My different world is game mode

Chapter 371 Touched Kaji

"Kaji, what did you find?"

The Perceiver's reaction naturally did not escape Lindsay's attention.

He asked, and Kaji immediately turned around and reported to Lindsay in a bitter tone:

"Lord Diavolo, I can still trace the traces of the two of them so far. But... I wonder if it's a coincidence? About a day ago, the scent of another person also appeared from here, and the route The ones above are chasing them!"


"Is there anyone else tracking Muller Nahun and Han Sike?"

Lindsay frowned upon hearing such news.

There are many adventurers activities in the Echo Tunnel, and they have not disappeared so far. It is not impossible that the exploration activities of these people coincidentally overlap with the route of Muller Nahun and others.

But at this time, we face this problem.

Lindsay can't tolerate any sloppiness:

"Kaji, can you confirm the identity of the other party?"

Naturally, the perceiver did not dare to treat Lindsay's request carelessly.

He heard the inquiry, and the next second he concentrated on it, trying to distinguish the smell in the air.

With the support of a large amount of sefirot.

His technique is so perceptive that even the water vapor in the air at different times can be distinguished one by one.

Just under the extreme operation of this skill.

It took Kaji four or five minutes to finally capture a faint scent.

"Horse! It smells like horses!"

The perceiver looked at Lindsay excitedly:

"Sir, I can smell it! There is a bit of horse smell on the other party's clothes. This smell is not left in a short time. This should be a person who has been with horses for a long time!"

Lindsay smiled bitterly and shook her head:

"That's not much of a clue."

Kaji's face froze with excitement, and then became sluggish.

Lindsay is right.

Horses are among the most common mounts in all major worlds.

Even if the forest garden is not suitable for raising horses, immigrants will bring the animals with them. Therefore, both awakened people and ordinary people are likely to have long-term contact with them, let alone judge the other person's profession.

This is indeed not a reliable and effective clue.

Kaji murmured softly:

"I...I've tried my best."

Lindsay knew that she couldn't suppress the opponent blindly, so she patted Kaji on the shoulder comfortingly:

"It's okay, I know you tried your best, just keep walking."

"If you find anything else later, just tell me as soon as possible."


Kaji nodded slightly, and the two continued to follow the scent.

There was no daylight in the dark echoing tunnel.

Even people's sensitivity to time has decreased.

About three or four hours passed, and there was no trace of other adventurers around.

Kaji also followed the smell in the tunnel.

Lindsay was brought to a naturally cracked underground fissure.

It's right here.

For the first time, the Perceiver appeared at a loss.

He tracked the target's scent all the way to here, and there was even a smell left by the target in the air behind him, but right in front of the underground crack in front of him, the smell suddenly disappeared.

It was as if the target he was tracking had penetrated directly into the rocks!

Kaji wailed in his heart - it's okay if you run away, but it will be fatal if I lose you!

The perceiver was extremely frightened.

But after his previous experience, he didn't dare to deceive Lindsay no matter what he said, so he had to bite the bullet and said:


Kaji turned his head and pointed nervously at the underground gap in front of him:

"Their smells..."

"When...he got here, he suddenly disappeared!"

After the perceiver finished speaking, he closed his eyes, fearing that the next step would be the end of his fate.

If you really die here.

I'm afraid no one will even come to collect his body, and he will have to lie in the dark underground forever, rotting with other skeletons!

Kaji was extremely frightened.

But what caught his ears next was not Lindsay's blame or judgment.

"It's okay, it's not your problem."

"They were here and they left some traces that you can't see."



When Kaji opened his eyes, he found that Lindsay was not paying attention to him at all. Instead, his attention was on the surrounding walls.

In fact, in Lindsay's field of vision, there was some faint source of essence remaining at this moment.

After all, Kaji is only a fourth-stage perceiver, and his senses are honed to excellence.

But it is not sensitive to some subtle changes in the essence.

At this moment, Lindsay started the [Puzzle Game] and found traces scattered around.

Especially this seemingly naturally occurring underground crack.

It shines with an extremely sudden light, as if it is the evidence left by the awakened people when they fought or chased before!

"Organizer? Knight of the Law?"

Lindsay murmured under her breath.

Two powerful beings in the seventh stage, either one of them could have caused the scene in front of them.

After Lindsay touched his hand and carefully felt the breath left on the stone wall, a situation appeared that left him speechless.

"Is this... value manipulation by businessmen?"

Lindsay is extremely familiar with this sefirah.

Because not long ago, he had only seen the scene of the battle between the six-stage big businessmen, and the core of the source of matter dropped by the opponent was even lying in the luggage.

Before spending all his money, the craftsmanship of a merchant can be useful in almost every way.

Could this crack be the work of a businessman?

"Is there another businessman who followed Muller Nahun and the others here?"

Thinking of this, Lindsay had a bad feeling in her heart.

He immediately opened the map and saw that there was no living person within a hundred meters. Then he continued to expand the scope of the investigation, and finally Lindsay saw two marks four to five hundred meters underground.

The colors of the markers are one green and one yellow.

There is nothing obtrusive or special about this combination.

But here's the thing.

The two men were located in a cave underground, but the cave itself was completely closed and had no connection with the surrounding tunnels!

"Won't you suffocate yourself to death?"

Lindsay thought about the other person's identity.

Muller Nahuen and I have never met, and the merchants mostly treat him with a hostile attitude.

Then the friendly attitude object will appear here.

The Law Knight who could only be encountered in Cape Lookout City - Han Sike!

At the same time, Kaji also came up and asked Lindsay:

"Lord Diavolo, what are you talking about?"

Lindsay turned her head and looked at the other party steadily.

It wasn't until Kaji was panicking and restless that he took out a [Hardwood Seed] from his bag and handed it to the other party:

"Kaji, take this seed."

"Remember the thorns I dropped over there at Foltz?"

"If you are in danger, just throw this seed to the ground, and it will grow automatically and quickly reproduce the toxin-containing thorns."



The perceiver was speechless for a moment, and the emotions in his heart were filled with emotion.

Obviously, Lindsay's purpose in giving him the seed was to let Kaji hold it for self-protection.

The perceiver is well aware of the relationship between the two.

Being able to have such a good thing in his hands at this moment can only show that Lindsay's view of himself is completely different from the beginning.

Kaji collected the seeds and was excited to express his loyalty to Lindsay.

But didn't wait for him to say anything.

When he saw Lindsay in front of him, he took out a pickaxe out of thin air and handed it straight to him.


Kaji was confused and did not understand the current situation at all.

Lindsay pointed to the ground beneath the two of them and ordered in a calm tone:

"Now take it and start digging down."

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