Moonlight Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 31 The King of the Elves (3)

Chapter 31 The King of the Elves ([-])

However, Aiwen did not hesitate for long, and quickly jumped in. The space inside is not large, about forty or fifty square meters, the floor is dark brown, and the surrounding walls are light yellow in color, similar to the The trunk of the bark is just empty, so it looks a little empty, but there is nothing else.

"Hey, even the place to live is settled, okay." Ivan jumped on the spot and found that the ground was unexpectedly firm. Aishara popped up and puffed out her chest. It was obvious that she also very happy.

The place to live is basically settled, and the next step is to fill the tree house with some basic furniture. The tree house... This is the name Ivan himself named. After coming out of the tree house, Aiwen looked up at the sky. He was alone, with Azshara by his side.

But even so, he still wanted to go back, back to his family and Hermione.

There are day and night here. Two days later, Ivan confirmed this, and the time flow rate is the same as before.

In addition to trees, there are other creatures here, or in other words, this is a world. This is what Ivan confirmed a month later. Accompanied by Aishara, he once walked in one direction for three days, Marked a lot, never repeated, but never out of the woods.

If it was an illusion or a hallucination, Aiwen couldn't imagine that he might never be able to get out of such a big illusion.

This place should be thousands of years ago... A year later, when Aiwen went out to pick fruit, he met a man who called himself an adventurer. He spoke a language very similar to Aiwen's, but it was obviously much more obscure. Aiwen took a lot of effort to successfully communicate with him, learned the current era, and then chopped off his head with a knife.

Because he looked at Aishara with greedy eyes.

Maybe he hasn't done it yet, but by the time he needs to do it, it will be too late. Ivan is too lazy to leave such a disaster... He is afraid of trouble.

At this time, Aishara has grown to be about the size of a four or five-year-old child. Although she is still young, she is stunning, especially the transparent wings with golden threads on the back, which are reminiscent of The legendary angel.

But in this era, Grand... Ivan just wants to say haha.

That was also Ivan's first murder.

Strangely, there was no fluctuation in his heart, he just sat in the forest for a while and then dug a big hole to bury the man.

From beginning to end, he never asked the man's name.

Speaking of which, Elsara's growth rate is also very strange. She was only a few inches small at first, and then suddenly became the size of a four- or five-year-old child overnight, and her body only became bigger, and her appearance was completely unchanged. So the next day When I woke up in the morning, Ivan was startled, thinking that he had done something terrifying.

Think about it, when Aishara was a few inches, she didn't feel like wearing less clothes, but what about when she grew up all of a sudden?

Aishara strong, so terrifying~
Since then, Aiwen consciously began to avoid these things, and instilled some things between men and women in Aishara, and also changed the shirt inside him to give her a set of clothes.

Although Aishara always pretends to be ignorant, Aiwen knows that Aishara absolutely understands that she is just pretending!
How can a person who can learn a language so quickly be a fool!
That's right, at the beginning Aishara could only gesture with her hands, but it didn't take long before she was able to speak. It was just a babbling voice at first, and she could have a smooth conversation after a few days.

It should be said that it was taught by Ai Wen, okay?
It's just a pity that the fruits on those trees have been bearing there, but they never fall...

According to Aishara's estimate, when she becomes an adult one day, that is, when her body becomes an adult size, those fruits should start to fall.


Three years later, Aishara finally turned into a teenage girl. On that day, Aiwen had a fierce fight with a bear. It was roughly that the bear was chasing and Aiwen was running...

This is for sure, although there is magic, but to deal with bears, of course, we still need to use a physics engine. Ivan dug a big hole in front, and waited for the bear to fall in.

At this time, Aishara bent her bow and set an arrow, and shot the arrow into the bear's eye socket. Aiwen stared at the bear who fell to the ground and wailed a few times, wondering if he could eat bear's paw tonight.

It was that night that Ivan decided to start sleeping separately from Aishara.

He is not a saint, some things cannot be avoided, but this is not good.

However, Aishara, who was lying on her chest since she was a child, was unwilling to live or die, and she almost cried out, but Aiwen gritted his teeth and turned his back. Besides, the tree house has gradually expanded over the past few years, and it is completely possible to re-open in the middle. Build a wall.


Ai Wen, who gritted his teeth to control his inner animal desire, suddenly felt a chill all over his body, and when he looked again, he was already outside the tree house...

His sister, turned against her!

The angry Aiwen sat outside the tree house, and no matter how much Aishara persuaded him, he would not go back. In his words, you are going to rebel.

Well, the end of this matter is that the two of them take a step back and sleep in separate beds, but they absolutely cannot separate rooms!

When he got up the next day, Aiwen gave his magic robe to Aishara again, and asked her to wear it on his body. Now he only had a silver pendant left on his upper body...

He always had an idea in his mind telling him that this pendant was very important, so he didn't intend to give it away.


Another year passed, and when Aiwen was squatting on the tree to eat the fruit that Aishara picked, the space under the tree suddenly distorted, and two men and two women popped up. The boy had black hair and the other had red hair, and the girl One with silver hair and one with brown hair, both about seventeen or eighteen years old...


Ivan frowned, pulled out the wand from his waist, and looked at the person seriously.

"Hey, little wizard brother over there, we are not hostile, please don't be like this." The girl who looked obviously gentle was about to speak, and immediately shouted, "Rowena, come down for me, you need some courtesy !"

It turned out that the silver-haired woman's body twisted for a while, and she appeared beside Aiwen in the next second. She reached out and took a fruit from Aiwen's side and started to eat it.

"I don't think you would mind?" The silver-haired woman asked after she finished eating the fruit, throwing the core away.

"You asked me after you finished eating?" Ivan rolled his eyes.

"Please, don't be so vigilant, okay, I don't mean anything malicious." The silver-haired woman blinked, "Do you believe me, look at my eyes?"

"Actually, I want to say, I'm blind." Ivan complained.

"Really? Let me see!" The silver-haired woman suddenly approached Ai Wen. The smell on her body was very good. Ai Wen moved back instinctively, but he forgot that it was on the tree trunk...


Alvin fell to the ground.

Am I... being teased?
He couldn't believe it.

He has always been the one who molests others, but I never thought that someone would dare to molest him today!

This is simply playing big swords in front of Guan Gong.

"Haha, what a mess." The silver-haired woman sat on the tree and laughed, the brown-haired woman hurried over to help Aiwen up, and scolded the silver-haired woman on the tree while helping him back.

"Huh?" The black-haired man suddenly snorted and looked in one direction. Aiwen panicked. That was where Aishara was hiding. When the four of them appeared just now, Aiwen motioned for Aisha She hid, her appearance was too suspicious, I didn't expect that even so, the black-haired man could detect the difference.

Fortunately, the red-haired man reached out to wrap his arms around his shoulders in time. The black-haired man seemed to dislike such an intimate gesture from the red-haired man, and pushed him away reluctantly. The red-haired man laughed indifferently, Looking at Ivan's gaze is meaningful.

"Rowena, you're not finished! We need to hurry!" The brown-haired woman roared, and the silver-haired woman immediately jumped down obediently from the tree and walked towards several people. When passing by Aiwen, He deliberately approached him again, and this time Aiwen took a step forward not to be outdone, and the two immediately stared at each other like fighting cocks.

"Your pendant is so pretty." The silver-haired woman laughed.

"Isn't that right?" Ai Wen straightened his hairstyle. At this moment, he found that the pupils of the girl in front of him seemed to have no focal length... Actually, this is quite scary, but Ai Wen said that he is a real man and cannot show weakness.

"Your abs are pretty good too." The silver-haired woman continued, and Ai Wen blushed suddenly. This was the first person... His sister, his abs have already returned to one!
"Hahaha, little brother, admit it, this is the role of wisdom." The silver-haired woman laughed again, the laughter was very ethereal, "Without extraordinary wisdom, you will never be able to defeat me!"

"Okay, Rowena, stop messing around, we have to go!" The brown-haired woman urged again, and the four of them stood together again. After the space was distorted, the four of them disappeared again, and a white dress fell on the ground. On the ground, with the clothes falling, there was a faint sound of mosquitoes and flies entering Aiwen's ears, and Aiwen's expression immediately became serious.

The voice brought two messages, but no matter which one is very important, first: the human beings at this time are not friendly to wizards; second, the surrounding forests are being cut down... This is even more bad news, even if this The news is false, but Ivan dare not bet.

As for the white dress, it was left to him by the silver-haired woman as a reward for eating fruit.

"Essara." Ivan called in a deep voice, and Aisara's figure emerged from a nearby tree and appeared in front of Ivan.

"Didn't you say before that our tree house can actually be moved?" Ivan confirmed it, and Aishara nodded, expressing her determination,

"In that case... let's move!"



(End of this chapter)

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