My brother is an Idol

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Chapter 34
Chapter 34

Hyoyoung picked up his pants and hesitated, making Kiwook grin. He got closer to her and whispered, “I don’t think we’re quite there yet. Don’t worry, if I do it slowly, I can put on the pants myself. Thanks for helping me with my shirt.”

Hyoyoung felt even more embarrassed. She handed him his pants and left the room.

Even when alone, she couldn’t stop thinking about his body. She murmured, “Oh my… this is bad. My imagination is going wild.”

Hyoyoung shook her head to clear it. She stretched loudly and changed into a pair of black leggings, a black hoodie, a black hat, and a black scarf.

She wore her dark outfit like she was going into a battle.

‘That’s right. Today is the first day of this war. Let’s win this, Hyoyoung Ahn. Let’s do this, Hyoyoung Ahn!’

Even her socks were black. She wore her sunglasses and walked outside.

Jiwoo was standing in front of her door, when Hyoyoung all in black suddenly walked out, he screamed, “AAAHHHHHH!”

He seemed genuinely shocked.

“Oh my god! I thought you were a ghost!”

Hyoyoung looked at him in annoyance and replied, “How can a ghost be this beautiful?”

Jiwoo grinned and followed her.

“Hey, Hyoyoung, what are you trying to achieve with this look?”

“I am trying to make sure that no one can see me.”

“Oh, I see. Yeah, I get it. No one will be able to recognize you.”

“By the way, are we going to that practice room? The one that says it’s a loan office?”

“Oh, no. For the show, we always do it at the agency, there is a practice room in the building. The practice room in the ‘Loan office’ building is just for us. Kinda like our own secret private place.”

“Umm… that means there could be reporters and paparazzi around the agency? If I go in that van with you guys the reporters might see me? See the van too and figure out that it’s The M’s?”

“Huh… we didn’t think of that. Wait a moment. Hey, Hyojun!?”

When Hyojun was told of this problem, he seemed surprised. It was shocking that none of the members thought of this possibility.

“What should we do…?”

“If we go in with our masks on and the reporters see us, they’ll know…”

“And they’ll follow the van.”

“That would be disastrous.”

They had to leave within 30 minutes and the members looked at each other worriedly.

Then suddenly, Hyoyoung stood up.

“I have an idea.”

The guys stared expectantly. They now looked to Hyoyoung for solutions to all of their problems.

Hyoyoung explained, “First, we drive in our van and park it somewhere near the agency. Not too close, but not too far. You guys then go to a deserted area, call a cab, put on your masks, then take that cab to the agency. I will take a separate cab and meet you inside the building. I will also bring a change of clothes. After the show, you will all change into different outfits, take your masks off, and leave through the back door like you are office workers. We will then regroup where the van is parked and drive home together. How’s that?”

When Hyoyoung was finished, Jiwoo stood up and started to clap with respect.

“Brilliant. So clever. Wow, Hyoyoung, you should go to Harvard. You are a genius.”

Hyojun nodded in agreement.

“I guess that’s the best option for now. The only thing is that we will have to be very careful when we leave the agency after the show. But how will you get to where the van is parked, Hyoyoung?”

“I will just take a separate cab to the place. All I need is for you to tell me how to get into the practice room in the agency building.”

Hyojun took out a key card and handed it to her.

“Take mine. I don’t need it since I will be going with these guys. You can enter the building through the basement entrance — there shouldn’t be any reporters there. Most of them wait at the front entrance.”

Before they left, Hyoyoung went over the plan, step by step, again with the guys. Afterward, Hyoyoung went back to her room.

‘I’m going to need a huge bag.’

She found a black backpack and went into each member’s room. She picked out their regular worn-looking clothes and shoes. As she packed them, Hyoyoung thought to herself, ‘It’s a good thing that I am a nice person. If I wasn’t, I would make an excellent criminal.’

Hyoyoung was impressed with herself for her thoroughness, but when she walked out, the four members saw her and burst into laughter.

“Hyoyoung, you look like a burglar!”

Kiwook was laughing so hard, he grabbed his stomach in pain. Hyoyoung turned around to look at herself in the mirror, and when she did, she grinned as well.

She was in all black, and the only parts of her that were visible were her hands and her nose.

Hyunsuk said to her with a smile, “We may get caught and our identities may get revealed, but I think you will be fine, Hyoyoung.”

The other members nodded in agreement.

The M members and Hyoyoung got into the van and from then on, everything worked out according to Hyoyoung’s plan.

They drove to a deserted parking lot and parked their car. When there was no one around, the guys put on their masks and called a cab. Thankfully, the middle-aged taxi driver didn’t know who The M was. He only seemed curious to see four young men in masks, but he didn’t say a word about it. He must’ve thought they were just a bunch of strange teenagers.

Hyojun decided to be dropped off about 50 m away from the agency building. He wanted to meet with as few fans as possible as they walked to the building. He was also worried that if the reporters got a hold of the taxi driver, they might find out where the van was parked.

To Hyojun’s relief, the driver left immediately after dropping them off and the four of them didn’t meet many people on their way to the building. The reporters who were waiting in front of the parking gate because they thought The M would show up in a car were shocked to see the members on their own walking in.

The guys greeted the fans and when asked for an interview, the members politely declined and requested that the reporters watch the live show instead. When they finally entered the building, everyone sighed in relief.

Kiwook looked around and asked, “So, where is Hyoyoung?”

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