My brother is an Idol

Chapter 73

Chapter 73: Chapter 73
Chapter 73

Jiwoo didn’t know how to answer regarding the whereabouts of Hyoyoung. While he hesitated, Mikyung suddenly clapped as if she realized something. She seemed very excited.

“Oh, Oppa! Okay, I got it. I understand now.”

Jiwoo looked at her in confusion. He asked, “Huh? I didn’t even say anything, so how would you know?”

“Oh, come on, Oppa. It’s so obvious. You had to send her away for some errands, right? Secret The M stuff. But you had to keep it a secret from Hyoyoung’s brother.”


Jiwoo looked surprised, but Mikyung didn’t noticed. She was in her own little world as she explained, “I mean, a manager’s salary must be meager, but I can imagine you have so much to do… After all, it’s THE M! So you probably have been using Hyoyoung as your assistant for less than minimum wage. And since you are her family, she must’ve been helping you out. Maybe even for free! Of course, Hyojun Oppa wouldn’t like his little sister being used like that… especially since she needs to study for the SAT. So you sent her away on an errand yesterday, didn’t you? What was it for?”

“Oh, umm… It’s something to do with the upcoming concert. I can’t give you the details since it’s a secret.”

“A-ha! Of course! The concert! Then… I’m guessing you sent her to take care of fan stuff out of town… right? I’m close, aren’t I?”


“But… I really think you should’ve told her brother. You shouldn’t keep things like that a secret, especially among family. It can really ruin a relationship.”

“I know… I was wrong.”

“Alright, I got it. Don’t worry about anything, Oppa. I won’t get mad at Hyoyoung. I am, after all, blood type B, which means I am a very loyal person. I will let this incident go. My wish is for you to take very good care of The M oppas. They are my idols.”

“T, thanks, I guess.”

“Gosh, now I understand everything! I feel so much better.”

“Really? I’m glad. You do look much happier than when I first met you, Mikyung.”

“Really? I guess? Yeah, I guess I feel better. And I am so happy! I mean… my best friend’s cousin is The M’s manager! This is the best news I have heard in a very long time. I will take care of Hyoyoung as best as I can, so… could you get me the autographs of The M oppas? Consider it a fair deal.”

“Okay. That shouldn’t be hard.”



“If you can get me to The M members for a photo after the concert… I will protect Hyoyoung with my own life!”

“Well… I will try to make that happen. No, you know what? I will make sure it happens!”

“Yay! You are the best!”

“Now, finish your smoothie, Mikyung.”

Mikyung drank the last bit of her fruit smoothie and looked out the window.

Just then, she exclaimed, “Huh? Hyoyoung Ahn! I see her. She is right over there!”

Mikyung smiled widely and waved. Hyoyoung was walking a little apart from Kiwook when she noticed Mikyung waving at her.

Hyoyoung murmured in shock, “What the hell is this?” She saw that Mikyung was with Jiwoo, and she felt her legs weaken.

Kiwook was about to catch up to her, but Hyoyoung screamed at him, “Don’t come near me!”

Hyoyoung couldn’t let Mikyung see Kiwook.

Mikyung continued to wave at Hyoyoung while Jiwoo stared at her with a nervous, meaningful look. Kiwook saw the whole thing and realized immediately what was happening. He whispered as he walked past Hyoyoung, “I will go home right now. That Jiwoo…. I don’t know what he did, but good luck. That idiot…”

Hyoyoung remained where she was on the street, and Mikyung left the café and walked towards her happily.

“Hey, Hyoyoung.”


“I heard everything from your cousin, so it’s all good.”

“W… what?”

“You have been suffering alone for a long time, haven’t you? Keeping such a big secret by yourself…”

“W-what did you hear?”

“The truth, of course. Your cousin, the manager, told me everything.

“The… manager?”


“I’m home.”

As soon as Kiwook entered the room, he was blinded by pain. It started from his stomach and quickly spread to his spine. Before he could recover, the second punch from Hyojun connected with his chest.

Kiwook collapsed in pain into a kneeling position on the floor. Hyojun, who was standing in front of him, said calmly, “I only punched you twice because I believe in what you told me. You said didn’t do anything, right? You kept Hyoyoung safe? Well be thankful that I believe you, or else there would’ve been many more punches. The first one was for Hyoyoung, and the other was for the long time we have known each other.”

Kiwook closed his eyes, still in agony. He whispered, “The second punch… was not bad.”

“Shut up. If you say anymore, I will punch your mouth.”

Hyojun left Kiwook on the floor and walked into his room, slamming the door behind him.

Hyunsuk came out to the living room and said to Kiwook without sympathy, “Why did you do such a stupid thing?”

“Hyunsuk… you just watched Hyojun attack me? Why didn’t you help me?”

“You just better be thankful that I didn’t HELP Hyojun.”

“So no one… is on my side, I guess.”

“Shut up. You are an idiot.”

“Well, at least Hyojun left my arms and legs alone.”

“He’s not stupid. He knows that you need your limbs for the concert.”

“Such violence… I’m in so much pain.”

“I’m guessing your intestines are going to be bruised. Hyojun put everything into those punches.”

“You… have no idea. I feel like I am bleeding internally.”

“So why did you do it?!”

“You know what? If I can get away with just getting punched twice, I am happy.”

“So it was worth it?”

“Absolutely. It was the best time I have ever had. It was so sweet and romantic…”

“You still haven’t learned your lesson… You need to be punched again I think.”

“No way. My ribs are hurting…”

“Just think of it as a good lesson.”

“Got it.”

“And I do think you got lucky. You deserve more.”

“Oh, come on… by the way, I hope Hyoyoung will be okay. I hope Hyojun is kinder to her.”

“Where is Hyoyoung?”

“Huh? You don’t know? I saw Jiwoo and Mikyung talking at a café just now. They saw Hyoyoung so I think the three must be talking together…”

“…What? Who was with who? … what?”

“Mikyung and Jiwoo.”


“You didn’t know? What the hell is Jiwoo thinking then?”

“I’m going to lose my mind.”

“So Hyojun doesn’t know about this either?”

“How could he? All Hyojun could think about was you and Hyoyoung!”

“Then what is Jiwoo doing?”

Just then, Jiwoo walked in.

“Hey, hey, hey! No talking behind my back! That’s rude. And besides, YOU, Kiwook, are the bad guy here, not me!”

Kiwook yelled at him, “Hey you!”

“Stop! I will explain everything so be patient. By the way, how is it that you are still alive, Kiwook?”


“Doesn’t Hyojun know you are back?”

“He knows.”

“Then how could you still be alive? You should be dead by now. He should’ve killed you!”


“Shut up, man! There are no words you can say that will make this okay. If Hyojun didn’t kill you, I should…”

Just then, Hyunsuk interrupted, “Hyojun already punched him twice, so it’s over. Now, Jiwoo, I think it’s your turn to be beaten…”

“Me? Why? I just cleaned up a very complicated situation…”

“What are you talking about? Why did you meet with Mikyung?”

Suddenly, Hyojun’s room door opened and he came out. His eyes looked grim as he asked, “WHO met with Mikyung?”

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