Moonlight Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 10 Admission

Chapter 10 Admission
Ivan, who closed his eyes, slept very lightly. When he was half asleep and half awake, he heard Harry and Ron seem to be talking about the sport called Quidditch, and their favorite players. Hermione occasionally wanted to They talked to her, but neither of them paid attention to her. It seemed that someone entered the carriage and then left...

In short, on the train, although lying down is very comfortable, but the quality of sleep is really poor!
"Aiwen, Aiwen, wake up, wake up, do you want something to eat?" When Aiwen, who was sleeping very dishonestly, was rubbing against the pillow, he was suddenly pushed twice, and Hermione's voice came It rang softly.

Hey, where did you get the pillow on the train?
Ai Wen opened his eyes, and the girl's ruddy face came into view.

cough cough...

Ai Wen immediately sat up, the box door had been opened, and a dimpled woman was standing at the box door, asking with a smile, "Little wizards, do you want to buy something from the train? "

Harry, who was sitting opposite Ivan, jumped up all of a sudden. After getting to know each other, his face was long gone from being submissive and restrained when we met. On the contrary, he was cheerful, and he really looked like a teenager. He was so hungry. Leigh was about to buy everything on the trolley. Ron, who was next to Harry, touched his red nose and muttered that he thought sandwiches were good.

"Is there any drink with a more comfortable taste? Not too sweet." Ivan rubbed his eyes and asked, although he also wanted to try the wizard's snacks, but whether it was the Tash couple or the Granger couple Both thoughtfully prepared some food for the two of them to eat on the road. If they were alone, he would definitely buy them.

But he's not...

Hermione nodded in satisfaction.

However, Ivan still picked out two chocolate frogs. Ivan was still full of curiosity about this impressive snack.


An old man appeared on the back of the card, Nicole Flamel, the great alchemist, the maker of the Philosopher's Stone... followed by a long list of titles, which made Ivan lose any interest immediately, Chocolate Frog Isn't there that kind of cute and lovely wizard lady?


With an exclamation, Hermione also opened a chocolate frog, and an unusually beautiful silver-haired witch card appeared in Hermione's hand.

Rowena Ravenclaw, one of the four greatest wizards of antiquity, and three other like-minded wizards founded the world's first and greatest school of wizardry, Hogwarts...and then another Long list of titles.

Alvin: ...

And you're not Ravenclaw!
Just when Aiwen was about to say something, the door of the carriage was suddenly pushed open, and the originally harmonious atmosphere of the carriage suddenly stagnated. The blond boy whom he had seen before, that is, Malfoy, walked in haughtily. , This time he was followed by two little followers. It could be seen that this guy was planning to come over to trouble Harry, but after seeing Ivan, he immediately turned his back.

It can't be said that it turned the spearhead, but actually spread the firepower on Ron, Ivan and Hermione.

A little follower wanted to come over and forcibly take away the snacks on the table. A little impatiently, Ivan took out the wand in his hand and poked it backhandedly. The little follower screamed and took his claws back. .

Aiwen formula: I don’t speak = I’m taking a step back = I’m enduring = I’ll be rude to you if you make a fool of yourself again

"Harry, I advise you to keep your eyes open when you make friends. You will soon find that there are differences between wizards and wizards. There is no need for you to be friends with these other kinds of people. Pure blood family members Glory is simply incomprehensible to inferior people like them." Looking at Aiwen's behavior, Malfoy's eyelids twitched, and he turned around with a harsh word, looking like a villain.

"Beasts only talk about bloodlines, and men rely on themselves." Aiwen crucified all pureblood wizards who talked about bloodlines in one sentence.

"You..." Malfoy instinctively wanted to refute, but he couldn't think of anything to refute for a while, so he snorted coldly, turned around and left here angrily, and deliberately knocked on the box door before leaving. very loud.

After Malfoy left, the atmosphere in the box got better again, but Ron looked at Ivan in a wrong way. After all, he was also a pure-blood wizard, but like Malfoy, he couldn't refute anything for a while. , had to change the subject in embarrassment, and talked about Quidditch again.

For Ivan who 'drives away' Malfoy, Harry showed great kindness, and very enthusiastically invited Ivan and Hermione to taste the things he just bought. Half of the pastries made by the lady were given to Harry, and he went to Hermione's place to eat and drink cheekily.

The rest of the time will be rather dull and boring. Aiwen wanted to learn how to lie down on the pillow again, but was ruthlessly rejected by Hermione. Aiwen, who was crippled, had to sit in his place Read a book to pass the time.

Soon the train will arrive at the station, and Ivan looked at the sky outside the window, and then said to Harry and Ron, "Two, can you go out for a while and leave a little privacy for the girls in the carriage. "

"Why?" Ron wondered.

"No reason, I just want to ask you to go out for a while." Ivan's tone has obviously increased this time. Is this Ron who can't move his mind?The first time he had said it so clearly.

Hearing Ivan's tone, Ron immediately became unhappy, but under the comfort of his new friend Harry, the two reluctantly walked out.

"You go out too!" Hermione's voice sounded from behind Ivan.

"Ah? Hermione, it's not possible to..." Ivan tried to explain.

"Get out!" A book flew over, and Ai Wen took it with his hand, and his movements were chic and neat. Normally, he would be intoxicated by his actions for a while, but not now, so Ai Wen also went out.

Oh, what a chance...

Ivan, who was squatting on the corridor of the carriage, felt that he needed a cigarette or a glass of wine.

Not long after that, Hermione, who had changed into her magic robe, came out of the carriage, and gave Ivan a sideways look, which was fun no matter how she looked.

Taking off his off-white Aiwen brand trench coat and putting on a comfortable magic robe, Aiwen suddenly felt that he should let Mrs. Mojin make a magic trench coat of the same style for himself.

"The train will arrive at Hogwarts in 5 minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train, and we will send you to school." At this time, the voice of the announcer sounded in the train, and Whether it was Ivan Hermione or Harry Ron, they were all very nervous. Ivan even felt that Harry's cheeks were a little pale. They tidied up a little, and rushed forward with the flow of people in the aisle.

The speed of the train gradually slowed down, and finally stopped. Passengers pushed and shoved, rushed to the door, and got down to a small, dark platform. The night was cold, and Ivan noticed that Hermione was a little nervous. It was cold, so she gently held her hand in the palm of her hand. Hermione struggled twice, but did not break free.

Although the magic robe has the function of keeping warm, artificial warmth is more reliable.

A gruff voice called out, "First Years! First Years this way! Harry, this way, how are you?"

It was Hagrid, and above the crowd of thousands of people, the bearded Hagrid smiled.

They followed Hagrid on a slippery, stumbling, downhill path down a steep and narrow path.It was pitch black on both sides of the path, and it felt like a horror movie. Seeing this situation, Ivan pulled Hermione closer to him without thinking about it.

"Turning this corner, you are about to see Hogwarts for the first time." Hagrid turned around and shouted, the originally narrow path suddenly opened up, and a huge black lake appeared in front of Aiwen. The narrow path on the high hillside suddenly opened up, and a huge black lake appeared in front of Aiwen. On the high hillside on the other side of the lake stood a majestic castle with spiers.Windows flicker under the stars.

"There can be no more than four people in each boat!" Hagrid said loudly, pointing to a group of small boats moored on the shore. Aiwen and Hermione had already boarded a boat in advance because they were at the front of the group, and looked back. , Harry and Ron, who had come together, had gone to nowhere.

The one who boarded the boat was a little girl who looked very innocent, and the other was the boy who was looking for Toad before.

"All aboard?" Hagrid asked loudly, "Well, go on—yes!"

Following Hagrid's shout, the boats moved forward one after another, and when they approached the cliff, they all lowered their heads together.

The boat proceeded in this way, and soon came to an open entrance, then followed a dark tunnel to the underground of the castle, and finally climbed onto a cobbled ground.

Hagrid knocked on the gate of the castle with his huge fist, and Professor McGonagall, who had met Ivan before, appeared in front of them, and began to introduce them solemnly and solemnly about the upcoming newborn ceremony and the branching ceremony. Precautions.

And Ivan, who had been holding Hermione's little hand, suddenly became frightened,

Ravenclaw or Gryffindor?


(End of this chapter)

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