My different world is game mode

Chapter 398 [Permanent Magnetic Compass]

"The Golden Rule doesn't really just stare at one person and suck it hard, right?"

After leaving the teleportation hall, Lindsay walked alone on the street.

It was already getting late, so instead of finding a hotel to stay immediately, he wandered around the streets of the business district.

Yuanyue City is a commercial city.

After night falls, the business district is also bustling with people and bustling.

Lindsay's expenses for applying for relevant certificates and using the teleportation array totaled about 20 gold coins, and his savings were enough to cover it.

But what I never expected was.

He will meet Elini in the office building next to the teleportation array.

The girl just gave a few instructions, and Lindsay was exempted from the related expenses of using the teleportation array this time.

Lindsay's instincts told him.

This is the Golden Rule at work again.

"Speaking of which, how much money did I make from Elini?"

"Is this considered a soft meal?"

Lindsay thought to herself.

He had just asked a courier to deliver supper to Elini.

Before leaving the garden, Lindsay took advantage of the opportunity to catch a wave fish in the secret place without being disturbed.

After eating these small fish, you can gain two points of agility.

At the same time, he also contributed a piece of equipment to Lindsay.

[Headgear: Mire Catfish Head]

[A headgear made from the head of a quagmire catfish. After wearing it, the user's head will be replaced with a catfish structure; at the same time, the user will gain perfect underwater breathing and swimming abilities. 】

[Rare items with great collection and display value. 】

The catfish hood is a lot of fun to wear.

In addition to becoming less human-like, the head is very elastic and has a bouncy texture when shaken, just like a ball of jelly.

If equipped alternately with the [Black Scale Lizard Dragon Head], it will be enough to scare the beasts in the forest into turning around and running away.

While shopping, Lindsay wandered into a jewelry store in the business district.

"Crown jewel?"

He looked at the luxurious facade and immediately got in.

"Excuse me, do you have any gems for sale?"

"Of course, in addition to gold and silver jewelry and jewelry made by artisans, we also sell rough gemstones. Sir, what type of gemstones do you need?"

"I need gems that are rarer and preferably have been affected by the source of matter."

"I'm sorry. We don't have this kind of top-quality gemstone here for the time being. Maybe you can wait for a week or two or a week... Don't you want to? What about ordinary gemstones? We also have rough stones with good color here, and some that have been polished and carved. ...Sir? Sir! Don’t you want to look at it anymore? Sir?!!!”

Amid the clerk's plea, Lindsay reluctantly walked out of the gem store.

After all, the Garden in the Forest is just a border place.

Building materials and daily necessities are all available here, and the sales are excellent.

But luxury goods like gemstones are relatively rare.

Lindsay continued to wander the streets, two pieces of gear exploring minerals and plants, only scouting out what was found in nature.

No reaction to items that have been collected and held.

He picked and walked quickly in front of each store, reading the identification information one after another.

Two hours later, Lindsay bought two new minerals to make arrows and 5 potted plants to cultivate in her garden.

The dense information even made him a little numb.

Inadvertently, Lindsay saw a very important item. But it’s just like you click too quickly when brushing equipment entries, and you only react after you miss it.

——[Eternal Magnet]


Suddenly Lindsay couldn't walk.

His head turned back, and then his body moved back, leaning towards an inconspicuous roadside stall.

The person setting up the stall is a middle-aged man.

He sat on the ground, spread a red cloth on the street, and sold simple accessories such as jewelry chains at extremely low prices.

The dark brown stone marked with the words "Eternal Magnet" is now strung on a bracelet.

"Boss, how do you sell this bracelet?"


The man looked at Lindsay.

Normally, he would definitely have to be stabbed hard.

But it was getting late now, and he was ready to close the stall and go home, so he quoted a slightly higher price to Lindsay:

"Just give me 10 silver coins."


"no problem."

Lindsay purchased this bracelet with ease beyond her imagination.

He walked forward for a while and took off the bracelet, and the corresponding information was displayed on the dark brown stone.

[Material: Eternal Magnet]

[It has stable and continuous magnetic force. Almost no one has seen the day when its magnetic force disappears; it can be used as a material to make other props. 】

[Rare materials, moderate value. 】

Lindsay made the composition without saying a word.

[Permanent Magnetic Compass], one of the sub-items of [Sky Compass], was held in his hand.

[Props/Materials: Permanent Magnetic Compass]

[When used, the perception is improved, and the current direction can be determined anytime and anywhere, and the effect will hardly be affected by any natural phenomena; it can also be used as a material to make other props. 】

[Ordinary tools, of moderate value. 】

Lindsay smiled with satisfaction.

"This effect is also expected."

"And now we are only one [wind direction] away from the [sky compass]!"


Early the next morning, Lindsay climbed out of the hotel bed.

He took out the ancient scroll in his bag, translated it and read it carefully for a while.

As expected, the content was just a eulogy praising the Divine Court for defeating its enemies, which was neither nutritious nor interesting.

"It's not as good as "The Merchant and the Dragon Maid"... No! It's twenty times more boring than "The Young King's Journey"!

"Should I go to the bookstore in the city to buy some novels to kill time during the trip..."

Even reading ancient scrolls is boring.

Lindsay still studied every day patiently.

After the practice was over, he set off from the hotel and walked to the embassy in Yueyue City.

"There seems to be quite a lot of things today?"

Lindsay thought carefully about the planned schedule.

The purpose of his coming to Yueyue City was to leave here.

But before the real farewell, there is indeed a lot of finishing work to be done. When you open your luggage, you can see the traces of his adventure.

"We need to mail some of the plants collected from the secret realm to Qingqiao. It is best to inform the truth about the garden. After all, Volcano City will develop the place in the future, and it will be bad if it causes trouble."

"And the ring that the adventurer gave me...I'm afraid I don't have time to help him find his relatives, but I can also entrust this to the messenger."

"By the way, I can also ask about Hong."

"Ethan and Nanya's bodies—this will be delivered to the warrior guild in the city."

"After using the teleportation array, the place will change. Do you want to exchange some currency in advance? Do the chambers of commerce in other places do not have the special treatment given by Elini?"


Lindsay breaks down the big and small things.

These commissions.

There are people who are kind to him - and Lindsay wants to reciprocate.

The last murmurs of the deceased - Lindsay also relayed it.

and those who fought together - whose wishes should be properly addressed.

You even have to make a plan for the next journey, which is, after all, a journey to the other side of the world.

Lindsay acted according to the arrangement.

He went out in the morning and entrusted a mission to the embassy, ​​and the professional couriers naturally accepted it.

It's a pity that there is still no red news.

Lindsay left the embassy with disappointment, had a simple lunch, and then went to the warriors' guild to deliver the bodies of the two deceased people, and was immediately thanked repeatedly by the other party.

Finally in the afternoon, Lindsay left the Fighters Guild.

He finally got rid of the guild leader who sent him all the way.

However, after taking just a few steps, he was stopped by a hurried man again.

"Sir, you made an appointment to use the teleportation array yesterday, right?"

The man holds a picture and an envelope in his hands.

He compared the painting with Lindsay's repeatedly. After Lindsay's confirmation, he said breathlessly:

"Mr. Schur asked me to convey this - you are lucky, the teleportation array to White City will be opened tonight."

"As for your review materials, they have also been expedited."

"If you have no other problems in Yueyue City, you can use the teleportation array between seven and eight o'clock tonight!"

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