Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 59: Meeting her (2)

Chapter 59: Meeting her (2)

After John came to this life he checked if there were movies from his previous life. He saw that there were Star Wars movies already been made and the Harry Potter books so he immediately removed these two worlds from his mind. So he never cared about it after that. Though John felt it was a huge loss specially the Star Wars movies but he accepted it.

This was the first time he had seen Emma up close and she looked more beautiful in real then in reel life. Even though she still looked quite young but her beauty was already apparent.

John had a huge temptation to go and ask her for an autograph but finally thought better. "I will ask for an autograph later."

Then John went inside the gallery for the event. Soon everything played out like it was supposed to. He went to receive the Academy Award for the best animated movie. He thanked the audience and said that Disney will always continue producing animated movies as this was their legacy.

After the award ceremony ended it was time for the Oscars party. Normally John always hated this event but today he was looking forward to it. He wanted this opportunity to ask for the autograph and see her up close. He was trembling inside thinking about it.

After the party started, he met various stars and acted normally, but he kept an eye if Emma was free for him to approach. Finally he saw her free in a bar sitting by herself. Her age didn't allow her to drink in USA so she just sat there. Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint who came with her went for a dance after being invited to the dance floor by others. She was asked too but she rejected.

"Hello Miss Watson. Can I have an autograph?" John said after he came near her in the most politest way possible for him. He was shaking inside in fear that she would reject him.

"Wow one of the biggest tycoons in the world is asking for my autograph. I should be honored." she replied.

"I am your biggest fan so I couldn't stop myself from asking it." John replied with a smile.

"Sure I will give an autograph if you take a this seat." Emma said with a smile while pointing at the seat beside her.

"Sure Miss Watson, I would love to." John replied.

"You can call me Emma. I think we are of almost same age so I don't think that there should be much formality." she said.

"Sure. You can call me John then." John said. "How are you liking the party?" John added. freewebnovel

"I will be honest, this is my first time attending such a huge party with glamour and shine. It's really not my liking." Emma said honestly.

"You do know that your answer will raise many eyebrows here if you say it out loud." John said with a straight face.

"I know but I don't really care. I believe you too don't like it that much." Emma replied.

"Hah well I too don't like it, but how did you guess that?" John asked with interest.

"I guessed it. A celebrity like you almost don't generate any gossip. The only big gossip they could generate after years was Batman and evaluating if you are Batman. Such person generally don't like too much glamour. Even though you are a friend of Tony Stark but you are the exact opposite of him." She said after evaluation.

"I am impressed, well not that impressed as I had already known you would be able to guess it." John said.

"It seems like you know about me. Tell me John, what do you guess about me" Emma asked.

"Not much actually. I just know you are kind, care about the planet and the people around. You want to change the world, especially for women who suffer all over the world due to injustice." John said after recalling her works in public in his previous life. This impressed Emma more as John was accurate to the point.

"I am thoroughly impressed John, I have to say." Emma replied. John thanked her for the compliment with a laugh.

"Would you like to dance with me?" Emma finally said.

"Dance? But I actually don't know much about it. Forgive me if I make wrong steps." John replied as he honestly didn't know much about dancing. He only learnt it a little after being forced by his father, as Jameson didn't want to shame John in public places such as this.

"It won't matter, I don't know much about it myself." Emma said sweetly. John felt he was living in dreams. He had never imagined of being able to have a dance with the famous Emma Watson. His heart was beating fast as he couldn't believe his luck.

John took her hand and went to the dance floor and slowly started dancing with the slow music being played. He was way too much happy at that point of time and felt it was worthwhile of being transmigrating to the MCU.

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