My brother is an Idol

Chapter 98

Chapter 98: Chapter 98

Chapter 98

Kiwook replied slowly, “I think the advice you are going to give me as your friend is going to be painful… but I also feel like that is the one I need to hear most.”

“Okay, here it is. You need to make amends with your mother. Make peace with her.”

“… I knew I wouldn’t like your advice.”

“The one who got hurt the most from President Shim’s article is your mother.”

“Are you sure?”

“Hyoyoung has you and Hyojun. She also has Jiwoo and me. And don’t forget her parents, who flew back immediately when they heard about this.”


“But your mother has no one. All she has are people who blame her and criticize her.”

“She deserves it…”

“Probably, but don’t you think she needs someone on her side? Someone who can console her?”

“And that person has to be me?”

“Yes. I would like it to be you.”


“For your own good.”

“For me?”

“At the end of the day, she is still your mother. Seeing her in pain, being hurt, being hated… you will get hurt just as much. As your friend, I don’t want you to get hurt. Forgiving is better for your soul than hate, so…”



“I mean it.”

“I know. Anyway, that is my advice to you as your friend.”

“Alright. Let’s hear your advice as a businessman.”

“Stay like a lion.”

“What the heck are you talking about?”

“A lion who hides behind a bush and waits for the right time. You keep eyeing your target, but wait until the perfect time.”

“You… you are planning something, aren’t you?”

“Yup. As a matter of fact, I am on my way to meet with President Kim.”

“Ok, I won’t ask you any more questions. I’m sure you will tell me when you are ready.”


“Then I… I will go and carry out your advice.”

“Alright, good luck. Let’s have a beer together soon.”

Hyunsuk got into a cab while Kiwook walked to the apartment where his mother lived. He took the long way on purpose.

When he arrived, there were reporters surrounding the area. Clearly, they had found out about his mother and where she lived. One of the reporters was already interviewing a neighbor who insisted, “I’m telling you, I don’t know anything! That woman is rarely home anyway. I may be her neighbor, but I rarely see her.”

Kiwook wore his hat to cover as much of his face as possible while standing far away from the crowd so he wasn’t seen. Quietly, he sent a text message to his mother.

-I’m in front of your apartment. We need to talk.

His heart was beating fast and within a few seconds, he got a call.

It was his mother.


When Kiwook answered calmly, she didn’t speak.

“Mom, where are you?”

“I’m at the summer home…”

Her voice was trembling like she was crying. It seemed like she was alone because her background was very quiet.

“Are you alone there?”

“Of course. Who would stay by my side? My husband and the kids went abroad. They said they will be back when things quiet down.”

“Then why didn’t you go with them? Why are you alone in your summer home?”

“… he told me to stay here.”

Kiwook could easily guess who “he” was.

Her husband.

So… his mother wasn’t happy. She didn’t have a loving marriage.

She married for money, but it was clear that she wasn’t treated nicely or with respect in her marriage.

When she needed someone the most, her husband abandoned her.

Kiwook felt awful, and when he sighed, his mother replied in a shuddering voice, “I’m sorry, Kiwook.”

“… Mom.”

“I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.”

“No, it’s not.”

“Yes, it is. I think it has been my fault from the very beginning. I shouldn’t have left you and your father like that. I shouldn’t have approached President Shim like that either many years ago.”


“I was blinded by greed. It’s all my fault.”



“I don’t blame you, Mom. I don’t think it’s your fault either. I mean, there were times when I blamed you, but I know that I can’t… I don’t have the right. I know that. President Shim is at fault, not you, so don’t feel bad.”

“I… am ashamed, Kiwook. To appear like this in front of my son… I am not worthy of you.”

“I’m sure it will all work out. Mom… you just take care of your family. I’m fine.”


“I want you to be happy. I know you worked hard to create your current family, so I really hope you don’t lose it. I… I’m happy as I am right now, so you… you try your best to become happy. That’s the best thing you can do for me.”

“I’m really sorry… I’m so sorry…”



“When things settle down…”


“Let’s have dinner with Hyoyoung.”


“Hyoyoung already knows everything. She… she remembers everything now. I want Hyoyoung to be at peace. I don’t want her to feel hate or disappointment in her childhood or you. And I don’t want you to feel that way either. So I think you two meeting and hashing things out would be good. That’s what I want. I want both you and Hyoyoung to be happy.”

“Alright. Of course. Let’s get dinner some time. I will buy you… actually, I will make you dinner, so when you get a chance, bring Hyoyoung to my summer home. I… I’m pretty sure I will be here for a long time.”

“Alright. Take… care.”

“Ok, Kiwook. Thank you… thank you for calling me.”

“And… I’m sorry I yelled at you at the café.”

“No, you had the right to do that. I understand why you were so angry, so please don’t apologize.”

“Ok. See you later.”

After hanging up, Kiwook felt much better.

He felt like a huge burden had been lifted off his shoulders.


Meanwhile, Hyunsuk was discussing business matters with President Kim in his office. There were two laptops in front of them and they had been talking for the past two hours.

“By the way, Hyunsuk…”

“Yes, President?”

“Are you sure all this is all possible?”


“I… I hear what you are saying… The numbers and the explanations… but I just can’t believe this is possible.”



“The simplified version of this plan is like this. Firstly, Shuineung Group’s Global Entertainment Sector is separate from the main company. Secondly, the Global Entertainment Sector may be separate from the headquarters, but the owner of it is still the CEO of Shuineung Group, CEO Pang. Thirdly, this is still at its beginning stage and doesn’t have any artists or groups yet. The plan is for it to take over existing entertainment agencies from different countries. The company, however, realizes that it would be best for the individual agencies from different countries to be fairly independent in running the business.”

“I see. But the thing I don’t get is… Of all the entertainment agencies in the world, Shuineung wants to buy my company…?”

“Yes. To be specific, Shuineung wants to buy your portion of the company, which is 70%. The rest of it, 30%, belongs to the four members of The M and Hyunsuk’s father, and Shuineung Group is okay to leave that as is.”

“And… I will be paid in cash for my part?”

“Yes. They priced this company’s worth based on The M’s future potential. The potential for the group in Korea as well as globally. They also took into account the potential for the members’ individual careers.”

“And… this number… is what I will be paid?”

“Yes. Why? Do you think it’s too low?”

“No, actually, the number is too high. I’m a bit confused.”

“Hahaha, sir! I told you it’s based on The M’s potential! Do you think so low of us?”

“No, it’s not like that! It’s just… this much money means I would be able to live the rest of my life in comfort… Man, I should be able to buy a few islands with this amount.”

“You took care of us very well, so you deserve it. In truth, I feel bad asking you to sell your company…”

“No, don’t be. This is actually perfect timing for me. A man should know when he should give up.”

“Then…. I will report back to the Shuineung Group.”

Hyunsuk left the office with a smile. His eyes sharpened as he murmured to himself, “Now, let’s see if I can corner President Shim. This should be very interesting.”

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