My different world is game mode

Chapter 388 Tears of the Snow Queen

Kaji the Perceptor was restless.

On his left was Lindsay who led him all the way into Yuanpu from the outside world. He was born in a volcanic city and had unpredictable abilities and skills.

On his right was Kuite, a big businessman from the Hetan Chamber of Commerce and one of the top rulers of the Forest Courtyard.

Just a few minutes ago.

The two men were still fighting in the underground waterway, lowering their voices.

But now, a few minutes later, the two men stood on either side of Kaji, staring at each other.

Since no one spoke, the oppressive atmosphere made it difficult for the perceiver to persist.

The only thing that made Kaji feel more at ease was that after the battle just ended, the two men had signed an offensive and defensive alliance contract.

At least the two sides will not fight again until the plant [Yura Mansoor] is dealt with.


The perceiver coughed twice, feeling a little out of breath.

I had no choice but to muster up the courage and bite the bullet and say:

"Two adults, should we discuss how to deal with this plant now?"

Hearing Kaji break the silence, Kuite, who had a fake smile on her face, nodded and said:

"That's right, we can't just sit here forever."

"Besides us, there is another person in this ruins. We don't know how to reach it. Now we are in a situation where every second counts!"

Lindsay did not comment on this, but simply said directly:

"Before discussing methods, let's exchange information with each other."

Quete had no objections:

"I know that this plant is very sensitive to sound and temperature, and cutting off its stems and leaves will not damage its body."

Lindsay added:

"Ura Mansor's only weakness is the core buried in the rhizome."

Quete asked:

"How do we destroy it - or how do we get past the rhizome and get to the core?"

Without waiting for Lindsay to answer, Quite put forward an idea first:

"While competing with this guy, I found that it seemed to hate cold temperatures, and we might be able to take advantage of this habit."

Lindsay shook her head and rejected:


"Yora Mansoor is just disgusted by hypothermia, not afraid of it."

"This method will instead arouse its ferocity and bring more trouble and danger."

The businessman retorted:

"It's just a plant after all. As long as you use your likes and dislikes properly, I don't think it's a problem."

Lindsay asked:

"So based on your idea, what is the specific plan of action?"

Kuite smiled:

"I have a way to quickly lower the ambient temperature and affect the plant's normal activities."

"When the time comes, with your skills and mine, we can rush in and find out its core, and we can crush it."

"Haha——" Lindsay sneered: "Then what if we rush in and are surrounded by its roots, and are attacked from all directions?"

Quite immediately explained:

"Since this is my plan, I will bear the consequences."

"If I'm really going to fail, I'll just spend money to buy a way out. Is that okay?"

Lindsay shook her head slightly and described her thoughts:

"I think it's more appropriate to exploit biological weaknesses to attack."

“Just like fire—

Even though he is an extraordinary creature, Yura Mansor cannot break away from his essence as a plant, so this method is the most appropriate. "

Quete retorted to this point:

"Then how can you be sure that the flames will not make it more ferocious? Instead, it will attack us?"

Lindsay showed no sign of weakness:

"At least I've tested it, low temperature will definitely not work!"


Lindsay's ideas are entirely the result of his practice.

But Quinte still doubts Lindsay's attitude towards her, so she is unwilling to give up her cryogenic plan.

The two were in a stalemate again.

Kaji, who had watched the entire discussion, could only bite the bullet and speak again:

"Since everyone wants to solve this problem, why can't we work together?"

"Even if we take a step back, we can each implement our own methods, right?"

Lindsay and Quite looked at each other.

If they continue to argue, they may not be able to get results even after a day and a night.

At this moment, Muller Nahun has passed Yura Mansor and successfully made his way to the upper level.

They can't waste time here.

"Then let's each try it out and see whose method works?"

"In short, under the constraints of the contract, killing this plant will be the first priority in all our actions."

Lindsay and Quint agree.

The signed contract has ensured that the two will not attack each other.

As for whether their action plans are right or wrong, they can only be answered by reality.

Lindsay ordered Kaji:

"Kaji, take us there in the direction we heard before."

Kaji quickly replied:

"No problem, I remember that direction clearly!"

The perceiver even felt himself breathing a sigh of relief.

Compared to this ancient plant entrenched in the ruins of the secret realm.

On the contrary, it was the confrontation between Lindsay and Quite that made him feel even more terrifying.

The three of them got back on the road and groped along the waterway.

With Kaji as the perceiver, the team quickly found the correct direction in the waterway.

As a giant plant that can clog a city, Euramansol's huge size is obviously not something that can be accommodated in a small space.

In fact, its root system occupies a large waterway system.

When Lindsay and the others approached, they saw roots as thick as stone pillars, squirming and rubbing on the ground, like giant feet entangled together.

Wherever the roots reach, the ground is extremely dry.

There are still some traces of water on the ground further away.


Lindsay didn't speak, but pointed to the puddle at her feet.

Kuite and Kaji saw the reminder, bypassed these small pitfalls, and continued to approach the past.

The three moved closer to Yura Mansoor.

This crazy plant has an incalculable huge size. The closer you get to the detailed parts, the clearer you can see them.

Countless roots are distributed on its thick rhizome. The brown-red roots are like twisted muscles, and the sense of power is right in front of you!

Huge size, terrifying strength, and activity when squirming.

When human beings see such an existence, they instinctively produce unimaginable oppression.


The three of Lindsay stopped and looked at each other.

If we go further, Yura Mansoor's heat perception should take effect. This is already the limit of what can be approached.

In order to prove the correctness of her point of view, Quinte was the first to react.

He took two gentle steps and walked in front.

Upon seeing this, Lindsay waved Kaji to stop, and the two of them watched Quite continue to approach.

Kuite first used a small amount of money to buy away the impact of her own body temperature.

Then he calmly came to the wriggling roots and took out an ice blue iron kettle from the merchant's space.

The surface of the iron kettle is covered with a light white thermal insulation film, which contains pure white liquid.

——[Tears of the Snow Queen]

This is a strange object that Quite bought at Windmeath Mountain 14 years ago.

The liquid will emit strong cold air, freezing things without damaging the source of life.

In critical moments, the status of the seriously injured can be saved and await rescue.

But at this moment.

This item was taken out by Quite and turned into a weapon against the plants in front of him.

He carefully opened the lid of the iron pot and dropped the [Tears of the Snow Queen] inside to the ground.


The ground was instantly covered with a layer of white frost, and the roots extending out of the waterway also retreated with a 'swish' sound.

Just as Quite thought, the low temperature forced the rhizomes of [Euramansol] to give way.


The big businessman had a proud smile on his face.

But the corners of his mouth just showed a small arc.

The brown-red rhizomes that had just retreated immediately fell into a frenzy. They waved out countless afterimages, tearing apart the air and wreaking havoc back and forth in the dense water channel, making the wall rumble when they hit it.

So much so that the ground in the garden trembled, as if an earthquake had suddenly erupted.

As for Kuite herself, she was also enveloped in it in an instant!

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