My 3rd Return: Archercaster's Birth

Ping Terror

Before I could fully process her words, I was instantly transported to a completely different realm. My feet landed on jingling objects that sounded pleasant to the ears, coin-shaped. I was standing on top of a mountain of shimmering golds. Surrounding me was a wealth of worldly treasures that refreshed my eyes.

"What the hell?! Are you trying to bribe me with all this? Do-don't underestimate my beliefs," I exclaimed, taken aback by the sudden change of scenery.

"His wisdom descended upon us both. Through your efforts, you will be allowed to advance and challenge The Fifth Breaker."

Oh, I see. This is just like a reward obtained after defeating a raid boss. But on this scale, it might be more appropriate to say it's a full raid boss. It's getting further away from my reach now. It's understandable, considering how this angel girl referred to "The Fifth Breaker."

It seems like I've entered a dungeon that is connected to a boss for a Level Break. The Fifth Breaker can only be reached by players at level 500, which no one has reached yet. From what I've heard, only a handful of players managed to surpass Level Break 400, The Fourth, so it can be concluded that this difficulty is currently out of my reach.

"For your achievement, O young one, you will be rewarded as the one who has completed this challenge."

[!] Ping!

▻ Continue the battle against "The Fifth Breaker"


Heh, so it really is just that. Is this a difficult choice? I asked myself and let out a long sigh. With all the wealth I see here, I can certainly ensure the financial stability of my character until level 400 or even 500. That's why I have made my choice from the beginning. A choice without hesitation or regret.

I place my index finger right in front of my choice.

▻ Retreat

The floating-window-notification disappeared in that instant.

Let's assume that I miraculously defeat this final boss and obtain all these rewards. What remains for me? Nothing. I didn't play this game for the third time just for luxury. Acquiring wealth cannot compare to the moments when my comrades and I were defeated in dungeons dozens or even hundreds of times.

Treasure... is not the sole thing I seek.

Moreover, I am already tired and my concentration has decreased over time. This game system will only make the brain think that everything is still fine, but the mental burden experienced virtually here is real. It's similar to when I play FPS games and get motion sickness.

"For your decision, you are bestowed with: 'Heaven's Policy.'"

[!] Ping!

Obtained Title: Heaven's Policy

Effect: INT+[x%] 10% of player's level, DEX+[x%] 5% of player's max level (permanent)

Woah, damn. This is the highest permanent parameter addition I've ever seen. 10% of my current level, so that means INT+3%, right? I'll make sure later, but this is truly an unexpected reward. Well done, the Architect!

"For your decision, we, denizens of the heavens, congratulate you for completing this challenge."

Oh, I almost forgot about that.

"Your achievement will be heard by all the inhabitants of the world," she continued.

"Hah, what did you say?!"

[!] Ping!

Worldwide Announcement: Player: [Blue, Lv.300] Has Completed: [The Fifth Breaker]

I could hear it inside my head, the echoing voice of this angelic girl announcing loudly throughout the city. And they even put my in-game name there, damn it. I can already imagine the uproar in the community, they're all maniacs after all.

"Based on your decision and achievement, I myself bestow upon you 'Eve's Sanctuary.'"

"Wha?! Whhhuuuaat?"

Apparently, there's still something else given to me. Eve's Sanctuary, I've heard of it before. It's a sacred treasure said to come from the garden of paradise. Inside, there's an item of the highest rarity, the Diviner. An item that can disrupt the balance within the game. And now I'm going to get one for myself?!

As my excitement reaches its peak, I'm suddenly transported. Standing in front of a sparkling diamond-white treasure chest. "So this is Eve's Sanctuary, huh?!" Despite my trembling hands, and feeling my heartbeat in my ears, I reach out and open the treasure chest.

[!] Ping!

Worldwide Announcement: Player: [Blue, Lv.300] has been bestowed Eve's Sanctuary.

Shieeet! I just opened the chest, and it was announced worldwide.

Ping! [!] Message (1)

Ping! Ping! Ping! [!] Message (12)

Oh shieeet, shieet. This is bad, bad!

Because of the first worldwide announcement, all players are trying to search for my IGN. I remember opening up the privacy of this character to the public when I had the chance to play this game for the second time. And now they're constantly trying to contact me!

I have to change it immediately...

[System's Notification]: You have opened the Eve's Sanctuary prize.

[System's Notification]: You have obtained [Versatile].

Ping! Ping! Ping! [!] Message (26)

Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! [!] Message (40)

Ping! Ping! Ping! [!] Message (52)

Ooh grave! I have to change my account's privacy immediately, but what's in front of me now is the User Agreement that I actually won't read.

[System's Notification]: [Versatile] cannot be owned until the [Player] agrees to the following Terms & Conditions...

Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! [!] Message (99+)

Ping! Ping! Ping! [!] Message (99+)

Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! [!] Message (99+)

The duuuucccckkk!!!

My ears, along with my mind, were filled with noise, no longer sounding like a coherent sound. "Check! Okay! I agree! Hmm, yes, this is agree!" I hurriedly muttered, without paying attention, scrolling through the boring text for a few seconds. "Just duckin' disappear already!"

The moment the floating window disappeared, I summoned it once more. Without hesitation, I navigated to the settings and changed the account privacy.

Only then could I breathe a sigh of relief and calm down. "Damn it, why does everything happen at the most inconvenient times," I grumbled. My heartbeat didn't calm down at all; instead, it intensified. What item was just given to me?

Quickly, I called forth the floating window again.

[System's Notification]: Log out countdown... 05

[System's Notification]: Log out countdown... 04


[System's Notification]: Log out countdown... 03

I couldn't operate my floating window at all, as it was covered by a large, red text that forced me out of the game abruptly.

[System's Notification]: Log out countdown... 00


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