Moonlight Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 44 Exam

Chapter 44 Exam
Although the taste of the improved tranquilizer was not good, it could be seen that the effect of the medicine was good. At least when Ivan saw Harry the next day, he found that his spirit had obviously improved a lot.

"Harry, how do you feel after drinking the tranquilizer?" Ivan asked Harry as he pulled Harry to a corner.

"The effect is very good, but the taste is too bad..." When it comes to the taste of the potion, Harry's facial features are almost knotted. "Also, the stomach feels uncomfortable after waking up. Is there any side effect?"

"Of course not, haha." Ivan laughed awkwardly, and after asking the time in detail, he drove Harry away, then took out a small notebook and started recording:
Experimenter: Harry Potter
Sex: Male
Age: 11 years old

Physical condition: nightmares, night sweats, insomnia...

Reaction after taking the medicine: mild diarrhea, slight pain in the temples, soft soles of the feet...

Suggestions for improvement: add Mortra rat juice, snail feet, absinthe...

As for Harry's surprise to find that the side effects of the tranquilizer are getting smaller and smaller... that's another story.

Facing the intense and exciting final exam, Hermione rarely became nervous. What she worried about most every day was whether she would fail the exam. Urging Aiwen to study, as if Aiwen studied hard, she would not fail the class.

But... can that be the same?

Just like no matter which class you are in from childhood to adulthood, there will always be one who can easily get full marks in math and one who can't learn math at all. There are all kinds of people, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and the joys and sorrows of people are not the same.

In order to appease Hermione, who was a little irritable due to studying, Ivan even changed his job recently to become a divination master. He took out a set of Tarot cards and told Hermione that you will never fail the exam. Only then did Hermione, who was baring her teeth and claws, calm down a little.

It was also the first time that Aiwen began to face up to the power of metaphysics. He left aside a dozen books in the dormitory, such as "Women's Psychology", "On the 360 ​​Five Ways of Chasing Girls", "A Male Lecturer Proficient in Human Nature", etc. It's useless, to appease Hermione, you have to rely on metaphysics!
With the passage of time, the exam is getting closer and closer, Hermione's mood is irritable for a while, and very gentle for a while, which makes Ivan's head hurt, and Hermione is making trouble for no reason in his dreams, but in the end it is true The exam was approaching, but Hermione really settled down, which made Ivan speechless for a while.

What kind of demon is this all made of?

The first exam was Professor Flitwick's Charms class. The exam content was very simple, that is, the students walked into the classroom one by one, and then were asked to let a pineapple tap dance across a desk.

The witty Aiwen said that this is not a problem, so he let Pineapple slide over the desk in a space walk. On the way, he made a few classic movements of digging out his crotch and shaking his waist, but Pineapple was a bit fat and couldn't get it out...

"Ivan, I'm talking about tap dancing..." Professor Flitwick frowned slightly.

"Haha, I know..." Ivan nodded with a smile, and walked out of the classroom.

You know what a ghost!

Professor Flitwick showed the expression of the subway grandfather looking at his mobile phone.

and many more!

He seems to have seen a name called Hermione,

I see……

The witty Professor Flitwick gave Ivan a full score.

Who isn't a Ravenclaw?

The second session was Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class, which required turning a mouse into a snuffbox, and the third session was Professor Snape's Potions class, which, needless to say, was also brewing potions. No problem for Hermione, it was done with ease.

The most difficult thing was the flight class exam. Ivan and Hermione didn't fly very well, and the little eagles around showed a relieved smile.

The most boring thing was the History of Magic exam. Before half of the exam, he finished writing the entire exam paper. He could hand in the paper ahead of time and looked at Hermione sitting under the teacher's nose. Ai Wen felt that he should be a real man once. You can't be afraid of Hermione, and isn't it just handing in the test in advance?It's not that I haven't finished writing, why can't I submit it in advance?

Aiwen, whose buttocks had been raised a little distance, glanced at Hermione's back angrily, and sat down again.

well he,


Anna, who accidentally raised her head to look at the classroom, noticed Aiwen's small movements, and couldn't help but secretly laughed. Aiwen glared at her.

(It seems that there is no exam in the first grade of Defense Against the Dark Arts class. The status of this class is very similar to that of physical education class. It is taken from the first grade of elementary school. It is necessary to take the entrance examination for high school entrance examination. It is a separate exam for the college entrance examination, and it can also be used as a specialty to recommend extra points... Up)
In short, after putting down the quill, the exam is over!
The little wizards came out of the classroom one after another, making heated discussions, and Hermione finally returned to the gentle and virtuous girl she used to be!

This is true, anyway, Ivan feels very gentle and virtuous.

Hermione repeated the content of the exam just now to Ai Wen, and faced Ai Wen with the answer, laughing happily for a while, and worried about her exam results for a while, but it was much better than the state before the exam Yes, this also made Ai Wen breathe a sigh of relief.


Ivan suddenly saw Harry and his little friends running in front of him, and the direction of running was the Forbidden Forest. Of course, it might be Hagrid's cabin next to the Forbidden Forest.

Ivan hadn't had much contact with Hagrid, who had the blood of a giant, so he didn't know how he was, but why did Harry run there in such a hurry?

Is it...

Reminiscent of Quirrell who has always been wrong,
Ivan thought of an interesting possibility.

"Hermione, let's go to Professor Flitwick." Ivan patted the little head of Hermione who had been nagging, and the two walked towards Professor Flitwick's office.

Some people rely on wisdom and courage to think of the end, but some people rely on the back door to think of the end.

You know, there are two kinds of people that Ivan hates the most, one is people who go through the back door, and the other is people who don't let him go through the back door.

"Professor Flitwick, good afternoon." In front of Professor Flitwick, Ivan was obviously not so restrained.

"Ivan, Hermione, what are you two doing here?" Professor Flitwick was a little curious.

Ai Wen chuckled, and said his guess, which is roughly the plot that is already very vague in memory plus his own guess, and finally summed up, basically he can guess almost exactly.

Sure enough, Professor Flitwick's smile became more and more frozen. It wasn't because Ivan guessed that he wanted to 'kill people to silence', but because he began to doubt his own plan. Is it so incomplete?
However, Professor Flitwick also knew that his student would never be aimless, so he asked after Ivan finished speaking, "So, Ivan, Hermione, you have already guessed it, so why are you here?"

"Hehe, Professor Flitwick, you know..."

An inscrutable smile appeared on Alvin's face.



PS: Breaking through a hammer level, isn't it good to go straight to the bottom of the level?
(End of this chapter)

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