My brother is an Idol

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Chapter 40
Chapter 40

I truly believed that he could kiss with his fingertips because they were so delicate and gentle.

The way he played the guitar with his fingers made my heart pound so fast that I couldn’t take it. Looking out the window, I saw the tree branches shaking from the wind and it reminded me of how my own heart felt.

The way the branches bent and shook helplessly against the wind… That was how I felt. How my heart reacted to him. Whenever I closed my eyes, I could see him, and whenever my eyes were open, my heart ached for him.

I was afraid he would disappear if I touched him, yet I couldn’t help but want to feel him with my own hands.

Every time the wind blew outside, my heart pounded as well. I just couldn’t help it.

His head was bowed down, revealing his long beautiful neck. He had gorgeous shoulders and long slim arms. He was wearing short sleeves and his skin was so pale that you could see the veins underneath popping whenever his fingers moved to play the guitar.

If my heart continued to pound like this, I was afraid I might die from a heart attack. I also feared that he might be able to hear my heart beating so loudly. How mortifying would that be?

Then suddenly, he looked up.

‘And now, he will open his mouth…’


‘Wow, I guess this is deja vu.’

“Hyoyoung Ahn.”

‘And again, my stupid brother is waking me up from this wonderful dream.’

“Lady Hyoyoung, are you still sleeping? Are you not awake yet?”

‘Hmm…? This is going strangely… what’s happening?’

“Open your eyes, Hyoyoung.”

‘Huh? This isn’t my brother’s voice…?’

Hyoyoung thought she was dreaming, but slowly, she began to realize that something wasn’t right.

Slowly, she opened her eyes.

She was in her own room.

On her own bed.

‘Wait a minute… Didn’t I go to the bathhouse with Jiwoo Oppa just now? I fell asleep on his arm… and then…’

“Come on, snap out of it!”


Hyoyoung finally sat up with a scream. Standing next to her bed were the four members of The M. They were looking and laughing at her.

Hyoyoung asked in confusion, “What the heck! Where am I? Wait, this is my room! Why am I here?! How did I get here?”

Jiwoo patted her shoulder gently and replied, “You need to go on a diet. You have to! Do you know how heavy you are?! I had to carry you and it was crazy hard! You totally fell asleep at the bathhouse. It was like you lost consciousness because no matter how hard I tried to wake you, you just kept sleeping. Wow. So I had to ask the ladies who worked there to change you into your own clothes. Even then, you wouldn’t wake up? What the heck?! Afterward, I carried you home. And like I said, YOU ARE SO HEAVY!”

Hyunsuk added, “And in the middle of the night, you started screaming for a lullaby! While still asleep! We thought you had to be sleepwalking. Well, more like sleep-screaming, I guess.”

Jiwoo continued, “So Kiwook started playing his guitar and sang you a lullaby… and you know what? You stopped screaming. You quieted down right away!”

Hyojun accused her, “You did it on purpose, didn’t you? I bet you were awake the whole time. You did it to get back at us.”

When the guys surrounded her and explained what had happened, Hyoyoung started to vaguely remember. She dimly remembered someone changing her clothes. She also recalled Jiwoo swearing in English while carrying her on his back.

Unfortunately, she also remembered screaming and demanding a lullaby. She was half-asleep, and she distantly recalled how she asked for a serenade as a show of love.

It felt like a dream, but Hyoyoung knew it wasn’t.

She was so tired that she was deep asleep and so last night, she had difficulty telling between a dream and reality.

Hyoyoung was mortified. She wanted to escape this situation, but all she could do was to close her eyes and wish it all away.

“Oh, she remembers now. Look at how her face is turning red.”

Hyojun grinned and walked out of the room. In the living room, he raised his voice and added, “Just in case you don’t know, it’s Saturday today so you don’t have to go to school.”

Hyoyoung was about to get out of her bed to get ready for school, but when she heard Hyojun, she put her leg back into her bed.

‘Gosh, it’s like he can read my mind! He’s so annoying.’

The other members smiled and walked out of her room one by one.

Except for Kiwook.

Hyoyoung got out of her bed and sat in front of him. She asked, “Last night, what happened with my brother?”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“But you guys were fighting…”

“We weren’t fighting because we hated each other. We fought because we care about each other, so it’s ok.”

“So you guys made up?”

“Hmm… yeah, but just about that particular situation.”

“What do you mean?”

“We came to an understanding about what happened last night, but the bigger issue is something else as you know. The original source of our tension… that’s a much bigger problem. And we also have some things we need to deal with on our own. It’s just too complicated at this point.”

Hyoyoung nodded in agreement, which made Kiwook grin. He asked, “By the way, isn’t there something you’re forgetting?”

“Hmm? What? What am I forgetting?”

Hyoyoung panicked and tried to remember, but no matter how hard she tried, nothing came to her mind. It seemed, however, that Kiwook knew something, and suddenly, Hyoyoung realized that this might be her chance.

Her chance to show him how she felt.

After a brief hesitation, she took a deep breath and leaned forward.


Hyoyoung kissed his cheek quickly, and feeling embarrassed, she returned to her bed. Staring at her, Kiwook burst into happy laughter.

“You get me all hot and bothered with a kiss, then you jump into your bed? Are you trying to seduce me? There are many eyes watching us here, do you still want to do this?”

“S-seduce you? No! That wasn’t what I was doing! You said I forgot something, so I thought…”

“Oh, but I meant this.”

To her shock, Kiwook held up her cell phone.

It was the one she left in the practice room at the agency last night.


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