Muchuan and Xiang Wan

Chapter 624 - Hypnosis (Two)

Chapter 624: Hypnosis (Two)

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

That evaluation that came out of nowhere infuriated An Ying.

He seemed a little taken aback and looked at Zhan Se with a forbidding countenance. He showed hostility and feelings of strong dislike to the hypnotist that appeared in the interrogation room.

“What do you know? You know nothing!”

He bawled…

… And roared!

He was agitated because of fear!

Zhan Se raised her eyebrows while showing a half-smile. “You’re too agitated right now. Calm down and relax, so we can chat with each other.”

An Ying thought that he knew what she was up to. He showed a disdainful smile, and the gaze that he was giving towards her was filled with repulsion. “Never! Don’t think that I don’t know what you want to do to me, okay? You want to hypnotize me, so you need me to let down my guard, right? Sorry to inform you, but I haven’t lost my mind!”

“You’re really smart!” Zhan Se revealed a relaxed smile. “But do you know that when you put it in this way, you’re telling me that you DO have secrets that you didn’t want others to know about.”

Her earlier words were not harsh at all. In fact, she sounded pleasant and natural.

She was even smiling a little.

“Do you want to know how much you have been hypnotized in your current state?

An Ying was shocked. “I’ve been hypnotized? To what extent?”

Zhan Se replied, “You’re now in a state of light trance.”



He started to yell.

He wanted to use his loud voice to resist the sounds of rain, resist his fear.

“What kind of sh*tty hypnosis is this? Do you think you can fool me?”

As he yelled and bawled, big droplets of sweat appeared on his forehead.

The air was stuffy and humid as if the mists from the rain had entered the room. After he finished yelling, he felt cold.

“Let me tell you, I’m absolutely clearheaded!”

“Being clearheaded didn’t mean that you are not in a light trance.” Zhan Se looked like a science lecturer while she explained the principle of hypnosis in detail to An Ying. She frowned slightly when she saw him pinching his thigh time and again. “Do you think that you can resist hypnosis as long as you remain clearheaded?”

An Ying chose to keep quiet.

It was a silent resistance that he put before her…

A smile appeared on Zhan Se’s face again. “It’s no use. You can resist me, but you wouldn’t be able to resist yourself. You don’t want to die, you want to live. Although you couldn’t bear to hurt that person, you love yourself more… even if that person is your son.”

An Ying’s expression instantly changed to that of dread.

Not sure where the wind came from, but he felt a chilly gust of wind that made his bones feel cold.

He looked as if he could not stand the cold; his teeth chattered lightly, he shrunk his shoulders desperately like he was trying to compress himself into the chair.

“… I don’t know what you’re talking about… I don’t know anything. Don’t ask me, don’t ask me anything!”

Xiang Wan glanced at Zhan Se while she felt an uncomfortable feeling when she saw An Ying behaving hysterically.

An Ying’s current condition was frightening.

He felt trapped deeply in some invisible mud pit, trying his best to put up a futile struggle.

He could communicate with the outside world, but he couldn’t get out of the light trance.

Was he really in a light trance state of hypnosis just like what Zhan Se said then? thought Xiang Wan.

Zhan Se’s gaze was gentle while she looked at him. “Let’s begin.”

An Ying lowered his head while his teeth were chattering.

Zhan Se looked like she could cast a magic spell with just her gaze alone. “Lift your head and look at me…”

An Ying twitched, shrunk his shoulders, and lifted his head slowly. His slow movement was similar to a possessed man—there was no focus in his eyes, and he looked dazed.

Zhan Se replied thereafter, “Wei Gang, could you tell me where your son is?”

An Ying chose to remain silent.

Zhan Se responded, “We know that the one who planned out and instigated you to execute Operation Heaven’s Wrath… is your son. He is also the one who helped you to gather the remaining members and become the top dog of the new Dark Clan. Am I right?”

“No!” An Ying suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils looked frightened as though he had seen a ghost. “You are talking nonsense! No, it’s none of his business. It’s totally none of his business…”

“You’ve seen your son.” Zhan Se made her first conclusion.

Then she continued to ask, “He’s in his twenties, and he’s here in the Capital. Who is he?”

An Ying looked at her in horror as he kept shaking his head.

“I don’t know… I don’t know anything.”

Zhan Se smiled at him. “You know very well that he’s someone we know. Hence, you’re scared stiff…”

“No!” An Ying was still badly shaken. His lips were still trembling.

He didn’t wish to listen; he wanted to fight by remaining silent. Yet, time and time again, Zhan Se managed to obtain a favorable result from his micro facial expressions.

“You wanted to protect him to fulfill your responsibility as a father. What a pity, though, he doesn’t love you at all. He had never treated you as his father. He. Wanted. You. Dead!”Visit on our

“No—” An Ying hollered and struggled to stand up from his chair. “You don’t know anything. On what basis are you spouting all of this nonsense?… On what basis?”

Zhan Se ignored An Ying but continued to talk to him based on the information that Xiang Wan had provided her.

“He hated you. What happened at the Special Training School made him unable to hold his head high before his classmates. People pointed fingers and hurled insults at him… You ruined his mother’s life as well as his. He has been holding a grudge against you all these years and refused to acknowledge you as his father… Wei Gang, have you ever thought about the reason why he looked you up so suddenly? His motive is not as simple as you think…”

“No! He didn’t…” An Ying shook his head weakly.

“… Says who? He’s a bad boy who bore a grudge all his life and finally came up with a plot to kill all those people he hates, then sends his own father into prison. After that, he would watch you die—”

“You’re lying! You’re deceiving me!” An Ying shouted in pain.

Zhan Se’s voice was calm, soft and gentle. She ignored his angry growls, and her gentle tone was neither fast nor slow. Her words were like needles that pierced into An Ying’s heart.

Once again, they received a definite answer from him.


An Ying didn’t admit anything.

However, he had exposed what he was desperately trying to hide.

That gave them several important directions for the case.

Zhan Se laughed and received a list of names from Xiang Wan.

“Even a vicious tiger would not eat its cubs. Wei Gang, I believed that you wouldn’t tell us who he is—but, this person must be around us. He knows Xiang Wan; he knows Bai Muchuan; he knows a lot of information. Hence, it’s not difficult to find out his identity.”

It’s not difficult? He repeated these words inside his head.

It’s not difficult? He repeated these words inside his head once more.

There was a noticeable trepidation in An Ying’s eyes.

He stopped bawling and shouting. Dismay was written all over.

Zhan Se was scrutinizing him. “We’ve listed all the names of young men aged between 20 to 25 years old, which are linked to the recent cases. Now, let’s go through these names one by one. Whenever I read a name, you just need to nod or shake your head…”

“I won’t tell you. I won’t tell any of you.”

An Ying’s lips were trembling.

By saying that he wouldn’t tell, he was also telling them that—what she said was right.

Zhan Se smiled confidently. “You will tell us.”

” I won’t.”

“You will!” Zhan Se was certain and firm. “When I read out his name, you… will tell me even when you didn’t say a word.”

An Ying looked at her, flabbergasted.

Zhan Se lifted a pen slowly and pointed at him before showing a smile.

“I. Can see. Your heart.”

After that, she began to read out the names in the name list, one by one…

Whenever she said a name, she would pause for a little while.

The facial muscles on An Ying’s face were quivering.

He was petrified.

He was nervous.

He had lost control of his expression.

He was like a trapped beast in the misty rain who wanted to free itself…

“Ye, Lun.” Zhan Se spoke another name slowly.

After that, she observed An Ying’s expression; the corners of her lips soon lifted upwards thereafter. “It’s him, right? It’s Ye Lun.”

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