lindsay knocked the guy unconscious and helped the sailor who fell on the deck up.

Amidst the continuous thanks from the sailors, Lindsay threw the painter directly into the cabin, and then walked down with Wala Wala beside him.

He asked alertly:

"Wala Walla, in order to pursue so-called art, no one of these artists will deliberately destroy the ship, right?"

As a result, the girl nodded immediately:

"Your guess is really accurate!"

"Some people who pursue bitterness, tragedy, or cruel beauty can really do this kind of thing."

Lindsay frowned:

"If this kind of thing happens to ordinary people, how can they resist these awakened ones?"

Wala Wala's eyes darkened:

"There is a saying that the strong should enjoy the power to humiliate the weak."

"But fortunately, there are more normal people in this world, and this is also true among the awakened ones."

"This kind of thing is not allowed in the Seven Seas Alliance. If someone commits such a crime, he will be handed over to the Art Censorship Committee after discovery."

Lindsay asked curiously:

“What about the sentencing standards for this kind of review?”

Wala Wala lowered her head and replied:

"Usually, blood for blood, but sometimes it favors the awakened ones."


The two of them walked quickly towards the cabin.

Vala Vala did not go back to her cabin, but followed Lindsay to Arazon.

They pushed open the door and entered the cabin.

The one-armed painter was leaning against the wall, looking through the porthole at the gradually darkening sky.

The Seven Seas Alliance's fishing boats can handle storms.

But as a passenger, this experience may not be very comfortable.

Arazon saw a man and a woman coming in. They straightened their bodies and sat back on the bed, and their eyes became teasing.

He first raised his one arm to Lindsay:

"Mr. Lindsay, I did not disclose your whereabouts."

Lindsay shook her head slightly:

"Actually it's my fault."

"Escape may be effective for a while, but it cannot really solve the problem."

Lindsay asked Wala Wala to sit down.

The three of them gathered in the cabin. Lindsay took out the fish fillets from her bag to entertain everyone, and at the same time, she also corrected her conversational posture:

"Walawala, we really need to talk."

The girl felt Lindsay's seriousness and said with the same serious attitude:

"Lindsay, just think of it as my obsession!"

"I think - the truth should not be buried!"

"People who have established great achievements have to be timid, silent and hidden, and may even be deceived by treacherous villains to usurp their due reputation and achievements. How can you accept this kind of thing?"


As for the answer on the deck, Wala Wala was a bit unreasonable.

So this is a serious response.

It has indeed touched Lindsay's heart.

After Wala Wala finished speaking, she did not urge Lindsay to give an answer, but took the initiative to sit next to Lindsay:

"I know my behavior is hard for you to accept, but please give me a chance!"

"Whether the sky is torn and the ocean is boiling; or I am going to the end of time and space, to the other side of the Dead Sea. I will use my only sincerity to express my unwillingness to give up!"

The sefirot of Vala Vala contains the power of emotions.

At this moment, the girl's true feelings are revealed.

The other two people in the room could clearly feel that Vala Vala's request was not for the pursuit of fame, fortune or artistic achievement.

She was longing in her heart to make up for some kind of regret that she couldn't ask for.


At this time, Alazon snapped his fingers and tasted Lindsay's fish fillet.

"Speaking of which, I'm a little hungry too."

The one-armed painter was just being polite, trying to lighten the mood in the cabin.

As a result, he tasted the food of the Perfect World in his mouth, and his expression couldn't help but be astonished:

"Oh my god! What kind of fish meat is this? I have never tasted anything like this..."

No, why do I feel food?

Arasorn was about to give a compliment, but he suddenly woke up and quickly changed the topic:

"Speaking of which, I'm also curious."

"Don't young talents like you, Miss Wala Wala, want to pursue the storm outside?"

"I heard it was quite lively on the deck. In the world of the Seven Seas Alliance, creating a successful painting can sell for a good price; and for you personally, you will gain the improvement of your skills."

The storm actually has another meaning to the Seven Seas Alliance.

The stability of this sea is actually the result of being soothed by the artist's music.

Therefore, the storm is not only a rare appearance of weather, but also a symbol of resistance to authority. Such works are especially popular in the Seven Seas Alliance.

Wala Wala looked serious:

"Scenes of storms are indeed rare."

“But the reason I chose to devote myself to art was not to sell my works, but to save myself.”

This answer made Arasorn stunned for a moment:

He finally sighed:

"Compared to those crazy guys on the deck. People like you are more qualified to be called artists."



The atmosphere in the cabin softened slightly.

But outside the porthole, the sky was getting darker.

Heavy rain poured down, and the cabin heaved with the curvature of the sea.

The waves of sound were louder than thunder, covering up all sounds, and continuous raindrops pounded into the room from the porthole window.

"This rain comes at a really bad time..."

Lindsay leaned forward and tried to close the porthole.


The sound of the storm was like thunder, but Lindsay could distinguish a long mournful cry from it.

"This is... the voice of the sea people."

Lindsay immediately knew something was wrong.

Sea people are the only source of power for the ship, and can be said to be the most important thing on the ship.

If you don’t want to drift into the sea or be drowned by violent rain waves, the safety of sea people must be guaranteed!

Lindsay immediately opened the map.

"Is this...dead?"

The marine mark of the tugboat ahead had disappeared at this moment.

And further ahead, in the direction of the storm, there are a bunch of red marks approaching!

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