Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 037

Chapter 37. 23:59:47 (1)

“The surgery is complete.”

“That took quite a while.”

“The mana patch was really thick, you know. It was tough to attach it.”

Restoration of the defect area using cultivation techniques. I had heard about it, but this was my first time experiencing it on my own body.

I jumped off the operating table and looked at my left shoulder. Aside from the sutures, there didn’t seem to be any major issues.

“Isn’t there usually some difference in skin color?”

“Crimson*Hammer is an eternal magical girl, so maybe her skin is just as it was when she was born. Good things are good, right?”

She probably thought it was a joke. Oxymoron would always throw out unfunny jokes and then burst out laughing herself.

“Haha. Speaking of which, you haven’t changed your appearance since the establishment of the Association.”

“Right. I can’t transform, I don’t grow, and I don’t gain weight. I question whether I’m even human.”

“I checked while cultivating, and genetically, you are indeed human.”

“Is that so?”

Honestly, my appearance is a touchy topic. After 30 years of hero activities, and having my looks fixed for nearly 15 years, I still can’t get used to it.

If this keeps up, it seems like the topic about my appearance would continue, so I decided to change the subject and took action.

I pulled down the sleeve draped over my left shoulder and switched the hammer to my left hand, swinging it lightly to verify if my nerves were properly connected.

This was pure technique with no power infused.

The hammer cut through the air, drawing a clean circle.

I continued to rotate it.

With a light flick of my fingers, I reversed the rotation of the hammer’s head.

Exactly half a rotation. Now for a change in appearance.

Clank Clank

Mana seeped into the hammer, simultaneously changing its form.



As I spun, a short spark erupted from the back of the hammer, and it rotated around my anchored left hand.

Let’s see how far I can take this.

Complete rotation, short grab, upward swing, weapon hang.

Continuing the series of derivative techniques in my hand.

Although this was to check if there was an issue with my left hand, it felt oddly enjoyable since it had been a while.

“You’re still as good as ever. Even martial artists rarely become one with their weapons like that.”

“I didn’t have much else to do back then. I had no choice but to survive.”

Back when I had no skills and was evaluated as an F-grade Awakeners, the only thing I had was an absurdly solid and functional hammer. Hence, I only honed my skill in wielding it.

To save those within reach.

“I remember that. Thanks to that, Old Man Cheonma Kim mistook you for a martial artist.”

“Thanks to that misunderstanding, I exist. Because of that, I found a way to cultivate my excess mana.”

Unho probably didn’t expect that I would be a magical girl who even had to manually enhance my body.

It was a surprise to realize only the basics of my physique were enhanced, and the rest was up to me.

I was the only hero like that.

Anyway, enough reminiscing.

My left hand was in good condition.

Even though it was a new hand, it moved as if it had been with me from the start, mana flowed well, and even fine adjustments were executed without issue.

However, since it was a new hand, there was a slight feeling of discomfort, but nothing significant.

It was hard to tell whether the weird feeling was due to not using my left hand for a while, or from having a new arm.

“I could fight immediately without issue.”

“Still, for the time being, please try to use your right hand as much as possible. The overwhelming mana might cause the burdened sutures to tear.”

“I got it.”

As I returned the hammer and prepared to finish checking,


“Haram Lee Hero, are you here?”

As the surgery room door opened, Park Hyunseok entered.

“Why is someone busy looking for me?”

“I came after finishing my work, so there’s no need to worry.”

My friend who still didn’t get the joke. Seeing him act the same despite the ongoing wartime made me feel like we were in peace.

“Oxymoron is here too. This works out well. A message from Macbeth.”

A message from the commander. It must be about deployment.

“Read it out loud.”

“Alright, I’ll read it.”

『Haram is on the front line established near Japan, while Oxymoron is waiting in the rear. Evacuation of civilians will be completed within 48 hours, and the second barrier will be established at the Tsushima Line.』

A minimum of 48 hours on the first defense line. The last line of defense in East Asia is the Tsushima Line.

『Currently, the location where the high-ranked entity is heading is expected to be handled by Haram, so give it your all. In the worst-case scenario, it’s fine to evacuate everyone and stand against it alone. The unit’s commander has been informed in advance to somehow hold out for 48 hours.』

It was clear they intended to exploit me as much as possible. I had no complaints. Obviously, this was something I was supposed to do.

“And below that, there’s a prophecy regarding this war. Do you want to hear it?”

Macbeth’s prophecy. Hearing it makes my head throb.

It consists of three short sentences connecting the past, present, and future. By itself, it has no effect, but as soon as the subject hears it, it casts a spell that ensnares the opponent.

There’s really no benefit to hearing the prophecy, but since Macbeth asked, it should be something that wouldn’t harm to know.

“Go ahead.”

“I will read it then.”

『The gray army has turned the clock hands.』

『Those who bear no name have taken new steps.』

『What’s needed is one knock at an opportune time; if you wish to reach, do not miss the time of the two.』

Still clueless.

The only part I can comprehend is the past.

Even with the present, it’s a bizarre statement that was hard to interpret. Asking Macbeth would likely result in just as baffled of a response.

One knock. Is it referring to my hammer?

From a rough perspective, it seems to indicate that there will come a time when I can definitely finish off the enemy.

The question, however, is what does the time of the two mean…

“Hyunseok, do you know what it means?”

“It’s best to preserve your strength. You never know when the opportunity will come, so save your power for the strongest strike, Haram.”

That was such a standard answer that I couldn’t even respond. But at least the interpretation about the knock aligns.

“Is that all the messages conveyed?”


Park Hyunseok said that and straightened his back while looking at me.

Even though he finished conveying the message, his gaze continued to scan me up and down.

His attention was directed toward my left arm and right eye. I could see what he was thinking.

“Do you have more to say?”


How untruthful.

“Just say you’re concerned because your friend got hurt. What’s so hard about saying that?”


Oxymoron burst into laughter at our exchange.

Was it because of that laugh? Park Hyunseok managed a slight smile on his normally stern face. Truly a small change.

“Are your injuries alright? If it’s difficult, I can submit a request for a six-hour delay in departure.”

“If you want to see me collapse the barrier in two hours, then go ahead.”

If we’re looking at the worst-case scenario, the frontline might collapse even as combat begins and I might have to hold on alone for 48 hours. Yet, I’m being told to skip out for six hours after the combat starts?

A proposal to wreck all of East Asia, huh?

“Guess I figured you’d say that.”

Hyunseok, finished with his words, turned away from me.


Grabbing the doorknob of the surgery room as he entered, he acted like a retired hero trying to fulfill his role.

“Come back alive, Haram.”

The last words from my friend as he exited the surgery room.

“Do I look like I’m going to die?”

Fizzz Fizzle.

The sound of sparks popping in the air.

With my sense of balance thrown off, the four of us shifted through space.

“It’s a mess from static electricity! Poyo!”

The first sensation was the salty, sticky air of the sea.

As I opened my eyes, I saw a vast ocean spread within my field of vision.

The spot we were standing on was a tall wall erected above the sea.

The first line of defense prepared by the Association and the martial artists to stop this incident.

A massive wall completed in the shape encircling the Pacific Ocean. However, this wall isn’t built to prevent external enemies from sneaking in.

It’s a surrounding net to ensure internal enemies can’t go outside the wall.

“Ugh… it’s dizzying…”

“Dizzy? I wouldn’t know… Aah!”

The two apprentices experiencing teleportation for the first time were making fools of themselves before my eyes.

Ahan Abin, with her face turning pale, holding her mouth, and Baek Sihyeon, who looked fine but was rolling on the floor screaming after her legs got tangled.

Both seem to be suffering from the same seasickness… Did Baek Sihyeon enhance her five senses? Her sense of balance is totally shot.

“I told you to prepare your senses beforehand since it’d be severe.”

“It’s because I didn’t train enough, Poyo.”

Right, Unho looks perfectly fine.

“This is beyond seasickness… Ugh.

“Abin, help me get up…”


Baek Sihyeon stumbled again while holding the wall in an attempt to stand, rolling on the floor once more.

Is this really my apprentice? Thank goodness nobody I know is watching.

“Get it together and recover on your own, you guys do your own fighting. Just don’t die.”

“See you later!”

“Senpai, we’re…”

“Please save me, Master!”

Leaving my apprentices rolling in the corridor, I climbed the stairs in front of me.

“You’ll recover in a few minutes. It’s just simple dizziness.”

“Is it ‘just simple dizziness’ that turns a person like this? Surely they won’t vomit in the hallway.”

With each step I took up the stairs, the voices of my apprentices grew distant.

Soldiers in unified uniforms rushed down the corridor.

Employees of the Association in matching gear ran down the stairs.

Heroes flaunting their individuality passed by, smiling and whispering about how they would achieve their merits.

Passing through all of these people, I stretched my body over the open wall.

The vast horizon where the blue sky meets the blue sea.

A beautiful sight, but in my hyper-enhanced vision, something felt amiss.

A gray line separating the sea and sky.

The enemy of my tale, approaching to swallow the world.

I pulled out my hammer and a metal rod and sat on the wall.


The white metal rod biting into my teeth.

As I rested the hammer on my shoulder, Unho observed my actions and slowly climbed above my head.

Did I gain weight? It felt like something was heavier than the lightness I remembered a decade ago.

“Going all out as usual?”


“Don’t worry too much. The bad ones are the invaders.”

“If I could feel that relaxed, wouldn’t that be great?”

I closed my eyes and quietly sorted my emotions.

The voices of countless people surrounded me.

“What a sight to behold at the end of my career.”

“Isn’t it better than my situation? I was a mess right after enlistment, sergeant.”

“Never lose to the Japanese or Chinese brats, okay?”

“I received a comment from China about why they can’t send more troops. What should I reply?”

“Tell them they should just send heavy weapons instead. No need to cram more troops.”

“Any response from the Americans yet? Aerial support?”

“The Americans are too busy trying not to lose themselves…”

“What happened to the support troops that the Association was supposed to send?”

“They’ve already arrived.”

“I looked into that public designation. It wasn’t much, right? We just have to win this and stand firm.”

“Isn’t it just similar to the drafting order? Just shoot magic, right?”

“You’ve got it easy with ranged attacks. I’m close combat.”

“Still, it’s a large-scale battle. If we win, we might gain recognition!”

“Why am I stuck with the Association? I should have retired a long time ago.”

“It’s really not a big deal. They say it would be over if you just close your eyes and shoot.”

“Yeah, I’ll probably be done for by then.”

“Is that so? I’ve been on a few extermination operations, but this large-scale battle is my first.”

“After this, I bet the life insurance will probably amount to a year’s salary.”

“That’s a big deal.”

Everyone’s conversations, their personalities, their voices converged in my ears.

In the dark field of vision, I collected them all.

Even if they came here cluelessly and were just mere fools unworthy of being heroes,

At this moment, everyone was fellow comrades fighting for humankind.

I wanted to remember everyone whom I could reach out to.

This was an act of focus, done each time to at least remember the people who might disappear.

How many would die, and how many would return alive?

“Shihyun, eat something. Your stomach will be empty when the battle starts.”

“Isn’t it better to keep the stomach a bit empty so you can move more?”

“Didn’t Senpai say that we might end up fighting for 48 hours?”

“Then we should eat up!”

I caught snippets of my apprentices’ conversations.

Bright voices unaware of the war’s harshness.

A smile crept onto my lips.

Noticing the change in my expression, Unho tapped my head from above.

“Did something good happen?”

“Just thought it would be better to keep my spirits up.”

“I’m glad to see you’re back on track.”

I opened my eyes and gazed at the sea.

The thickening gray line.

The wind blowing.

The fluttering clothes.

“Ten years have passed. I should be able to handle this, right?”

“Even if I look like this, I’m Haram’s mascot. So, don’t worry.”

Thinking like that, I should lose some weight.

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