Moral Degeneration


“Fuck fuck fuck,” Violet said. Her hands gripping the blanket I stopped going in any further. Sucking on her neck she shivered. My hands gripping hers she eventually nodded again. 


I started going back into her ass. I went a little ways then began going in and out. Her tight ass gripped me and she sputtered. Not used to the weird feeling of her ass being used. 


I groaned in her ear as I sped up and she began to cum. The small woman’s body tightened up as her nerves fired. “Fuuuuuck,” she gasped as I continued pistoning in her. 


“Cum already,” she pleaded. “You’re so fucking huge.” Violet grunted. Chuckling, I leaned forward and turned her to face me. We began making out as I started fucking her harder. 


“Jesus,” she gasped. Her body rocking back and forth as I pounded into her. The woman’s tight cheeks rippled with every thrust as I groaned. I came hard into her. Violet's body began to spasm as she came as well. My semen touching her insides acting as some signal for her body to cum. 


I pushed into her as far as possible as my dick spurt into her. Violet took it all moaning happily. When I was done I gave one more push in then slowly extricated my dick. 


“That was so weird,” she said with a sigh. Laying on the big bed my cum began leaking out of her ass as it tightened back up slowly. “Never came with just my ass before.”


“It was fun to watch,” Audrey said. She had been sitting next to us playing with herself. I got up, went to the bathroom, and cleaned up. 


“You?” I asked the older woman. She cutely thought about it as a finger went to her chin. Then she shook her head. 


I chuckled and dove for her. Since she was still late we hadn’t bothered with condoms in a while. I pounded into her and Violet eventually got up to sit on her face. 


“This is amazing,” Violet said. “I told a college friend I was fucking a boy on the regular. She got so jealous.”


“I’m fucking you. Not the other way around,” I said with a grin. Pinching her nipple I pulled her to kiss me. We groaned in one another’s mouths as I fucked Audrey and Violet was eaten out. We came loudly. When I filled Audrey up Violet started eating her out as they 69ed. 


We went to bed soon after. The girls on my shoulders they hummed happily as they draped their legs over my thighs. After a few hours of sleep I woke up and went to my room. Waking Luna up to fuck I used yet another condom to force her awake. She squealed happily and was soon cumming. Grinding me as I pounded her without a care.


“Okay gotta go,” I said after the first time. 


“What? But we just started?” She said as I laid on her back. Still inside of her she had cum a few times as I took her from the back.  


“Going fishing,” I said. 


“Just one more,” she pleaded. “Same position.” She smiled up at me. I groaned but started thrusting again. Using the same condom wasn’t the smartest but they didn’t grow on trees. 


I bit her shoulder as my arm wrapped around her neck. She groaned happily as I used her how I wanted. My dick going in and out hard she was soon cumming again. 


Making this a short session I started filling her up once more. When I let go of her neck she let out a sigh and laid back down. 


“Have fun,” she whispered. Her eyes shutting she pretended to fall asleep. I smacked her ass as I went to the bathroom. Showering and shaving I put on some dark heavy clothes and was out the door. 


It didn’t take long to get to Ryleigh’s house. Her mom Rose was already out in the garage. Putting fishing poles and a few guns in the trunk she smiled at me. 


“Thought I’d have to wake you up,” she said. 


“I usually get up at 5,” I said. 


“Why’s that?”


“Workout and run. Good routine to have. Gets your blood flowing before the day.”


She let out a big yawn. “I just got off work, so this is usually when I’m sleeping.”


“With any luck you’ll get the promotion and won’t have to work the night shift,” I said helping her put stuff in the car. 


“We will see. I’m gonna go wake up Ry,” she said. I wanted to offer but I doubted she would let me. Ryleigh grumbled awake and bundled up. Before Rose could stop me I was sitting in back with her. Ryleigh smiled and was leaning on my shoulder trying to sleep as Rose drove us. 


I caught a smile on the older woman’s lips. I leaned my head against the window. My arm over Ryleighs shoulder stroking her hair as I enjoyed the nostalgia of the moment. 


I had been woken up dozens of times to go fishing. Back after my mother died, the first time, I had just started living with my foster father. Max Farkirk was his name. I called him Fartkirk the first time I met him. He didn’t hesitate to pop me in the mouth. It wasn’t the first time I’d been hit. But it was the first time someone apologized afterward. 


He set the tone of our relationship then and there. Said he was in my same situation once. Talked about the rage I had been feeling. The hate for everything. He sent me off to my room and the next morning he dragged me out of bed before dawn to go fishing. 


Fishing is one of the easiest sports out there. Simply find some bait and throw it out there. See what bites. We never caught much. He wasn’t about catching. He was about sitting outside and relaxing. 


Max explained it to me then. Fishing was the first true strike of genius men had back in the day. When others were risking their lives hunting something that could hunt them back they were being fools. Fishing made the food come to you. No danger. Simply waiting for that perfect moment when an animal was interested in the bait you let out. 


Fishing was the time to truly sit and forget everything else. You could go all over the world to every small lake or pond and there would be fish in it and men to fish it. 


That was the first time I wasn’t truly angry. Allowing my own thoughts to disappear. It was only for a short while. But I remember it distinctly. Sitting on his small boat as the pond woke up. Frogs croaking, crickets chirping, birds singing, fish splashing above the water. I let it all leave me. And I was happy. 


Then the anger was back. But I remembered that feeling. I strived for it. We would go home. I’d do something asinine. He’d pop me and the next day we’d go fishing. And every time we went I could hold onto that relaxed feeling just a little longer. 


Eventually when the season began we started hunting. That became my true passion. In the woods or a field looking for prey. I was able to forget the world a whole lot easier. 


After a little over a year with him I left. The military became my passion for a while. I still had outbursts. But never as bad as when I was a kid. And slowly I was able to identify my own issues and work through them. 


I doubted fishing and hunting would have worked for every kid. But they worked for me. They would always be a part of my life. Much like the missions I found myself on. Only now those missions were more on the seduction side than the killing side. 


We got to Rose’s preferred public hunting area. Not the only ones there I woke Ryleigh with a shake and discreet kiss to the forehead. She smacked her lips and we got out of the car. I grabbed what I could for poles and we were soon walking out on the ice. 


The pond had a few people with tents on the frozen water. The area was mostly a white landscape as everything was covered in snow. Rose knew right where to go and was soon entering one of the tents. I heard loud happy exclamations as she stepped in. 


“And who do we have here? Little Ry?” An older woman asked. Ryleigh blushed as she stepped in. 


“Aunt Petty,” Ry said, moving over to hug an older woman. 


“And whose this strapping young lad?” The other older woman asked. 


“Russ, and you are?”


“Call me Aunt Flo,” she said as I shook her hand. Petty and Flo were the typical older women. Wrinkles and gray hair. They were bundled up next to a small propane heater. The temperature in the tent was pretty warm. The older women sat on buckets next to a small hole in the ice. Tiny poles in hand they smiled up at me. 


“Russ has never been ice fishing before,” Rose said. 


“Oh, a Southern boy?” Petty asked. 


“No,” I lied. “Just never trusted the ice. Very sheltered.” I set down my own sitting bucket next to an empty hole in the ice. Rose did the same. 


“Aye, well it’s not too hard,” Flo said. “The trick is finding the right depth.”


“And bait,” Petty added. 


“And spot,” Rose added. 


“Exactly,” Flo said. I sat down and was quickly baiting the pole Rose was lending me. My hands were cold but I ignored it. I listened to Rose chat with the girls. Handing the pole to Ry I let her put it in the hole and baited the other pole. 


It wasn’t long until we were sitting and fishing. The girls were yammering on. With all the chatter I could tell I wouldn’t like ice fishing. It was too cold. Fishing should be done sitting from a boat on a sunny day. 


“Ryleigh, how’s school?” Flo asked as the conversation between the older friends ended. 


“Good,” she yawned. My cute friend shook her head trying to wake up. “Russ is in most of my classes.” She tried deflecting. 


“Are you now?” Petty asked. “Russ over there your boyfriend?”


Ryleigh blushed. “I am her friend that is a boy,” I said unashamedly. “So yeah. I’m her boyfriend.”


The older girls guffawed. “Been a long time since I’ve met a boy your age,” Flo said. “I’ve heard they don’t much like to fish these days.”


“It’s so dang cold. I can’t blame them. But you’ll never get me to stop fishing on a nice sunny day.”


“You can’t stop fishing,” Flo said. “You 2 are probably too young to know. But it became a big problem back in the day.”


“Here we go,” Rose said. 


“What? It’s true,” Flo said. “Back around the Pox it was just men that hunted and fished. When they weren’t being born it left a lot of animals roaming out there. Deer, bears, fish, destroying their own ecosystems as they overpopulated. There was a big push to get women out here to start enjoying the outdoors.”


“Makes sense,” I said. “How’d you ladies get started?”


“My grandpa took us,” Flo said. “Back when men actually knew who their kids and grandkids were.” 


Petty nodded. “Aye. He was a sour old coot. But he loved fishing. Back before they had these nice tents he’d be out on the ice fishing every year. Never bringing back much. But out here all the same.”


“When did that stop?” I asked. “When did men stop knowing who their kids were?”


“Oh soon after we were born I imagine,” Flo said. “They started to have to ship sons away from their fathers to make it so they didn’t risk inbreeding. It was a big mess back then. No fancy bracelets to tell you who you were related to.”


“Big mess now,” I commented. The conversation died down a little with that. I could see a little more why things were the way they were. Boys expected to be men without their fathers example. They degenerated from the providers to the leeches they were today. 


It wasn’t long till Flo and Petty were arguing about something that the conversation came back around. “I heard you’re looking for a car, Russ,” Rose said. 


“Yeah,” I said. “Was thinking of rebuilding one. A nice muscle car.”


“Now there is something I’d like to see,” Flo said. “Can’t tell you the last time I saw a boy driving around in a car.”


“Well then I’ll have to get one and come pick you ladies up,” I said. “We can go fishing. You can show me all the good spots this summer.”


“Deal,” Petty said. “There’s plenty of knowledge I still need to pass on. Plenty of hidden lakes with the best fishing.” I actually got excited to hear of those. These women had secret spots passed down from their grandfather. 


“A friend of mine runs a shop,” Rose said. “Has a bunch of old cars out back. Might have one for you.”


“Sounds good to me,” I said. “Better than looking through the phone book or a paper.” I missed craigslist. Currently anyone that wanted to sell something had to put it in the paper. I got the info and we were back to fishing. 


After a few hours Ryleigh got bored. We wrapped up our fishing but the old ladies stayed. We said our goodbyes and were back at the car. 


Rose drove us to the other side of the public hunting area where we could shoot guns. She was setting up a table out front of the vehicle as I was at the back. 


Opening her ammo boxes I was quickly refilling them. I had used her guns without Rose knowing a few weeks ago. This was my first chance to refill them since she didn’t let me in the basement with her daughter anymore. 


Audrey had bought the replacement ammo with cash in town. No questions asked. 


Rose went over the operation of her AK-47. I pretended to not know anything. She was extra clear on safety. Annoyingly cautious. But I understood the need. 


Ry and I fired her rifle and handguns a few times into a snowbank and we were on our way. Ryleigh and I sat in back again. 


This time I sat behind Rose. Ryleigh leaned against me. Pretending to sleep. This time she slowly inched her hand up my thigh. 


Growing excited as she moved up my hand moved to her rear. My dick lengthening she found it and began running her fingertips along the head. Slowly but surely she traced along it. Her eyes closed. I lightly groaned as her touch was driving me crazy. 


Digging into her ample ass cheek I tried to convey how angry I was with her teasing. It only made her go slower. Her nails scratching along the length I could see a blush on her face as she became more bold. 


I could only sit and take it. Rose looked back at us now and then. She didn’t know for sure, but suspected we were doing something. I kissed the top of Ryleighs head. My hand still massaging her ass cheek. 


Precum poured out of my dick as her nail moved back to the tip. Over and down random circles and stretched along the head and shaft. I couldn’t help but buck one of the times. Ryleigh continued to pretend to sleep then her hand grabbed the whole shaft. 


I fought saying anything. The situation and simple stimulation were driving me wild. We hadn’t done anything in a long time. Not since her birthday. Forced to be outside or with a chaperone it was hard to be near her. Taking everything at a snail's pace, we were really living what I always expected my first love to be like. 


Sneaking away for a second alone. Passing love notes to one another. Giving each other longing looks across the hall. It was too much to take sometimes. 


Her palm moved along my shaft slowly. Up and down. Then it was ruined as Rose tried to reposition the rear view mirror. Ryleigh pulled her hand back quickly and we did our best to pretend to not have been touching one another. 


Ry really did try to sleep then but we were mostly home anyway. I helped unpack the car then as Rose stepped out for a second I was kissing Ryleigh hard. 


“I’ll get you back for that,” I promised. She smiled widely and kissed me back but Rose walked back in. Giving us the disappointed look we separated and I was saying my goodbyes. 


Turned on by Ry, I had to run to Farrah’s. Close to lunch time I walked in and made her a sandwich. Waking her up she squealed happily as I set it on a tray in front of her. 


“I didn’t expect you today,” she said, chowing down. 


“What can I say? I got horny for my pregnant girl.”


She smiled happily as she finished it. Then she was all over me. We fucked hard. There was something primal and freeing cumming into a woman that was already pregnant with my kid. 


“Cumming,” she gasped as I thrust into her from missionary. Her eyes fluttering her body spasmed and cum leaked out of her as I felt her pussy writhe around my dick. 


Loud slaps sounding as our flesh collided I only went faster as she squeaked with each thrust. “You’re mine,” I growled. She nodded uncomprehendingly as I fucked her harder. My dick over 7 inches wasn’t huge but it was the biggest one any of these girls ever had. 


My glans poking her cervix with every thrust she gasped in pleasure as she felt my cum paint her insides. Cumming again she wrapped her legs around me. Desperate to keep me inside so she could feel my dick release every drop. 


“Feels so good,” she grunted as her eyes clamped shut. I kissed her hard but I was far from done. Ryleigh had turned me on but Farrah was a beauty herself. 


“Housewife,” I whispered in her ear. She moaned and nodded.


“Let me take care of you hubby,” she said with a smile. I rolled off of her. Like a switch had been flipped she began acting like a perfect housewife. 


“You worked hard today?” She said between licking my balls. I groaned as she slurped up our cum off my dick. “Let me show my appreciation.”


“But you’re pregnant. I need to take care of you,” I said. 


She smiled widely. Wrapping my dick in her tits she wouldn’t hear of it as she did all the work. Getting off on it somehow she sucked me off then demanded showering with me. Enjoying rubbing and cleaning my body she made sure every inch was spotless. 


Then I was taking her ass. Pushing her against the shower wall her curves squished hotly as she screamed loudly. 


“Oh daddy. Take me,” she pleaded. I could only groan and speed up. My hard cock thrusting into her as the water sprayed us. She came hard and fast with the rough treatment. There was a reason Farrah was one of my favorites.


I fucked and whispered in her ear all the while. “I can’t wait to see your belly bulge out. I’ll only want to fuck you more. I hope you can take it. Otherwise I’ll have to take what I want from you.”


“Yes,” she gasped. Over and over. “Cum in me. Put another baby in me. I don’t care. I’m yours.” 


“Good girl,” I said and she shivered again. Cumming loudly as I started to fill her once more. It was a good while before I stopped. She was asleep again when I left. It was Luna’s turn next. Or Audrey. Or whoever. I didn’t really care. I was horny and ready to fuck all of them again. 

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