Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 790 Night Club

Chapter 790 Night Club



When finally, Li Jing pulled away, Ye Cheng took a deep breath and let out a sigh. "You're tempting me, love?"

She giggled and pressed a kiss on his cheek before pulling back. "I am hungry."

"I thought you would be too since we haven't eaten yet."

"That is true."

"Let us go eat then."


They got changed and left the room hand-in-hand and walked down the corridor, got into the elevator and headed downstairs for the lobby where Aiden was waiting with FenFen who was wearing her new dress.

"Hi guys!" she greeted them happily.

"Hey," Ye Cheng answered while looking at her outfit.

It was white with pink flowers embroidered along the hemline. The top part was sleeveless and showed off her shoulders nicely. Her hair was tied up in a bun behind her head while her makeup was done perfectly.

"You look gorgeous," he complimented her only to get a scowl from Jia Huang which Ye Cheng ignored.

"Thank you! I bought this today when I went shopping after the movie," she announced. "Do you like it, Li Jing? Is it okay?" she asked excitedly.

"Of course it's fine. You look great in anything you wear."

"Really?" She grinned widely from ear to ear.

"Yes, really."

"Great!" She squealed and threw her arms around Jia Huang.

"So, what's the occasion?" Li Jing asked, curiosity getting at her.

a twinge of apprehension.

She glanced at Ye Cheng, her eyes silently questioning him.

"We are heading to a club nearby."

"A nightclub?" Ye Cheng raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, why not? We can have fun together and celebrate our vacation there."

Li Jing's curiosity piqued further at the mention of a nightclub. The idea of venturing into the vibrant and exhilarating nightlife intrigued her, but she couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension.

She glanced at Ye Cheng, her eyes silently questioning him.

Ye Cheng's raised eyebrow mirrored her uncertainty, but a mischievous glint danced in his eyes.

He leaned in closer to Li Jing, his voice low and playful. "Are you up for a little adventure, love?"

Li Jing's heart skipped a beat at his words. The thought of breaking free from their usual routine, letting go of inhibitions, and embracing the night's unknown possibilities stirred something within her.

She took a deep breath, summoning her courage, and a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "I'm in," she replied, her voice laced with excitement.

FenFen bounced on her heels, her infectious enthusiasm filling the air. "Yay! It's going to be so much fun!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

No sooner had she said that than they heard Fong Wei Ling's deep voice. "I knew you all would be up to something."

He stepped forward with his girlfriend by his side.

"Wei Ling." Ye Cheng flashed a smile at him. "Well FenFen just invited just. You wanna come too?"

"Sure. We were going for some chicken pepper soup and drinks. Partying would be nice too."

"Great then. I would text the others if they wanna join," Yin Lifen announced.

Together they made their way to the awaiting limousine Jia Huang requested for, the anticipation building with every step.

Li Jing couldn't help but steal glances at FenFen, her eyes lingering on the young woman's radiant transformation.

Yin Lifen's confidence was palpable, a testament to her blossoming self-assurance.

As they settled into the car, the sound of upbeat music pulsated through the speakers, heightening the atmosphere.

The driver, started the engine and skillfully maneuvered through the city streets. Li Jing felt a surge of energy course through her veins, a sense of liberation intertwining with the rhythmic beats.

Upon arrival, the vibrant lights of the nightclub illuminated the night sky, beckoning them closer.

Li Jing's senses heightened as they stepped inside, the thumping bass enveloping her, intertwining with her heartbeat.

The air was filled with a heady mix of laughter, conversation, and the enticing scent of cocktails.

The dance floor pulsed with bodies moving in sync with the music, their movements a fluid expression of joy and abandon.

Li Jing watched as Yin Lifen's eyes widened with awe, her enthusiasm bubbling over. She grabbed both Li Jing and Ye Cheng's hands, pulling them toward the dance floor as Jia Huang, Fong Wei Ling and his girlfriend Peng Mei followed suit.

With each step, Li Jing felt her worries fade away, replaced by an electrifying energy that surged through her body. The music seemed to take control, guiding her movements, as she surrendered to the rhythm. The lights danced around them, painting the scene with an ethereal glow.

Li Jing glanced at Ye Cheng, their eyes meeting in a shared moment of exhilaration. In that instant, their connection deepened, the thrill of the night amplifying their love.

As they danced, laughter and pure joy filled the space between them, intertwining their souls in a mesmerizing harmony.

The night at the nightclub became a symphony of euphoria, a celebration of life's vibrant possibilities. It was a testament to the magic that can be found when stepping outside of one's comfort zone, embracing the unknown, and allowing the rhythm of the night to guide their steps.

In that whirlwind of music, laughter, and newfound freedom, Li Jing realized that sometimes the most unforgettable memories are born from unexpected adventures.

Leaning in close, she wrapped her arms around Ye Cheng's neck.

"I had fun tonight."

"Me too," he replied with a smile before kissing her softly on her lips.

She smiled back, feeling contented as they continued dancing.

"I made you not finish your work. I'm sorry," Li Jing apologized.

Ye Cheng chuckled. "It is fine. You have done so much for me already. Besides, it's my fault since I brought us for the vacation. Do not worry, I would take care of you when we get back to the hotel."

"You're right. We should go now then. But first..."

Li Jing pulled him towards the bar where they ordered drinks and sat down.

"Whoo me," she said shyly. "Let's have another fun."

Ye Cheng nodded and played along with her.

When finally, the clock struck midnight, the club began to empty out until only the die-hard partygoers remained.

They decided to call it quits and headed to the hotel together. As soon as they stepped into their room, Li Jing jumped on Ye Cheng and pecked his lips.

"Thank you! I had one of the best night." She grinned widely.

"I am glad you enjoyed yourself, baby." He kissed her again.

"I did!" She exclaimed and let out a joy-filled laugh.

"Naughty. How about a nice hot bath with sweet massage and then a relaxing sleep?" Ye Cheng suggested.

"Sounds good to me."

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