Moonlight Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 64 Lockhart's Classroom

Chapter 64 Lockhart's Classroom
Lockhart on the podium looked at his growing die in shock, and quickly took out his wand to make him change back, but he tried several times without success, and the little wizard under the podium looked at each other in dismay.


This Lockhart is ostentatious.

The wise eaglets were a little puzzled.

"Stop the curse!"

Finally, Ivan took out his wand and pointed at Lockhart, and Lockhart quickly retracted his die.

"It seems that a naughty little wizard made a joke with me," Lockhart's iconic smile finally appeared on his face again, "This little wizard from Ravenclaw is very good, I Add ten points to him!"

This face is a bit thick...

Alvin thought of it speechlessly.

It's fine to deceive those stupid lions with these words, but you are here to deceive us Ravenclaw?
Gryffindor (takes out his wand and faces Ivan): Are you polite?

At this time, Lockhart coughed, cleared his throat loudly, and attracted everyone's attention.At this time, he had already held a copy of "Walking with Trolls" in his hands, holding it up high like an exhibition.

"Hi everyone, I'm Gilderoy Lockhart, [-]rd class of the Order of Merlin, honorary member of the Defense Against the Dark Arts, five-time winner of the most charming smile in Wizard Weekly, but I don't talk about that , because I didn't drive away those female ghosts by smiling!"

After hearing these words, Aiwen suddenly regretted giving him a spell to stop.

No, why do you still blink your eyes? Go to the doctor for your bad eyes, and apply eye drops for your dry eyes. Bastard, don’t disgust me!

"Professor!" Aiwen suddenly raised his hand, and the kittens present fell silent immediately, and all their eyes were on Aiwen. You know, Aiwen only raised his hand once in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class last year. , and then directly turned Professor Quirrell head-on that time, I won't do it again this time...

"Oh? It seems that this student of mine can't wait to communicate with me cordially. No problem, I will fulfill your wish!" Lockhart showed his charming smile again.

"Professor, last year, I also encountered a troll, but that troll couldn't communicate at all, so how did you establish communication with him?" Aiwen didn't stand up, just lying on the table lazily Yang Yang asked.

"You can tell at a glance that you haven't read my book seriously, and the answers to your questions are all in the book!" Lockhart said without changing his expression, "So you have to learn to look for the answers in the book..."

"Sorry, professor, I really figured out a way later. The troll didn't move at all, but he was obedient." Before Lockhart could finish speaking, Ivan interrupted him again.

"Then what did you do!" At this moment, Lockhart was a little annoyed by the successive embarrassments.

"It's very simple." Ivan took out his wand and put it on his neck, and made a movement of cutting his throat, "Kill it!"

Killed, can't you just stay still?
Lockhart froze for a moment, and said with an unchanged expression, "Well, this is not good. We must love animals. Well, yes, that's it. We must love giants. They also have life. Okay, let's get back to business."

God damn trolls are alive too, love them.

Aiwen complained wildly in his heart, but at this time, Lockhart had already handed out a stack of papers, and Aiwen glanced at the papers...

Including Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color, food, greatest wish, greatest achievement and so on, there are more than 50 questions (I abbreviated it for the sake of not being fluent, so you can call me a cunning villain )
Ivan directly threw the paper aside, and Hermione did even better, directly crumpled the paper and threw it in the trash can, with an aboveboard appearance that did not shy away from Lockhart at all.

Lockhart's smile froze, and just as he was about to say something, he saw Hermione lying on Ivan's arm, as if talking to Ivan...

"By the way, Hermione, you're not good, right?" Ivan looked at Hermione helplessly, obviously using himself as a shield.

"What's wrong? Didn't you still say yesterday that you want to go bad with me?" Hermione giggled, "What's more, he doesn't have any real information, does he?"

"Okay, whatever you want, but for Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall..."

"I know, don't worry." Hermione replied immediately.


While writing the paper, Ivan took out a copy of "Advanced Principles of Magic" boredly and read it. Hermione, who was writing and drawing in her notebook, suddenly turned her head and stared carefully at Ivan, who was reading the book seriously, with a gentle look on her face. , smiling.

Maybe this is the real Hermione.

Carrying stars in the eyes, ten thousand volumes of books in the arms, looking back and smiling like February peach blossoms being blown by the breeze, lowering the head and frowning like lotus leaves on the lakeside lightly touching the lake water, the ripples spread far away, a touch of shyness, a bunch of setting sun, A sparrow cry.

But sometimes the snow-capped mountains will last forever, and the glaciers will remain the same for thousands of years.


Three or ten minutes later, Lockhart accepted the paper, followed by boring comments and exaggerated narcissism (in fact, from a psychological point of view, excessive self-centeredness is actually an unhealthy state of mind. In other words, if you are sick, you must be cured!)

Lockhart suddenly yelled, waking up Ivan who was reading a book. He saw that there was a big cage covered with cloth on the podium.

Then Lockhart talked a lot about the horror of the things inside, scaring everyone, and finally opened it and there was a Cornish elf.


Why are you swollen?

It's like going to a movie theater to watch a horror movie. How scary and scary the promotional movie was in the early stage, you can't help but think of Sadako, Kayako, Sadako vs. Kayako... As a result, when you go in and look, a big screen pops up facing the sun. Huskies running free.

Is this also called an elf?
In Aiwen's impression, shouldn't the elves be the kind who have a sweet voice, a delicate body and a weak body like Sarah, who lie beside you all day long?
But this elf...

But what the hell is this eight-inch livid screaming like a tiger?

Dry, messy, not only not round, but also chattering, jumping up and down, yo?Still make funny faces?Vomit~ so ugly!

Just then, Lockhart had opened the cage.

The Cornish elf screamed excitedly and rushed towards the little wizards of Ravenclaw.

"Go away!" Ivan took out his wand and stood up, "Wind blade attack! Wind vortex!"

A cyan vertical wind blade issued from the wand in Aiwen's hand, just hit the body of the Cornish elf rushing forward, cutting it in half out of thin air, and iron-blue blood splashed out, but Enveloped by another gust of wind, it sprayed towards Lockhart.

Lockhart, whose face was covered with blood, froze for a moment, then screamed loudly.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

Not to mention the blood, the little wizards who had never even seen a chicken being killed also screamed together.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

The Cornwall elves, who were frightened, scattered and ran away.

For a while, the classroom was in chaos!


(End of this chapter)

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