Moonlight Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 72 Harry

Chapter 72 Harry
Riddle's black diary disappeared, but Ivan was not surprised at all. It was not an ordinary diary, it was a Horcrux. From the beginning to the present, it took a full one or two months to let it find a chance It's actually quite normal to 'accidentally' fall out of one's schoolbag.

He is not a god, and it is impossible to monitor it 24 hours a day. The most important question now is who picked up this black diary...

This makes things a little beyond imagination.

The dance party last night was very happy, so the next morning, Aiwen woke up very early very skillfully, but the moon bends to shine on Kyushu, several families are happy and others are sad, Ivan’s side is okay, but Harry’s first When I woke up the next day, the two dark circles almost overflowed the screen.


Just as Ivan was eating breakfast, he suddenly heard a call, and when he looked back, Harry was already standing behind him.

"Good morning, Harry." Ivan gnawed on an apple while passing another apple, "Come and eat an apple, one apple a day, Madam Pomfrey stay away from you."

"Don't be like this, Ivan, I have something to talk to you about." Harry smiled wryly and took the apple without eating it, just holding it in his hand.

"Is it about the Chamber of Secrets?" Ivan continued to say vaguely, Hermione slapped him on the head immediately, and he had to swallow the apple before speaking again, "I suggest you read "Hogg A History of Watts' School, which contains a description of the Chamber of Secrets."

Ivan read this book by chance in the library, and it probably said that the four founders of Hogwarts, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin co-founded the school.

But later, because of the disagreement of ideas, Slytherin left Hogwarts, and left a secret room in Hogwarts before leaving, hoping that his heir could return to Hogwarts and purify the school , because Slytherin's philosophy is to only recruit pure blood...

In fact, this matter still does not stand up to scrutiny. After all, people who can create an era are proud. They only want to let themselves do everything at once, instead of leaving the problem to future generations.

Unless this reason is ruled out, assuming that Slytherin's personality has changed drastically, this assumption can be barely established. Note that it is only reluctant. There are a lot of loopholes in it. To jointly create a school, and the castle used is Slytherin's family's castle...

However, Ivan did not tell Harry that all Harry needs now is a reason, and the rest can only wait and see.

"It's... well, I'll read it, but that's not what I want to talk about." Harry hesitated, then sat down and whispered, "I heard a hissing sound in the bathroom last night." .”

"Parseltongue?" Ivan raised his eyebrows, "It's a good thing, I didn't expect you to know the unique skills of Slytherin. Are you really a descendant of Slytherin?"

Harry looked at Ivan with incredible eyes, and after ten seconds, Ivan shrugged, "It seems that you are the only one who didn't realize that I was joking."

Depend on!
Harry, who was always good-tempered, scolded someone in his heart very rarely.

Aiwen is good everywhere, but sometimes his personality is too picky.

"Okay, okay, I promise to help you." Looking at Harry's eyes that didn't know whether he wanted to kill someone or was wronged, Ivan lay on the table half dead, and said, "But people who know about this matter should not be too serious." Much, as long as the two of us and Hermione know, otherwise I don't care if something goes wrong."

After all, the disappearance of the black diary made Ivan feel that things were a little out of control. In this case, it is not a good thing to take advantage of this opportunity to get involved, not to mention... It seems that it is not easy to sit and watch Harry's brother looking for it like this. Not in his character, but...

"But Harry, you have to promise me one condition!" Ivan sat up straight and said very seriously, "Learn Occlumency, Harry, if there is any difficulty, I can help you, but you must learn to Occlusion! This magic is very important to you! Otherwise, there are many things I can't explain to you."

"Occlumency?" Harry asked a little confused.

"A magic that can prevent others from prying into your brain. Everyone has secrets. You don't want your secrets to be exposed under the eyes of others, do you? Sometimes one is one, and two is two. If you can't learn the brain Sealing technique, I can't tell you some important things, it's not that I don't trust you, but I can't trust you, I think you should be able to understand the difference."

Harry nodded, Ivan rarely became serious, but every time he became serious, things were very important.

Ivan doesn’t know when Harry came into contact with Occlumency in the original book, but it must be much later than now. At that time, Harry was already greatly influenced by Voldemort, so it was always difficult for him to learn this magic. , I don't know what his learning situation will be this time, but judging from his talent in the spell class, he should be able to learn it.

Being able to learn does not mean that you can learn well. It all depends on talent, but being able to learn is enough.

In addition, it is not a bad thing to tell the matter in advance. Maybe he felt uncomfortable at the beginning, but his reason will tell him that it is undoubtedly correct to say this. Li noticed.

They're hiding something from me.

Did they not trust me.

But what did I do wrong,
Why are you doing this.

Just like this, sooner or later, Harry will have a grudge in his heart, just like a seed that takes root and sprouts, and will grow into a towering tree. Distrust brings grudges, grudges bring cracks, and below the cracks, there are more and more resentments waiting to explode , Sometimes as long as a little push.

This is neither a novel nor an anime movie. Everyone is alive, they also have a heart, they also have a brain, they also think, and they also think about who I am.

Glancing at the time in the auditorium, class was about to begin, and Ivan, who had already eaten, stood up, and the sun shone on him, shining golden, making Harry feel a little dazed.

"By the way, even if you look at me that way, I won't cheer for your Quidditch match. It's better if you have a bad stomach and can't play!"

Harry: ...



Weak vote

(End of this chapter)

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