My brother is an Idol

Chapter 77

Chapter 77: Chapter 77
Chapter 77

Hyoyoung was in her bedroom, sitting on her bed.

She had a lot to think about. She remembered the last few hours of her life.

Her conversation with Mikyung….

Learning how Hyojun had punched Kiwook…

Biting Hyojun’s arm…

The moment she saw Mikyung with Jiwoo, she thought she was going to faint. She was so furious at Jiwoo that if they were alone, she would’ve done a number on his face.

When she learned what Jiwoo told Mikyung… Hyoyoung gaped in shock. She didn’t know what to say or how to react.

He had told Mikyung he was a manager.

A secret manager at that.

How… how could he come up with such an idiotic lie?

And the strangest thing was that Mikyung bought it without question. She firmly believed that Jiwoo was The M’s secret manager. She even told Hyoyoung she now understood why Hyoyoung had to hide it from her. Mikyung promised that from now on, she would help keep this secret from everyone else.

As she watched Mikyung leave, looking happier than she had been in a very long time, Hyoyoung had no more energy to get angry at Jiwoo. She asked him to go home without her so she could spend some time alone in the nearby playground.

Hyoyoung sighed deeply and murmured, “What is happening to my life? I… I really don’t want to go to school tomorrow.”

She buried her face in her pillow, and within a minute, she quickly fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Hyunsuk, Jiwoo, and Hyojun were practicing in Hyoyoung’s castle. They were each wearing their own earphones and dancing in front of the mirror. Jiwoo kept glancing at Hyojun nervously while Hyojun danced like his life depended on it. Hyunsuk, on the other hand, was barely paying attention and continued to answer his frequently ringing phone.

Just then, Kiwook walked into the basement and asked, “Do you guys wanna try the group dance together?”

He looked tired with large dark circles beneath his eyes. Without looking at him, Hyojun replied coldly, “I thought you were going to take a nap.”

“I can’t sleep.”

Hyojun finally glanced at him and took his earphones off. He asked Kiwook, “Were you thinking about that day again?”

When Kiwook nodded quietly, Hyojun murmured, “Idiot.”

Hyojun looked upset. He threw away his earphones and walked towards Kiwook.

“If you were thinking about that stupid day, it must mean that you have too much free time on your hands. Let’s practice.”

Hyojun walked towards the speakers to turn on the music and closed the basement door.

“Let’s do it.”

Hyojun stood in the center. Jiwoo and Hyunsuk grinned and stood beside him.

“Yes! The M is BACK!”

Jiwoo whistled excitedly as the four members started to dance to the music.

After a few hours of practice, the guys collapsed to the floor, sweating heavily. Just then, Hyojun’s phone rang. It was from Hyoyoung.

“Dinner is ready.”

Without waiting for Hyojun to answer, she hung up. The members didn’t know how much time had passed, and when they checked the clock, they realized that they had practiced for five hours.

As they walked upstairs, Jiwoo asked, “Hey, you think Hyoyoung was stressed today too?”

“Probably. Why?”

“Wow, that would mean that she must’ve cooked another amazing meal!”

“Oh, right!”

“I can’t wait!”

The guys remembered the last meal she made for them and swallowed expectantly.

However, when they reached the dining room, they stood frozen in disappointment.

There were four white plates on the table. On each plate, there was a small portion of salad, half a cooked sweet potato, two boiled egg whites, and half a banana. Beside each plate, there was a cup of iced americano.

“What is this?”

“Is this… revenge?”

“Oh, no! This is a nightmare.”

“Umm, Hyoyoung…”

She ignored them and brought out her own bowl. There was bibimbap made with pork belly, boiled egg yolk, rice, and various vegetables. She mixed it well and took a big bite out of it and replied, “I followed the idol diet plan for you guys.”


“You oppas are idols, right? Idols about to hold a concert, no less. That means you guys need to be on strict diets, and I will be very happy to take care of it. From now on, you will only eat super healthy bland food.”

“Hey, but we will be burning a lot of calories practicing our choreographies…”

“But you still can’t gain fat, right? You need to gain muscle, and that is why I made sure you are eating enough proteins. Why are you complaining?”

“Hey, Hyoyoung… this plate of food won’t last us five minutes.”

“Just eat it.”


“Like I said, you guys are idols. You will be performing in front of your fans. Do you really want to appear in front of your fans looking chubby? And there will be cameras, right? They will put at least 10 pounds on you, remember? This is your very first concert… don’t you want to look your best? Then, just bear with it. Stop complaining.”

The guys had no choice now. They remained quiet and started to eat.

Suddenly, Hyunsuk asked Hyoyoung, “Umm, it looks like Kiwook has more food than any of us… am I wrong?”

“I measured everything so that everyone has the exact same amount of food. If you doubt me, you can switch plates.”

“Oh… you measured them? Hyoyoung, you are unnecessarily precise sometimes.”

Hyojun looked at Hyoyoung’s food and complained, “Hey! Do you really have to eat something that good in front of us? Can’t you go somewhere else and eat?”

“Nope. This is my food, and those are yours. Stop drooling over my bowl and just focus on your own plates.”

“Gosh… I can’t believe my own sister is doing this to me.”

“Why don’t you think of it this way? Because I am your sister, I am making you a healthy meal despite the fact that I hate you right now.”


“Whatever. Just eat up, I’m done anyway.”

Hyoyoung burped loudly at the table and returned to her room, leaving the guys speechless. They looked down at their plates, their eyes almost tearing up.

“We better eat slowly so it lasts.”


“After dinner… I don’t think we will be able to practice anymore, right?”

“No way! We will just have to rest.”

“Yes. We will get hungry again immediately if we move. We should just lay down and rest…”

“This reminds me of before.”


Kiwook smiled slowly, and looking at him, Hyojun smiled as well, remembering their trainee days.

“That’s right… we used to eat less than this and practiced for ten hours.”

“I remember. I mean, at least this plate has actual food we can chew on. At that time, we used to drink five cups of water and dance for seven hours. I was trembling so badly.”

Watching Hyojun and Kiwook talking, Jiwoo asked sadly, “What are you guys talking about? That sounds like such a sad story.”

Hyojun replied calmly, “Most idol trainees go through difficult, hungry times like this. Kiwook and I did as well, but only briefly. We were very lucky. We all are very lucky.”

Hyunsuk nodded in agreement.

“You know what? We should practice after dinner.”

Jiwoo looked upset as he replied, “Oh, come on! What’s wrong with you guys!”

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