Mushoku Tensei (WN)

Book 21: Chapter 10: For the House, For my Daughter

Part 1

From birth, Claire Latreia had a vain and stubborn personality.

She was a child who didn't acknowledge her own mistakes, and refused to apologize.

To that child, her mother, who would become Rudeus's great-grandmother, Melody Latreia, said this:

"Become an upstanding person."

That can be called mistaken education.

Claire was stubborn and couldn't recognize her own mistakes.

If she doesn't make any mistakes, there's no problem with being stubborn.

That's what one may think, but there can't possibly be a person who never makes a single mistake throughout one's life.

Regardless, the education was a success.

Claire became a strict person.

Not upright, but strict.

Someone strict both to herself and others.

Through her education, she came to realize that she couldn't live her life without making mistakes.

Thus, in order to not make mistakes, she aimed to be a person who disciplined herself harshly.

However, there was a side effect.

She became someone who also treated others strictly.

Strict with both others and herself.

That is the person called Claire Latreia.

However, even if the education was a success, she wasn't cured of her vanity or stubbornness.

Whenever the strict Claire faced hardships, she answered with effort.

However, the vain Claire would never let others see the effort and struggles of her suffering or agonizing self.

The strict Claire came to expect the same from the people around her.

However, the obstinate Claire would not change that even when circumstances called out for it.

A truly unpleasant person.

In the eyes of others, she succeeds in most things without trying, yet compels others to show the same results as her, and rebukes them for complaining.

If you pointed out her mistakes, she would never apologize.

A cold person who doesn't care for the hardships of others, and doesn't try to understand their feelings.

Of course, there were those who could see through to her true nature.

People who recognized the efforts she put in behind the scenes.

However, that was it.

Even if they could see her efforts, they didn't tell others about it.

Compassionate people told her, "I recognize your efforts, but others won't unless you stop hiding it."

However, she didn't change.

"My mother's education, my own way of doing things, they're not mistaken, so there's no need to change", is what she thought.

As a result, upon her graduation from the Milis Holy Kingdom's school for nobles, she was valedictorian, and thoroughly disliked by her peers.

Even upon reaching adulthood, she couldn't become a bride.

As the eldest daughter of the Latreia house, she did receive a number of proposals, but all the noblemen who came face-to-face with her and saw her strictness and stubbornness would leave as if running away.

"If I can't become a wife, I can simply become a nun."

Upon reaching 18 years of age, Claire said such.

As a lady of the Latreia house, instead of receiving the label of spinster and bringing shame to her house, that was preferable.

It was a common way of thinking among women of the Holy Kingdom of Milis at the time.

Part 2

There was a young man named Carlyle Granz.

Carlyle was a beginner Temple Knight, and a direct subordinate of Claire's father, Order of the Temple [Sword Group] Middle Leader, Ralkan Latreia.

One night, Claire's father came home drunk.

He was normally an austere person.

Mostly to himself, but also to Claire and Claire's mother, he was always severe and strict.

Thus, for him, returning in that state was a rare occurrence.

Of course, it wasn't the first time.

To her husband, coming home in this untidy state, Claire's mother would lend her shoulder.

She would strip him of his armor, give him water to drink, and beautifully lend him her shoulder, before carrying him to bed.

At times like these, Claire's mother didn't reprimand her husband.

She understood that being a Temple Knight was a stressful job.

Unfortunately, that night Claire's mother had business at her parents' home.

Claire saw her father's weaknesses for the first time.

Claire reprimanded her father.

"As the head of the Latreia house, what kind of conduct is this, are your lessons to us just words?" and such.

This drunk father, to the daughter who saw his weaknesses for the first time, could say nothing.

At that time, the one who butted into the conversation was Carlyle, who carried Claire's father home.

"There's a reason the captain was drinking today. One of our knights fell in battle. It wasn't anyone's fault. However, we were drinking in mourning. The captain was drinking heavily, but that was out of regret for the one who perished. Even if you are the captain's daughter, I won't permit you to slight his feelings."

At those words, Claire fell silent.

She could think of nothing to say.

However, she didn't get angry.

She silently assisted her father.

She gave water and lent her shoulder to her apologizing father, but couldn't support him on her own, and Carlyle helped her in carrying him to his room, changed his clothes, and put him to bed.

And the whole time, Claire didn't say a single word.

She knew she was mistaken, but couldn't apologize to her father or Carlyle.

Her obstinacy wouldn't permit her to apologize.

However, Carlyle saw through her.

He saw her acknowledgment of her own mistake hidden in that sullen face of hers.

"You are a kind person."

Carlyle said that as he departed.

At that time, Claire couldn't understand what was being said to her.

However, she realized that the youth in front of her, probably one or two years her junior, saw through her.

After that, Carlyle was invited to the Latreia house at every opportunity, and was eventually taken in as Claire's groom.

Part 3

The two of them had 5 children altogether, one boy and four girls.

Claire raised them strictly.

She gave them a harsh education, just like she had received herself.

The eldest son became a Temple Knight.

The eldest daughter married into a marquis' family.

The two fulfilled Claire's expectations.

They became a fine gentleman and lady that wouldn't bring shame to their family no matter where they were shown in the country of Milis.

Claire had the most expectations for the second daughter, who was born slightly late.

She was superior, even compared to her two older siblings.

No matter how you looked at her, she was beautiful and pure, a specimen one could be proud of.

Zenith Latreia.

She ran away from home.

Betraying Claire's expectations, she fled from home to become an adventurer, and cut off all contact.

Claire would call her a [stupid daughter].

"She made the most foolish decision possible, so make sure that you don't turn out like her", she would spit out in anger to her other children.

That was the first time in her life she showed that much emotion.

The daughter she favored the most became her greatest disappointment.

That was a greater shock to her than anyone else.

The third daughter, Saura, also was a disappointment.

She got married to a certain baron.

However, that baron lost in a power struggle. Saura got caught up in that struggle, and lost her life.

It's rare in the country of Milis, that excels in healing magic, for wounds to be fatal, but that's how it turned out.

The Latreia house made sure that the person who killed her saw a fitting end.

However, Saura won't return.

Claire mourned.

She mourned just as much as anyone else.

As if unrelated to Claire's sorrow, the fourth daughter, Therese, also went contrary to her wishes.

Unbefitting of a woman, she joined the Order of the Temple.

Claire also spoke out against her in abuse.

"There's no way a girl like you can get by in the Order of the Temple.

Even though if you had properly done as I told you and become a fitting lady, you would have married and become happy" and such.

Therese scornfully said "Dying in a power struggle is happiness?" and caused a big fight.

Claire said "Never set foot in this household again!" and threw her out.

At this time, Claire didn't think she had misspoken, not even with a single particle of her being.

Neither Zenith or Therese will last for long.

She was certain they would return to her, begging and in tears.

Part 4

Ten years passed.

Zenith still hadn't gotten in touch.

Before anyone noticed, Therese experienced exceptional success and became the captain of the miko's guard.

"It's simply that the miko is a woman, and so needed a capable female guard."

That's what Claire thought, and she wasn't wrong.

Therese had high practical skills and commanding abilities, but as a knight her power was only average.

But, whenever she attended parties with her husband, Claire would be showered with words such as "As expected of someone from the Latreia house, she can experience great success in any field."

Even though she is stubborn, Claire is strict with herself.

If she understands she is mistaken, though she won't apologize, she will revise her way of thinking.

All the more if the daughter she thought was mistaken had been showing great results.

Claire forgave Therese, and reconciled with her.

Be that as it may, whenever meeting face-to-face with Therese, what came out of Claire's mouth was not an apology, but haughty words such as "I'll specially forgive you."

If Therese hadn't gotten used to interacting with people with disagreeable dispositions in her job as a Middle Leader of the Order of the Temple, or if she hadn't grown with siblings used to her mother's personality, they would have gotten into another fight.

At this time, Claire still had not forgiven Zenith.

"However, if Zenith were to show up, I might allow her to talk it over with me" thought Claire.

Part 5

A few years later, Paul came to the Latreia house seeking assistance.

There was a magical disaster in the Asura Kingdom.

A teleportation incident affecting the Fedoa region.

Paul came as the captain of the missing people's search squad, and requested assistance from the Latreia house.

When Zenith was revealed as one of the missing people, Claire naturally gave her approval.

Arguing down Carlyle, she produced both money and personnel.

She wanted to find Zenith quickly, and tell her "You see? This happened because you disobeyed me!"

However, Zenith couldn't be found.

One year, two years passed, yet her whereabouts were still undiscovered.

During that time, her husband Paul began to waste away.

Without even trying to hide his suffering, he drank even with his daughter present.

Claire thought that before Zenith, she should do something for her granddaughter, Norn.

She considered sheltering Norn in the household, and tearing her apart from her father.

And then, providing her with proper education to make her into a fine lady.

Claire believed that would be for the best.

Of course, Carlyle opposed, thus she couldn't forcibly separate Norn from Paul.

Claire impatiently passed the days while watching over Norn.

While she was doing so, Paul recovered.

From Therese's story, it seems that his eldest son, Rudeus, struck down Paul and corrected him.

Then, Claire grew interested in the person called Rudeus.

But then, taking into account the fact that he didn't even show up at their place to give his greetings, she looked down upon him, thinking such a thing to be expected of Paul's son.

After that, Paul was confirmed as a bigamist.

His mistress, Lilia, and her daughter, Aisha, came to Milis.

Claire is a follower of Milis.

Taking in two wives, she didn't think such a thing could be forgiven.

However, Paul wasn't an adherent of Milis, and Claire knew better than to force her religious beliefs on others.

Several times a month, she had Paul's daughters show themselves at the Latreia residence and receive education.

Studies in good manners and customs.

To Claire, such things were a necessity, and it was only natural to study them.

Norn couldn't surpass Aisha, and was constantly sulking.

Claire hated that attitude.

It wasn't that Norn quickly gave up on things that could be done with effort.

She was afraid of losing to Aisha, and would skip crucial steps.

Seeing that, Claire said to Norn that there was no need to beat Aisha.

She instructed her to simply aim for a level of ability befitting a lady of the Latreia house.

It was Claire's way of motivation.

However, it didn't work on Norn at all.

Claire tried to motivate her in every way, but nothing worked.

The mistress's daughter, Aisha, made fun of Norn, and that angered Claire.

The angry Claire became emotional, and mistreated both Aisha and Lilia.

In the end, both Norn and Aisha left her without becoming what she wanted them to.

Part 6

A few more years passed.

No news of Zenith's discovery arrived, and Claire remembered the days with her grandchildren.

Her grandchildren from her eldest son and daughter reached adulthood one after another.

They were all raised to be fine Milis nobles that wouldn't bring shame to their family no matter where they were to be shown.

Already, there were no children to be found in her surroundings, and her grandchildren have all become independent.

Norn and Aisha.

The two of them should be reaching adulthood soon.

"I wonder what happened to them.

Thinking back, only those two turned out differently than what I wanted.

As expected of Zenith's daughters.

I wonder what kind of education Zenith was giving them…"

While thinking that, Claire immediately halted her train of thought.

After all, Zenith had no chance to educate her daughters.

Almost immediately after they were born, when they were still only one or two years old, the teleportation incident happened.

Zenith was never given the chance to provide education to her daughters once they had become aware of their surroundings.

Norn was raised only by her father.

Aisha as well, because of the teleportation incident, was never given a proper education and taught to be respectful to the daughter of the legal wife.

Whatever else Zenith was, she was diligent in her studies.

At one point she was even called the ideal daughter of Milis, a splendid lady.

"Even if she became an adventurer, had she been able to teach them properly…"

The truth is, Claire missed Zenith very much.

She wanted to meet her.

She was sure that even if they met, only words of rebuke would come to mind, and Zenith would find her a nuisance, but even so, she wanted to meet her.

She got a chance to do so.

News of Zenith's rescue arrived from Rudeus.

News that Zenith had lost her memories and had effectively become a cripple, but even so, was still alive.

The contents of the letter were brief, stating where she was found and what happened there in a concise writing style.

In an excessively concise manner, it stated the matter of Paul's death.

It declared his intent to find a cure, but it made no mention of bringing her back.

Claire replied to the letter immediately.

No matter what, she wanted to see Zenith again.

Part 7

A few more years went by.

During that time, Claire searched for methods to cure Zenith.

She spoke with doctors and healing magicians throughout Milis, and visited the library of the Church of Milis a countless number of times.

She even researched in the books left behind by the Demon Races.

Normally such a thing would not be forgiven, but she believed that looking through the whole, long history of the country, precedents could be found.

And then, she found it.

It was quite suspicious, and she wasn't sure whether or not it was true.

A completely unbelievable, nauseating method.

However, there had certainly been a successful case in the past.

It wasn't a demon remedy.

There seems to have been a similar case among the elves.

A woman appeared in a mindless state, but after having carnal relations with many men, she reclaimed her spirit.

A completely untrustworthy description.

That's not something that should be attempted.

However, after carefully searching for evidence, she found it.

It seems that person really did exist.

To this day, she still needs to have carnal relationships with men.

Claire was troubled.

Would it be okay to try it?

Zenith would surely hate it.

But, even so.

If there is no other method…

Just as she was done convincing herself, Rudeus came with Zenith.

Zenith came with her son Rudeus and the mistress's daughter, Aisha.

Only the three of them.

It was only 3 years after sending the letter.

Claire wasn't used to sending letters over long distances, but she knew that Rudeus hurried over.

"First, I'll greet him with words of gratitude.

Then, I'll confirm the progress of her current treatments and the plans from here on out.

If there's time, then we'll talk about Norn and Aisha's current circumstances."

As soon as she saw Zenith, all those thoughts were blown away.

The minute that Claire entered the room, saw Zenith's face, and drawing close, saw her vacant gaze, she was overcome with emotions so strong that it felt as if her heart was being torn apart, and entrusted Zenith to the family doctor, Andel, with a sigh.

Andel is the family doctor entrusted with Claire's own deteriorating health, and has been told the general outline of Claire's discovered healing method.

Claire regretted ignoring Rudeus due to seeing Zenith again after a long time, and turned to face him.

Suddenly, she noticed the young woman in maid clothes huddled at the end of the couch.

A young woman with dark brown hair.

She hadn't forgotten her.

However, what immediately caught Claire's eye was her appearance.

A maid outfit.

"Aisha-san, it has been a while. Today… what have you come to do?"

"Eh? Ummm… That is, I came to take care of Zenith-okaasama."

At that reply, without thinking Claire's voice grew rough.

Taking care of her.

In other words, she came as a maid.

If that is the case, then there is no reason for her to be sitting while Zenith and Rudeus, the heads of the household, are standing.

Claire naturally intended to rebuke her.

However, Rudeus cut in.


Claire had messed up on the order of things.

The Rudeus who she met for the first time was a youth who closely resembled Paul.

Whether she wanted to or not, his face brought Paul's to her mind.

That drunkard Paul, who didn't even have a fragment of character.

That Paul.

If it weren't for him, Zenith may not have fallen into this state.

In Claire's mind, those emotions welled up.

As a result, in the following exchange with Rudeus, all of her bad side was on full display.

With a vain and stubborn personality, while ignoring the mistakes she committed in his presence, she took on a haughty attitude.

But Rudeus stayed sincere.

To Claire's sarcastic words, he answered with sound reasoning.

That fair-and-square attitude improved Claire's evaluation of him.

Their conversation went just as Claire had originally hoped it would.

The current progress of Zenith's treatment and Norn's current circumstances.

As far as Aisha went, the earlier reprimand made things awkward, and Claire stayed silent.

Rudeus seemed a little estranged from Milis's common sense, but he had self-awareness as the head of the household, and declared he would properly care for Norn.

Claire re-evaluated him.

He was still young, but he was a wonderful youth with awareness as the head of the household.

That's how he was reflected in Claire's eyes.

Claire didn't know what to make of his position as the subordinate of Dragon God Orsted.

Claire wasn't very knowledgeable about military affairs.

However, if he has a friendship with the Queen of Asura Kingdom, he certainly holds a good pedigree, emergent though it may be.

With great pedigree comes great responsibility and achievements.

Claire could perceive that the man in front of her is probably even more important than she is aware of.

Such a man is the son of that Zenith.

Thinking of that, Claire experienced a complicated feeling of being both vexed and proud.

However, that brings about a problem.

The method for treatment she was about to try is something that will undoubtedly bring about rumors.

To have a woman be slept with by a great number of men isn't something that can be forgiven.

Would Rudeus really accept that method of treatment?

When she hinted at it, his anger exploded.

He loves Zenith, even more now that she has fallen into this condition.


And Claire thought that he surely doesn't know of that method, and has not tried it.

Should she tell him?

About the remedy.

About how the source may be questionable, but it still gives a hope for treatment.

Or maybe, if she told him of the method in detail, she could get approval.

"However…" -thought Claire.

The youth in front of her has a future.

From what she's heard, he's friends with a priest from the Pope's faction.

At the same time, she's also heard rumors of the Pope's grandson returning to Milishion.

Since it's such a long trip, it wouldn't be strange at all for them to come together.

Honestly, Claire couldn't care less about that power struggle.

However, if Rudeus is moving as part of the Pope's faction.

Not as the Latreia house, but as the Greyrat house.

If he intends to join the Pope's faction as the subordinate of Orsted.

If he intends to take action here in Milishion.

That treatment method will become a ball and chain for him.

Trying out that remedy on his own mother will undoubtedly become a scandal.

Everyone in this country will be talking about him behind his back.

He won't be able to keep on living in this country.

"Should I tell him about that treatment?

Should I let him participate?"

Nay, concluded Claire.

It's best for him to be unaware of it.

He shouldn't be told of his mother being forced to have relations with many men.

It's best if he stays unrelated.

It's something Claire did on her own.

It's not related to Rudeus, who has nothing to do with the Latreia house.

It's probably best to keep it that way.

Not trying out the treatment wasn't an option.

In any event, Claire had already waited 20 years.

She waited 20 years to meet her daughter, and talk with her.

And so, Claire began mobilizing.

She intended to bear all the consequences herself.

She intentionally angered Rudeus, and drove him from the Latreia house.

Using her servants, she kidnapped Zenith.

However, her actions stopped there.

The Zenith that was brought to the house.

The Zenith that has grown, and is starting to become old.

Her daughter that is still beautiful, and usable as a woman.

Is it really alright to let an unknown number of men sleep with her?

Of course it isn't.

There's no way it could be.

However, even Zenith wouldn't want to be in these conditions, where she is a continuous burden to her son.

If she could talk, surely she would beg to be cured.

Claire rationalized it that way.

A rationalization that made even Claire herself sick to her stomach.

She wanted someone to stop her.

Right now, she's trying to do something she mustn't do.

But she can't stop herself anymore.

She worried.

She suffered.

She spent the entire day in the room with Zenith, at wit's end.

This Zenith, which kept wasting away day after day, would occasionally show a human-like response, further hurting Claire's heart.

The one who stopped her was Carlyle.

Carlyle heard the current state of affairs from Therese, and the rest from the family doctor, Andel.

About the unreliable treatment, and Claire's suffering over whether to try it.

His wife was forcing herself to do something unforgivable.

To that wife, he gently said this:

"… Before trying that method, let Miko-sama see her."

If they can see Zenith's memories, something may become apparent.

They may be able to steel their determination.

Alternatively, they may give up on that method.

Carlyle put forth a petition to get the miko to look at her memories.

Using his authority as a Large Leader of the Order of the Temple to its full potential, he got his petition approved while hiding Zenith's name and avoiding Rudeus's notice.

Plans were made to have the miko, who normally doesn't look at memories on personal reasons, check on Zenith.

That was for today.

Today was the day that Carlyle and Claire were to secretly bring Zenith to the Church's headquarters.

Then the kidnapping incident happened.

Part 8

--- Rudeus's Point of View ---

"And thus, we came here."

The story ended there.

Claire's eyes were deep red, Carlyle had a grave expression on his face.

The others had various reactions.

There were some who were grimacing, while others had their arms crossed with difficult expressions.

Therese covered her mouth in shock.

The miko was smiling as if to say she was aware from the very beginning.

Cliff… was expressionless.

Maybe he has heard all this before.

However, hearing that story, I could understand.

What Claire was trying to do is something unforgivable.

Even if she did it all just because she was "trying to help", that sort of thing, to her daughter, is unforgivable.

I can't forgive it, and neither can society.

The Milis doctrine can't forgive it.

I don't know if it is illegal in this country, but looking at the expressions of the audience, it is undoubtedly something that will besmirch the name of the house.

Certainly, had I participated in that, my objectives in this town would have been impossible.

That's why she didn't involve me.

She tried to do something about it on her own.

She worried on her own, and accepted the consequences on her own.

But, unfortunately, Claire was mistaken.

"That remedy… is from 200 years ago, correct?"

When I said that, Claire raised her face in surprise.

"Th- That's right! 200 years ago, a girl with the same symptoms was found…"

"And that girl was chased from her village as a result of those actions."

"… For you to know that, don't tell me you've already tried it?"

"Of course not."

That case.

It's probably Elinalise.

Of course, it differs from the truth.

From a similar state to Zenith's, it took her decades to regain her sanity.

She didn't become a b*tch until later.

However, second-hand information is often incorrect.

It's not strange for second-hand information to be distorted.

"I haven't tried it, but I have spoken to that woman in person, and heard it from her."

I may not have written about Elinalise in the letter.

There were many things I was keeping secret at the time.

"Is… that so?"

Claire dropped her shoulders as if all her strength had left her.

However, her expression does look slightly relieved.

"Then, everything I was doing was meaningless…"

"That seems to be the case."

"… Is that so…"

If she had told me about the treatment method on the first day, I wouldn't have exploded like that.

"No, no, grandma, I've met that woman and it's completely different from the story.

That kind of thing won't cure her."

I would have laughed it off like that.

Yup. Probably.

"You should have told me."

"… If you hadn't known about the ineffectiveness of that method, would you have refused to try it?"


I couldn't answer.

I can't say no.

If Elinalise said, "I was cured by having sex," would I have tried it?

I probably wouldn't have tried it at first, and searched for another method.

However, several years have passed since then.

If no other methods came up, I wonder what I would have done.

After worrying, I wonder what kind of conclusion I would have come to.

"However, you already knew… How foolish I've been…"

Claire said that and once again let out tears.

Trying to do something inhuman to her own daughter, she probably couldn't bear to show her face in public.

There are still ill feelings left, probably.

Depression probably grasps her heart.

I feel refreshed.

I can finally understand her actions until now.

For her daughter, for the house.

There were no falsehoods in Claire's words.

Furthermore, this situation.

The situation where this case was attempted to be put to use in the power struggle.

She at least tried not to reveal what she was trying to do.

She wanted to bear the weight of this sin by herself.

That way she could at least protect the Latreia house.

To protect Therese and the uncle and aunt I still have not met.

Of course, the way she went about things was mistaken.

She can't deny that.

There should have been a better way to do it.

There should have been many other ways to approach the problem.

However, that was for mine and Zenith's sake.

For her daughter, for the house.

That's why me and Carlyle were struck by Zenith.


I let out a sigh.

Then, I turned to Cliff.

The Cliff who suddenly covered for Claire.

"When did Cliff-senpai hear about it? This story."

"This morning. I coincidentally ran into them at the headquarters."

"… Why didn't you stop them at the time? You also know about Elinalise-san's case, right?"

"As far as the specifics, I was only told that the method is something unforgivable as a person."

I guess that's the case.

She never told anyone before, even to Cliff she would be hesitant.

"I was planning to tell you sometime today, but… Sorry."

It was certainly impossible in this situation.

This is Cliff, after all.

I'm sure at that time he censured Claire and Carlyle.

"What you're doing is wrong.

Quickly return Zenith and apologize to Rudeus" and such.

Then, losing to that attitude, Carlyle explained the circumstances.

Hearing something unforgivable, he would have wavered in his own way.

Probably would have fallen silent, too.

That's why, when I didn't even ask for an explanation, he admonished me.

All he needed to do was to stop me here.

Just tell me that Claire was properly thinking about Zenith.

He thought he could once again see signs of a peaceful solution.

I can't say that his methods were good…

But he was sympathizing with Claire's and Carlyle's feelings.

You could certainly say it's like Cliff.

At any rate, I understand now.

I feel refreshed.

"Now then, I ask you once again."

As soon as I've settled my feelings, Cliff addressed the entire assemblage.

"This case is the result of a woman trying to save her daughter. Using this to gang up on and torment her, can you really say that is in accordance with Saint Milis's teachings?"

The pope was smiling.

The cardinal was sullen.

The Order of the Church and the Order of the Temple were making slightly relieved faces.

They all looked at Cliff.

"This case was merely an accident. Furthermore, it was an accident where fortunately not a single person passed away. Caused by a lone mother, a kind accident. It certainly took time and caused a disturbance. It temporarily brought about a foul mood, and there were those that were injured. However, what say you. Shouldn't we let this all be water under the bridge, and forgive her, and judge her with generosity?"

Cliff said that, and looked at me.

"Rudeus, you have the right to decide. You have been the most hurt by this, and won your battle."

I let go of the miko's hand long ago.

However, the miko has been sitting at my side all along, smiling.

As if saying she knew this would happen all along.

An attitude as if she had seen through everything.

This person.

"I think it's fine."

I said that calmly.

I still have a few reservations.

However, I just need to talk with Claire more in-depth later.

If I talk more with that person, my ill feelings will also vanish.

"However, let me present three conditions."

I have conditions.

Conditions for me releasing the miko.

It may be shameless, but three of them.

"First, for Miko-sama to look at my mother's memories to see if she can recover them."

"Of course it's fine. There were such plans in the first place."

I was talking to the cardinal, but the one who answered was the miko.

As if to say she already understood.

I wonder if she already knew that she was going to be examining Zenith today.

If she knew about it, then she let herself be abducted by me in order to guide me here.

It's possible.

"However, I can't recover memories, so I probably can't cure her…"

"But I'd still like you to try. Your holiness the Cardinal, do you mind?"

"Not at all."

The cardinal seems to be in a good mood.

Probably because it doesn't seem like the Latreia house that's in his faction will be receiving damage.

"Second, in exchange for this case being water under the bridge, you must provide your full assistance to [Dragon God] Orsted."

"Naturally, I have no objections."

"………… Same here."

The pope naturally gave his approval, and the cardinal nodded as well.

It looks like getting approval for the Ruijerd dolls will also be possible.

It may have been better if I struck the cardinal just now, but it seems like things will settle in an overall beneficial way to me, so I'll let it go at that.

"And then, for the last one."

I looked at Claire and Carlyle.

The two looked back at me stiffly.

"Please allow me to reconcile with the Latreia house."

At those words, first Therese made a relieved gesture.

Carlyle lowered his head apologetically.

Claire burst into tears.

She cried while making sobbing noises.

Cried while making a voice that seemed to say both "I'm sorry" and "Thank you."

Zenith gently stroked that Claire's face.

Thus, the curtain drew on the case in Milis.

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