Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 014

Chapter 14. How old are you this year? (1)

A familiar house…

Hotel room.

I’m sitting on the bed and looking at the two magical girls huddled on the floor.

“What’s your name?”

“I’m Baek Sihyeon! Nice to meet you!”

“I’m Han Ahban.”

The reactions are like night and day:

Baek Sihyeon is beaming with a smile, eyes bright, while Han Ahban, looking down, responds in a small voice.

Baek Sihyeon is fine, but why is Han Ahban mixed in here?

I turn my gaze from the two to the tall figure standing awkwardly in the corner of the room.

“Park Hyunseok. I don’t have a single student in my team. What’s going on?”

“I’ll let you know later.”

“Later is crap. It looks like I should at least take them as students,” I say, ready to make a move.

At my curse, Han Ahban flinches even more, as if it’s her fault.

I feel sorry for her, but I have to get to the bottom of this.

“Who the hell are you? Isn’t there a two-person magical girl team to resist the Monster that isn’t Bul-tak-Marauder? I received no such info in the material.”

“They’re an unrelated hero named Han Ahban.”

“So, who are they?”

“I’ll send the materials later. I hope we can train her too.”

I don’t know why she’s coming in as a student. Given the situation, it doesn’t seem likely she’ll clearly explain how this is going.

I disregard Hyunseok, who isn’t answering properly, and question the two girls, surprised at the way I’m managing a high-ranking official in the Association.

“First, you both: Do you really want to become my students?”


“Um… for now, yes.”

With a voice full of spirit and another trembling like a mouse.

Is Han Ahban really the hero I heard about back then? Is she a type that changes only when thrown into real combat?

“You might die, you know?”

I grin. There’s a lot to do if you become my student.

Perfect timing for training!

“It doesn’t matter! If I want to deal with Bul-tak Marauder, I’m prepared to die!”

I leave that passionate fool for now and turn my gaze to Han Ahban.

What pressure I’m exerting is enough for a weak-willed person to run away or faint instantly.

Her teeth are chattering, sweat pooling on her brow as her pupils start to dilate. I think she’ll definitely refuse.

“I want to get stronger if possible! I want to be strong!”

Surprisingly brave.

Justice and courage are separate.

I’m curious about her reasons, but it seems best to find out gradually.

“What about your main weapon?”

“The Krims Hammer! It’s the same as my master’s hammer!”

Her nickname is a whole other story.

I might need to look into whether there’s a renaming application in the Association or something.

I decide to postpone stopping her from calling me by my hero name for now and keep throwing questions at my prospective students.

“You’re both magical girls, but is it okay? I’m a pure physical type with no way to teach magic.”

I know how to be incorporated into magic or how to dissolve it with one weapon, but I can’t directly implement magic.

“A trained body can surpass magic!”

“I can barely do magic!”

These two are polar opposites. It looks like they’re both resolved.

Shall I give one more test?



Cut off your senses and huddle up.

I’ll deactivate the limiter for a bit.


Hyunseok crouches in the corner while the two unaware women stare at me quizzically.

As I liberate my power, while sitting on the bed, the mattress bursts and the blanket flies into the sky. Nearby various cluttered objects float or shatter:

Crash! Clank!

As the numerous items in the room are smashed, I turn to the two magical girls.

“This is what kind of master I am. I can’t control my power and have to strive to manage my emotions while in this crazy state. Are you okay with that?”

Just by speaking, my voice reverberates. This is my way of testing them under pressure.

“Yes. It’s the power I’ve longed for.”

Baek Sihyeon’s voice is calm and steady, but her eyes shine bright with admiration as if she’s witnessed something remarkable.

“I… I actually heard about the Krims Hammer before from Sihyeon!”

Han Ahban’s blurry gaze wavers as she seems about to faint, yet she gathers her wits and speaks.

“Even if I have no strength, if I can participate in 0-Rank eradication missions, I’ll strive for that.”

“I can’t guarantee you’ll develop like me.”

“Still… I want to try! I’d rather not regret not trying!”

You’re saying that now.

My emotions simmer down. Everything in the room is wrecked, but the building itself hasn’t collapsed.

“That’s enough.”


Hyunseok, now back to normal, raises his body and looks around.

“Do we have the funds to cover the hotel damage?”

“None! I’ll handle it.”

“Got it.”

“I was just saying it, but I guess it will cover it. Now that it’s all over, I should say something to these kids.”

“First, don’t call me by my hero name. You can call me Haram or Sister Haram, whatever you like.”

“Yes! Master!”

“Understood! Sister Haram!”

They don’t need it anyway, and they even got my name wrong.

My name is Haram Lee!

“Then I’ll wrap things up for today. Let’s meet again later.”

I wave goodbye to them.

“What about the Branch Manager?”

“I still have things to discuss with him. You all go ahead first. Are you okay with that, Hyunseok?”

Sure. I have things I want to say too.

As if to say I knew about asking for a student, I open the door and step outside.

“Take care, okay?”


I thought he wouldn’t accept.

“I told you it would be fine!”

The excited voices of the two students fade beyond the door, and silence descends upon the wrecked hotel room.

Once both of their miracles completely faded away, I contort my face and speak:

“Honestly, Park Hyunseok…”

“Say it.”

“What’s the Association thinking? Why did they expose Baek Sihyeon to the media?”

The Association could have easily hidden her. While Baek Sihyeon has the talent of the top tier, she’s still just a raw gem. A trained hero might be able to prevent the chaos.

“You’re not mad because she mentioned your name and you can’t go home?”

That’s a disaster in itself. The reason for my anger is a different issue:

There are currently reporters swarming around my house.

Poor Unho, who was left behind.

“Why didn’t they stop her from appearing at the press conference?”

“It’s from above.”

“That bunch from above is up to no good.”

Hyunseok doesn’t argue with my words and simply keeps his mouth shut.

“You think Bul-tak Marauder will be easily dispatched? You know well enough that even if it’s a short story, it’ll take more than a year or even years to wrap things up. Meanwhile, civilian casualties will steadily grow.”

“Sure, even if they say Bul-tak Marauder is weaker than you, it’ll take years for her to grow to that level.”

“Then she should never have revealed the identity of a hero. Every time they fail, the media’s arrows will fly toward her. Isn’t it more reasonable for the Association to bear the consequences instead?”

“I have no counterargument.”

Hyunseok stares at me with that familiar blank expression.

“Park Hyunseok. Seriously, what are you thinking passing this disgrace on to your juniors?”

A curse filled with emotion.

Rotten yellow eggs.

Complaints that continue to ring:

Graffiti on the front of my house.

Nonsensical letters.

“You’d know better than anyone how lonely and miserable it is for a hero fighting against the Otherworld without being recognized.”


Another meaningless one-word response comes from this bastard.

“I mean, what if the upper brass is scheming to corrupt one hero? Maybe they’re planning to take down one S-Rank hero and let a nuke wipe out a country?”

“That’s not the case.”

At that moment, his expression comes undone, and he gazes through the corners of the room.

In those secluded places.

There’s no need to turn my field of vision.

He’s repeatedly observing those secluded spots.

“Just following orders from above.”

I see.


As I flick my fingers, small metal spheres emerge around me, my only ranged and non-lethal technique.

“So this is a command from above, huh?”

It feels off. This guy wouldn’t just blindly follow orders from above.

Again, with a flick of my finger, the metal spheres soar before crashing violently for three resounding bangs.*



It’s hard to detect the pure mechanical senses of the ear.

“These maniacs. When did they set this up so thoroughly?”

Clearly, I picked this hotel and chose it for privacy, but they’ve installed listening devices there too. So…

“Future sight? Nightmare.”

“No, they set up listening devices in every hotel you could think of.”

“These crazies!”

Despite my shockwave’s impact, the recording devices don’t break? If they have that kind of money, why not just hand it to me?

“Alright, since we don’t have bugs anymore, let’s speak frankly. Why was Baek Sihyeon exposed to the media?”

I cross my legs and casually settle into a comfortable posture to converse with an old friend.

“Your guess is correct, Haram. She’s a sacrificial lamb. The higher-ups judged they had no way to eliminate or contain Bul-tak Marauder’s powers in the short term.”

So they’re pinning the blame on individuals for their lack of effort while maintaining the integrity of a hero?

“All you did was watch.”

“That’s right.”

“You’re a knowledgeable guy. Haram, you used to say you would enter the Association for the heroes of the future. Where has that spirited you gone?”

He seems twisted after entering the Association, as if contrasting with his past self when he started from scratch.

Is it unavoidable?

As these thoughts of remorse combat inside me, I pull out a rod from within my coat.

“I’ve taken the role of her master for precisely this reason.”


At that unexpected statement, my hands gripping the rod tighten.

“What is this? An order from the upper brass?”

“It was my own decision.”

“What’s the reason? What’s your thought process?”


Hurry up and open your mouth to explain yourself, Hyunseok. I need to understand your judgment.

“Protect her.”

Now it’s my turn to lose my words.

“There’s no way to oppose upper brass’s words. Even if I step down, they will push through.”

That’s not entirely false. Even if Hyunseok is the highest-ranking officer in this country’s branch, he’s still just a branch manager under the United Nations. They could easily replace him.

“Baek Sihyeon is just the perfect talent that upper brass can manage.”

She’s somewhat intelligent but also simple and easily swayed by emotions. Plus, she has a strong sense of justice. Just like we did back in the day.

“Moreover, Bul-tak Marauder isn’t a monster causing indiscriminate destruction.”

She’s a hero who can regulate how much destruction they cause. Rather than mindlessly wreaking chaos, they prioritize targeting worthless heroes.

“So keeping her within the Association could lead to unpredictable results.”

She might end up as an assassin unit. Until the day she retires, they would squeeze her dry.

Yeah, looking at it this way, it makes sense.

Even while using her as a sacrificial lamb, she’s a talent the Association can exploit. As her spirit gradually wears down, her likelihood of obeying the Association’s words will increase. In their eyes, she’s just a perfect pawn.

“I’ve done what I could. I used my authority to recommend Baek Sihyeon as your student.”

“So you mean you want me to act as her protector?”


“I’m not getting any benefits from this!”

This time, I can’t contain my emotions; my mouth gapes wide. Deep within my heart, feelings that have been sealed start to unfold.

“I’m into it.”

That’s how it should be. That’s why you’re my friend.

I don’t know what kind of justice she’ll bloom, but at least I won’t let that seed die out.

“I knew you’d say something like that. Haram.”

There’s no smile on his face as he gazes back at me.

Together, we smile at one another:

Time passes, looking at each other with smiles.

And when we both return to our original faces,

“Then, it’s settled for Baek Sihyeon.”

I keep talking.

“And what about Han Ahban? She’s at best a D-rank, or an E-rank hero. What can she do with that limited power?”

She has enough justice in her heart, but she’s far too weak.

With mere slightly above-average physical abilities and healing abilities to the point of being insignificant. She seems to have combat talent, but given her foundation, it’s all meaningless.

“Don’t label her as a hero!”

“On a public level, sure.”

The Association publicly claims that all heroes are equal, but in the internal documents, they’re categorically ranked.

For situations that are easy to utilize should a need arise.

“Even if you don’t like classifying heroes based on ranks, she’s objectively weak. It would be easier for her to live comfortably and just retire.”

Baek Sihyeon has her own reasons, but what use do you have for a plain citizen like Han Ahban?

“She’s a hero similar to you.”


“For three years, no, almost four, there hasn’t been a single monster.”

“That’s not common.”

When thinking of heroes wrapping things up and retiring within a year, having four years without progress is undoubtedly rare.

I’ve been in this story for 30 years, and now I’m in a tenth year of no progress. Thinking it over makes me rage. Damn wasteful trash!

“And just like you, she’s a magical girl with nearly no power release.”

So that’s what it was.

It’s quite a rare case.

It’s no wonder her healing spells were so frustratingly slow.

“Exactly. If we didn’t check her closely this time, we’d be in deep trouble.”

“Even so, after four years, her body should be undergoing some development.”

Despite the lack of mana release, basic reinforcement should have happened internally.

“Oh, if she’s like me and can’t release magic, her body should have been strengthening quickly. Of course, since she hasn’t trained like I did, it’s a lot slower.”

“Don’t forget: It’s not the era where we fought every day like back then.”

“Ah, I see.”

Unlike us, who fought daily without fail for a year, she hasn’t had that time.

Even if her mana builds up inside, if it doesn’t lead to body reinforcement…

“I get it now. Train her as well. There’s no guarantee she’ll turn out like me.”

A rare case with difficulty releasing mana is still not unique to me.

Most of them die quickly.

“So, the discussion ends here. Do you have anything else to say?”


As I speak, my hands wave to indicate he should leave, and Hyunseok stands up and opens the hotel room door.

“Prepare a place to stay as quickly as possible. Until then, rest.”

He says that and walks through the door. I don’t respond.

“Hyunseok: you’re still the same. Thanks.”

At least Hyunseok still hasn’t discarded the mindset and justice of the past.

It’s been a short conversation, but I grasp it:

His sense of justice has rusted and twisted due to societal demands, but he hasn’t lost his essence.

“I appreciate you saying that.”

Eek! Thud.

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