Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 140: Authority

"UGAHHH!" Greska roared, taking her two-handed sword out from her inventory. She then rushed to the nearest man, and without hesitation, she swung her weapon, striking the surprised man's shoulder.

The sword penetrated the iron plate armor like butter, shredding everything in its way. It cut through the flesh, muscles, and bones, completely severing his shoulder and separating his left arm from the rest of the body.

My order was to capture them, but I didn't specify in what condition.

"Guah..." the man grunted, trying his best not to scream. He then looked at the stump of his left arm, which was lying on the ground, covered in blood.

"YOU BITCH!" he shrieked, his voice hoarse, and his bloodshot eyes glared at the half-giant with anger and hatred.

Surprisingly, he managed to pull a long katana from his inventory, trying to slash Greska with it. However, he failed to notice the distance. Long blades are the most deadly at a distance, but in close combat, where knives are more effective, having a long blade is fatal.

"Fool," Greska mocked, kicking his arm and knocking his katana out of his hand. She then lifted her left foot and stomped on his crotch. The man's eyes widened, and his face went pale.

A second later, with a disgusting crunching sound, blood shot from between his legs, covering the ground and forming a crimson pool. The man screamed his head off, unable to register the pain from both his lost arm and now crushed dick and balls.

"Pathetic weakling," Greska spat.

"You bitch, don't touch–" the woman finally moved. The situation had just taken a new and twisted direction in mere seconds. Her eyes filled with horror and disgust as she stared at her partner, who was rolling on the floor, holding his crotch while yelling his lungs out. The woman in armor attempted to charge at Greska and save her partner. Unfortunately for her, I have two bodyguards.

"Huh... Ugh!" the woman let out a small cry as she stumbled to her feet, falling face-first to the ground. She quickly rolled, looking back at what she tripped on, but what she saw made her heart skip a beat.

"W-W... What is THIS!" she exclaimed, watching in horror as multiple dark hands emerged from her own shadow and grabbed her, restraining her, and slowly pulling her into the shadows.

"H-HELP!... Let me goooo!"

"S-Sorry... I can't do that," a soft, shy voice echoed from the shadow. Shaelyra, or Shae for short, was the futa dark elf, my shadow assassin and bodyguard. She has the potential to be an S-rank hunter, but her kind nature holds her back. Even now, against this woman, Shae was only scaring her, hoping that she would lose the will to fight instead of hurting her.

I have no problem with this method, at least for now, and it's the best way to capture the two bodyguards, not like the stupid half-giant who couldn't just stop at cutting the man's arm. Oh no... she had to crush his balls.

'What a waste' I sighed, making up my mind to put an end to Greska's behavior for good. I can't allow her to go around crushing men's balls and ruin my chances of acquiring semen from strong men.

"Stop," I ordered, lifting my palm in a stop sign, signaling Greska to let go of the screaming man's arm. "We don't have time to deal with this stupid bastard."

"Grr...," she growled, glaring daggers at the poor guy. "Lucky bastard."

She grabbed the man by the hair, pushed his face into the ground, grinding his nose in the process, and dragged him to my feet. However, instead of complimenting her on the good work, as she was expecting, I did the opposite.

"Kneel!" I ordered, using my authority as her master, forcing the half-giant into submission.

"Why-Why are you–" her body moved on its own, and she dropped her sword and knelt. She wanted to shout at me and ask, but it was no use. With my authority as her master, there was no chance for her to defy me.

"Shut up!" I spoke calmly and with coldness, as I leaned, grabbing her chin, forcing our eyes to meet. "You're my slave, Greska. Never forget that again. And as my slave, obey my commands."


There was a pause as she kept staring at me. My only thought at that moment was how much her red eyes resembled Morgana's. I miss her greatly, and I always dream about her and how much I love her. I wish she were here with me right now.

"Listen, Greska," I said, breaking the silence. "I'm fine with your careless attitude as long as you follow my orders to the letter from now on. I'd rather have you as my friend than my slave."

I saw her raising her eyebrows, surprised by my words. I flashed a smile, releasing my authority over her, giving the half-giant her freedom again. Then I extended a hand and asked.

"Greska, would you like to be my friend or slave?"

She didn't move and didn't speak for a few seconds, only gazing at me with her red eyes. The atmosphere around us grew serious and heavy. Then, suddenly, her lips stretched into a smile, and she reached for my hand.

"I choose friend," she answered, gripping my hand tightly, then pulling me toward her for a hug and a KISS!

"Mmhm...?!" Our lips touched, and I felt her strong arms wrapping around my back, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss. It felt like I was hugging a giant bear, with no chance to escape—not like I wanted to. So I returned the hug and kissed her back.

"Mmmhh," the half-giant hummed as she pushed her tongue inside my mouth, swirling and sucking, tasting every bit of me. It was a hot and passionate kiss that I found myself enjoying a lot, forgetting about the world around me.

After a few seconds of kissing, the half-giant released me, leaving me blushing and breathing harshly. My Lady Raven act had just blown up. A trail of saliva connected our lips, and the half-giant looked at me, her red eyes glowing with passion.

"Thank you, Boss," she said, her expression serious. "You have no idea what you have just done, and how grateful I am."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"It means, my dear Boss," she paused, giving me a peck on the forehead, "it's a secret."


"Fine, keep your secrets," I sighed, not wanting to waste any more time with the half-giant. Her sudden change of attitude was not making things better. Standing up, I adjusted my clothes and focused on returning to my character.

Lisa, the manager, was standing at the side, frozen, unsure of what to do. That pimp guy Jack had passed out from his neck wound.

"Lisa," I called, snapping the woman from her thoughts. "Do you have a quiet room where we can have a nice chat with our guests?"

"Y-Yes... R-right this way."



"Hum?... Yes, Lilis?"

"They just left the tower."

"Thank you, dear, I'll be right there."

"Yes, mother."

Finishing my cup of tea, I stood up, stretching a bit and cracking my back. For the last two days, I buried myself in the tower doing all kinds of experiments on Leaf's body and, of course, breeding the shit out of her. With five wombs, the elf was my perfect baby factory.

I used her to populate an entire floor with mobs. That's when I discovered a downside of breeding inside the Nightmare Tower. Leaf could only give birth to the creatures that I had already unlocked—slimes, goblins, hobgoblins, and gnolls. No elves at the moment.

The good news was that the elf, wolf, rabbit, and spider races were unlocked for me by the tower system when I personally bred her in those forms. However, to use them, I need to unlock floor number 20 and up.

"Oh, well," I shrugged, walking toward the door. "One step at a time."


Noticing my two firstborns at the tower's gate arguing about something, I shook my head and made my way toward them.

Ember and Luna were the last ones to leave the tower, all because of their stupid goal of fucking everything that moves. Now, don't get me wrong, I have no problem with that, as I'd do the same myself. However, I do it for fun because I'm a big pervert. But my wolf daughters did it with another purpose in mind.

It was clear they were getting revenge and cheating on each other, but why? I don't know. Yet.

"Luna, Ember, come here," I called, walking closer. The two wolf girls stopped what they were doing and looked at me. Their bodies were covered with scratches and bruises.

"Hi, Mother."


"What's going on between you two?"

"Nothing," Luna replied, dropping her head, while Ember was more... aggressive in her reply.

"It's none of your business, mother," she snapped, glaring at me. But the moment her mind registered what she just said, Ember's face paled, and her expression turned into absolute terror. Why? Because the look on my face was not pleasant at all.

"I'm... S-Sorry... M-Mother, I didn't mea—" I interrupted her by placing my hand on her cheek. She flinched at my touch, and I could feel her trembling. Without breaking eye contact with Ember, I placed my other hand on Luna's cheek as well.

"My daughters, my first daughters," I paused, caressing their cheeks. "I love you more than anything in this world, but..."


With a quick motion, I slammed their heads together. The hit was hard and fast, and they both lost their balance, falling to the ground.


"Ouch... MOTHER!"

"As your mother, I deserve some respect," I said, grabbing their tails and beginning to drag them toward the wolves' den. "You're going to tell me everything, but after my good old motherly punishment."


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