My brother is an Idol

Chapter 79

Chapter 79: Chapter 79
Chapter 79

“What the heck?!”

“How long have you been standing there, Hyoyoung?!”

“Me? Since just after you finished your last song.”

“Wow. How were you able to stand there so quietly?”



They walked upstairs together and Hyoyoung quickly prepared their dinner.

Just like last night, the guys’ plates were bare.

Salad with small pieces of shredded chicken.

The guys sighed loudly. Hyoyoung ignored them and started, “Just be thankful that I added chicken. By the way…”

After a short hesitation, she continued, “I saw Myunghee at school.”


All the guys dropped their forks and stared at her in shock.

“How did she…? Why?”

“Did she… go there because she knew something?”

“Hyoyoung… were you wearing your school uniform that day? When she barged into our agency?”

“No, I was wearing all black that day… Oh!”


“It’s just… I am not sure when I lost it, but I had to replace my school name tag. I’m not sure if I lost it that day, but I thought I had it on my backpack until that day… So maybe…”

“Did your nametag have the name of your school too?”

“No, just the school logo.”

Jiwoo turned to the guys and asked, “Hey guys… Could it be? Is it even possible? Could Myunghee have picked it up and found out about Hyoyoung?”

“It’s totally possible. I mean, Hyoyoung obviously looks like a student, so it wouldn’t have been a hard guess.”

Hyoyoung became upset. She murmured, “Then… what should I do?”

Hyojun said to her calmly, “The concert is coming up soon, so until then, you need to be careful whenever you are outside. Going to and from school, mostly. I will call the school and ask them to be extra cautious about letting strangers into the building.”

“Do you really think they will listen?”

“There are a lot of dangerous incidents that happened recently so I will emphasize the importance of the students’ safety. I will try my best.”

“Why do things keep getting more and more complicated?”

Kiwook tried to make her feel better. He smiled weakly and said to her, “It’s all going to be fine, Hyoyoung. By the way, aren’t you going to eat dinner?”

“I don’t feel like eating anything. I’m going to go rest now.”

She went into her bedroom and the members ate their dinner quietly.

Afterward, Hyunsuk looked up at everyone, “I…”

“Yeah, we know. Go make your calls.”


“Whenever something happens, you go make calls, right? We already know, Hyunsuk, so you don’t have to make an excuse or explain anything to us. Go ahead.”

“Wow, fine. I’ll be back soon.”

“Come down to the basement after you’re done. We can’t just sit around just because we are worried about Myunghee. We still need to practice.”

Kiwook looked at Hyojun nervously before saying, “For me… I will be down in about an hour. I need to rest.”

“Alright. We’ll do our group practice later then.”

Hyojun then looked straight at Kiwook and added, “By the way, Hyoyoung doesn’t like rice soup.”


“If you want to make her something for dinner, make sure you make a meat dish. If you make her a bowl of rice soup, thinking it will be warm and hearty, she will hate you.”


“Get her to eat something and come down. Man, you are the worst dancer in our group, yet you keep missing practice. It’s really annoying, you know.”

Hyojun left the kitchen and Jiwoo followed. Kiwook stayed behind and contemplated.

“Something with meat…”

On their way to the basement, Jiwoo asked Hyojun, “Hey, Hyojun… Are you over her now? Completely?”

“As I said before, I am where I am supposed to be. I will be nearby to help Hyoyoung any way I can. I will do anything she needs me to.”

“Hey, man… then you…”

“That’s just my way.”

“Hmm… I just don’t know.”

“It’s better for you to not know. You have no idea how I feel…”

“Yeah, don’t tell me. I don’t want to think about it.”

“Then stop asking me how I’m doing. Anyway, it is what it is, but if…”

“If what?”

“If Kiwook gives up one more time, I won’t forgive him.”

“What? He gave up before?”

Jiwoo looked confused but Hyojun didn’t explain. Hyojun remembered that day when young Kiwook showed up at his house. When his grandmother showed up, Kiwook convinced Hyoyoung to let his hand go. He left and Hyoyoung watched with tears in her eyes.

Hyojun remembered that sad scene like it happened yesterday. He thought bitterly, ‘He should’ve never let her go. Hyoyoung should’ve lived as his little sister.’

Hyojun closed his eyes tightly.

Meanwhile, Kiwook was still in the kitchen trying his best. He cooked steak and made a bowl of beef soup. Kiwook placed the food on a tray and walked up to Hyoyoung’s room.

He whispered, “Hyo…”

He knocked softly and the door opened. He smiled and said to her, “Here is your dinner, my love.”


Myunghee never showed up at her school again.

Hyoyoung didn’t know what Hyojun said to the school security, but she noticed the police cars patrolling her school more often now. She made sure to go to school earlier and leave later just to be safe.

Preparation for the concert also was going well. Nothing unexpected happened again. It was finally nice and peaceful.

After the trip to Jeju island, Kiwook no longer hid his feelings for Hyoyoung. He frequently made her dinner and fed her in her room. Whenever she couldn’t sleep, he sneaked into her bedroom to comfort her. He also never forgot to sing for her outside her window every night.

And whenever they were alone, he whispered to her, “Hyo…”

He couldn’t stop kissing her. Her eyes, ears, cheeks, and lips… He held her hands constantly and took photos of her all the time.

He tried to spend as much time with her as possible.

Kiwook volunteered to tutor her and helped her with housework. Hyojun glared at him from time to time, but Kiwook never left Hyoyoung’s side.

And as for Hyoyoung, it became routine to help The M members for their concert. She cooked their meals and made helpful suggestions regarding their outfits. She took it upon herself to deliver the custom-made costumes from the private store.

Time went by fast and before long, it was a week before the concert.

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