My brother is an Idol

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

On Jiwoo’s computer screen, there was an article titled, “Purple M Had an Unfortunate Unloved Childhood.”

The article talked about Kiwook’s parents’ divorce and how it negatively affected him. It made Kiwook sound like a jerk who seduced the other member’s little sister. The article said Kiwook was a twisted man who couldn’t control his emotions and also was very obsessive.

It also mentioned that Black M, Hyojun, was a cold man who only cared about success. Blue M, Hyunsuk, was a coward who didn’t do anything to help the other members, and Red M, Jiwoo, was selfish and uncaring.

The article included proof for each claim. There were stories from the members’ childhood and school days. Some were true, while others were ridiculous lies.

“Oh my god. This has to be President Shim. There is no doubt that this is his doing.”

“I agree…”

“By the way… here it says that when Kiwook was little, he ran away from home for a girl… is this true?”

“It says that according to Purple M’s mother, who identified herself as S, she said that Purple M has always been very cold to his own mother… but to a girl he liked, he would do anything including running away from home. What the hell is this? Are they serious?”

“Do you think this is true? I think President Shim must’ve made this up, right?”

“Well, it could be true… I heard that Kiwook’s mom dated President Shim for a while in the past.”

“Oh my god… poor Kiwook.”

“So what should we do about the internet show? What do we say?”

“We will have to explain somehow. By the way, where is Kiwook? Why isn’t he here?”

“Hey! Kiwook!”

“Oh my god. Maybe Kiwook fainted from the shock? Or he is lying down because he is too depressed?”

“Hang on, I will go get him. We need to discuss this.”

Hyunsuk sighed and went into Kiwook’s room, but in a few seconds, he ran out.

“Hey! Kiwook is…”

Hyojun stood up nervously and asked, “What? Did Kiwook do something? What did he do this time?”

Hyunsuk stammered, “No, it’s not… he didn’t do anything… Kiwook… he’s gone!”

Everyone froze, and just then, Hyoyoung came out from her room and asked, “Who… who is gone?”

“Kiwook… he disappeared!”

“What are you talking about, Oppa?”

Hyunsuk explained, “I went into his room to get him, but… he is gone. His bag and all his clothes are gone too!”

Just then!

Hyoyoung’s cellphone rang. There was a text message.

It was from Kiwook.

Hyoyoung whispered, “He said… he is sorry.”

Hyojun grabbed her phone and looked at the message himself. He read it out loud, “I’m sorry, Hyoyoung?”

Hyojun threw the cellphone on the floor and screamed, “What the hell? Is he joking? I’m going to kill that bastard!”

Everyone stood in shock. They couldn’t believe that Kiwook left. At the end of the day, Kiwook was the center of all the rumors, and it was very likely that the public wanted to hear an explanation from Kiwook himself.

But 10 minutes before the online show, he left with a single text that he was sorry.

He left Hyoyoung.

Jiwoo exclaimed, “Wow, this is shocking. This can’t be. Kiwook wouldn’t do this. I can’t believe it.”

“I know. This isn’t like Kiwook at all…”

Jiwoo and Hyunsuk tried to come up with another explanation, but Hyojun said angrily, “What are you talking about? This is very like Kiwook Noh. To leave when he is needed the most… that’s his style. Nothing has changed. He hasn’t changed at all. I told him not to do something like this, yet he did it anyway. This is over, I’m done with him.”

Hyoyoung whispered, “What do you mean? What are you going to do?”

Hyojun replied firmly, “You don’t have to know. That bastard left you. Again. That is enough for me to cut Kiwook out of my life. As your older brother…”


“Go to your room. I will take care of everything. And do not call or text that bastard. If you do, I will shave your head and never let you leave this house. You know I will do it, right? Listen to your brother.”

When Hyojun said that with a determined look, Hyoyoung nodded quietly. Hyojun could be cold to Hyoyoung, but he was rarely this angry and firm. The only other time was when Hyoyoung was in middle school and she tried to go on a date with a high schooler. Hyoyoung knew that although Hyojun acted uninterested most of the time, he always tried his best to take care of her. And so for him to look at her this way right now, she knew that he really meant what he said. It was time for her to listen to him.

Hyojun picked up her cellphone and handed it to her, “Stay in your room.”


After Hyoyoung went into her bedroom, Hyojun turned to Jiwoo and Hyunsuk.

“I think I should be the first one to speak. I think that would be best.”

The two nodded and Hyojun turned on the camera.

“Here we go.”

They wore their masks and stood in front of a white wall. The three of them bowed and greeted their fans.

“Hello. The M here.”

Hyoyoung could hear the guys talking to the fans in the living room outside, but she couldn’t care.

She didn’t even bother listening because all she could think about was Kiwook’s text.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

The sadness overwhelmed her.

‘I wish someone would explain this situation to me.’

She was in such a shock that she started to laugh.

‘Maybe I’ll go insane.’

She sat down on her bed and after a few sad laughs, she started to cry. She tried to stop her tears because she felt that if she cried, it would make everything real. She bit her lips till they bled, and within a few seconds, she was able to calm down.

Hyoyoung logged onto The M’s website to listen to the online show.

‘Why is the wifi so slow?’

When she finally got on, she saw Hyojun talking calmly to the camera.

He said to the fans, “She is my beloved little sister. I had no reason to stop my sister from dating Purple M, but I do apologize for not disclosing this fact.”

The chatroom buzzed with angry comments from the fans. Hyojun could read them, but he remained calm and collected as he continued, “However, their relationship… wasn’t very serious. And now…”

After a deep breath, he continued confidently, “They broke up a long time ago. After they started to date, they quickly realized that they weren’t right for each other, so they broke up.”

It wasn’t just Hyoyoung who was shocked to hear Hyojun’s words. Jiwoo and Hyunsuk also looked at Hyojun in surprise.

Ignoring them, Hyojun continued, “As a member of this group, and as his friend, it is very sad for me to have to say this, but this is also about my own sister. Since it involves my family, I thought it would be best for me to explain this situation. I sincerely hope that people will stop criticizing or hating my little sister. I am the one who allowed them to date, so I am at fault. It was also The M members who decided to keep this a secret, and it was Purple M who acted rashly. So, please…”

Hyoyoung turned off the screen. She didn’t want to hear anymore.

On-screen, Hyojun made it official. Kiwook was no longer with her.

She felt cold.

It was over. This was Hyojun’s way of telling everyone, especially Hyoyoung, that she needed to forget about Kiwook now. He couldn’t be in her life anymore.

It was a warning.

If somehow, they did get back together, it would be a disaster. The fans would get even angrier.

Hyojun made sure there was only one option for Kiwook and Hyoyoung.

They could never be together.

‘Why did he do that…?’

Hyoyoung felt her tears welling up again, so she needed a distraction. She decided to watch the show again, so she tried to log on, but the website was very slow.

Then suddenly, she got a text message.

It was from Kiwook.

She pressed his name to read it and it said…

-I love you.

Three short words.

Hyoyoung could no longer control her tears. She screamed as she threw the phone against the wall, “Then WHY did you leave?!”

She hid under the blanket and started to sob. Hyojun could hear her crying faintly. He took another deep breath and continued, “My sister…”

He stared straight at the camera and emphasized his words.

“My sister is the person I love the most in this world.”

It looked like Hyojun was talking to Kiwook.

He continued, “She is the most important thing in the world to me.”

Meanwhile, Kiwook was standing at a bus station. He was crying as he watched the show on this cellphone.


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