Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 811 Reconciled

Chapter 811  Reconciled


CHAPTER 810 Li Jing's eyes widened slightly, a touch of nervousness creeping into her expression.

She had heard stories about Ye Sheng, some positive and some not so favourable. But at that moment, she decided to give him a chance, to see if he had truly changed.

"It's a pleasure," Li Jing said, her voice steady despite her inner apprehension. She extended her hand towards him, a gesture of respect.

Ye Sheng studied her for a moment before reaching out and shaking her hand firmly. "No, the pleasure is mine, Li Jing," he replied, a genuine smile gracing his lips.

"I hope you've been taking good care of my son."

At this point, Ye Cheng was tempted to roll his eyes at his father. If he recalled correctly, he was strongly against their relationship, let alone marriage and wanted to ship him with someone else. Li Jing nodded, her gaze meeting Ye Cheng's. "I love him with all my heart, and I will always take care of him," she affirmed, her voice filled with sincerity. "You have nothing to worry about."

Ye Cheng's father acknowledged with a curt nod, a flicker of approval passing through his eyes. "That's good to hear. Family is important, and it seems you both understand that."

Ye Cheng did not know whether his father was deliberately trying to get on his nerves with his words but seeing how receptive Li Jing was, he swallowed all those thoughts and watched on.

Ye Cheng approached cautiously, the air tinged with tension, each step magnifying the weight of their strained relationship.

Ye Sheng rose from his seat, his eyes meeting his son's, and a warm smile graced his face. "Cheng."

Ye Cheng's brows furrowed, skepticism etched into his features and wasted no time in cutting to the chase.

"Father, I'll ask a second time, what brings you here?" he inquired, his tone laced with suspicion. "Considering you told Mother that you were traveling just a few days ago. How are you here in my house?"

Ye Sheng's face faltered for a moment, searching for a plausible explanation.

"You see, the business meeting I had planned got postponed, so I decided to pay you a surprise visit," he responded, his voice tinged with an attempt at nonchalance.

Ye Cheng's expression hardened, a wall of mistrust building between them. "A surprise visit, huh?" he retorted, his voice dripping with skepticism. "Seems like there's more to it than meets the eye."

At once Li Jing sensed the escalating tension and her husband distrust. Reaching up, she gently placed a hand on Ye Cheng's arm, her eyes imploring him to maintain composure.

Following her advice, Ye Cheng took a deep breath, his anger simmering beneath the surface as he struggled to keep it in check.

Ye Sheng's smile wavered, a flicker of concern crossing his face. "Cheng, I understand that our relationship has been strained, and I take responsibility for my mistakes. But I hope we can start anew, rebuild our bond as father and son," he pleaded, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability.

Ye Cheng's defences began to crumble, his heart torn between resentment and a glimmer of hope.

"I mean it," Ye Sheng continued. "Ever since your mum came to pay a visit."

"She what now?"

At once Ye Sheng shut his mouth not wanting to annoy his son but when the latter lifted a brow, he swallowed and spoke up. "She did not do anything bad. We may be divorced but that does not limit her to come over and talk to me."

"I… You know what, that between you and her. It's your businesses whom you two decide to see. I won't interfere."

"Thank you."

Ye Cheng lifted his index finger to stop his father. "That does not mean I would let you treat her any how again. The second I notice one wrong move father, I would strike and this time yiou own't ever see her, I promise."

"Easy, easy, there. I am happy you have grown to be the kind of man that can protect his woman and mother. I am proud of you if I do say so myself."

"Hmm…" Understanding Ye Cheng, Li Jing decided to give him the neded push for him to lower his guard a little but and not chase his father away with his attitude. She nudged Ye Cheng gently, her eyes filled with encouragement. She saw this as an opportunity for healing, a chance to rebuild the Ye family with love and forgiveness.

Finally, Ye Cheng relented, his voice softening as he spoke. "Umm… I would also like to use this medium to thank you, father, for saving the company from those thugs who were about to burn it down," he said, his gratitude breaking through the barrier of his anger.

Ye Sheng waved off the praise with a humble smile. "It was the least I could do. I may not have been the best father, but I am here now, and I won't let Chairman Zhang or anyone else tamper with the company or our family."

Ye Cheng's gaze softened, a flicker of appreciation and longing shimmering in his eyes. He took a step closer to his father, the distance between them shrinking, and extended a hand.

"I appreciate your words, Father."

"Like I said, it is nothing. I may have been removed as the Chairman as punishment for my behaviour but that does not mean my eyes aren't sharp. This is what family do for each other."

"Sure. Also, I had a plan prior to this day, I will figure out everything and make Chairman Zhang pay for making Dream Star Corporation lose 300 million dollars like that," Ye Cheng vowed, determination lacing his voice.

Ye Sheng's smile widened, pride gleaming in his eyes. "That's my son," he stated, his voice brimming with paternal pride.

"But remember, don't waste your time on the past. We have a future to build together, and I'll be by your side every step of the way if and when you need me."

A surge of hope surged through Ye Cheng's veins, a renewed sense of purpose driving him forward.

Perhaps this was an opportunity for reconciliation, a chance to rebuild the bonds that had been strained for far too long. He looked at his father, the weight of the past and the uncertainty of the present converging in his gaze.

He grasped his father's hand firmly, the tension dissipating with each passing moment.

He had regarded his father with a mix of longing and doubt, wrestling with his emotions but now, even that seemed clearer now once he looked past things.

Ye Cheng took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before addressing his father again. "Father, there is something I need to tell you," he began, his voice steady.

"Okay, I am all ears," Ye Sheng affirmed and held both hands in front of him. "Please have your seat," he gestured towards the couch and they proceeded to sit down. "Go on," Ye Sheng urged.

"Li Jing and I have made a decision, and it's about our future."

Ye Sheng leaned forward, his eyes locked on his son's. "What decision have you made, Ye Cheng?" he asked, a mix of curiosity and concern in his voice.

Ye Cheng glanced at Li Jing, finding strength in her unwavering support. He took her hand in his, intertwining their fingers.

"We have decided to start a family," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "We want to bring a child into this world, to create a loving and nurturing home."

A range of emotions flickered across Ye Sheng's face, his eyes widening in surprise. He hadn't expected such news, and it took a moment for him to process the significance of his son's words.

Finally, he nodded, a small smile forming on his lips. "A family," he repeated softly. "That is a beautiful decision, one that brings joy and responsibility. I am glad to hear it, Ye Cheng."

Tears welled up in Li Jing's eyes as she beamed with joy, witnessing the first steps toward reconciliation between father and son. She pressed her fingers with Ye Cheng's, a silent message of support and unity.

He did not expect to inform his father anytime soon or even let him know except by chance but after he saw hope in their reconciliation, he decided it would not be bad if his child was born into a loving family especially now that Li Jing's parents were sadly out of the picture.

But his father's reaction was something he did not fathom but amidst that, joy radiate in his eyes.

Ye Sheng stood up abruptly, his eyes gleaming with unshed tears. He approached Ye Cheng and enveloped him in a tight embrace, a gesture that caught Ye Cheng off guard.

The walls of mistrust and resentment crumbled as the weight of their past grievances gave way to something better.

"I am proud of you, son," Ye Sheng whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "Starting a family is a precious gift, and I am honoured to be a part of it. I will do everything in my power to support you and Li Jing."

Ye Cheng's eyes welled up with tears as he returned his father's embrace. All the pain and distance seemed insignificant compared to the possibility of a bright and united.


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