Moonlight Blue

Chapter 7: Naomi (2)

Two figures were running in the streets at full speed. It was Raizer and Jasper. They were rushing towards the base of the East Alley Gang. A few hours ago, a member from Naomi’s unit came rushing in. He was terrified.

Raizer and Jasper rushed towards the man. They knew he was one of Naomi’s men but they were puzzled by the fact that he wasn’t with Naomi.

“Hey, what happened?” asked Raizer with furrowed brows.

“T-the captain was captured. They were ready for us. Everyone’s dead. All of them.”

Veins popped out of Raizer’s forehead. Filled with rage he bolted on the spot but was halted by Marcus’s voice who was one of the leaders.

“Stop, Raizer.”

Raizer turned his head towards Marcus and spoke.

“W-what do you mean, stop?”

“If you attack, you’ll risk starting a war with them. We don’t have the strength for war.”

“So, what? Are you saying that we should let my sister die at the hands of those bastards?”

“Don’t forget who you are speaking to.” Shouted Marcus as he glared at Raizer.

“Naomi dedicated her life to this place… and you’re just going to let her die? I thought we considered each other as family but you’re just a bunch of cowards.”

All the members there started murmuring to each other as tension filled the air.

“Enough.” One of the leaders shouted at Raizer as he emerged from the crowd. He was an old man who used a cane to walk and was supported by a girl.

“Raizer, did you forget your respect under your bed?”

“But Pops?”

“Shut up.” Shouted Pops before continuing. “Sigh, I warned the little lass about this mission but she was stubborn. Whatever happens to her is all on her. You’re forbidden from going after her. Disobey this order and you’ll face the harshest punishment we have.” Said pops as those words were followed by a hard cough.

Raizer clenched his fist as he stomped out. Jasper followed him, also boiling in rage.

“Was it a wise idea to let him go?” asked Marcus.

“Raizer is a smart lad with exceptional talent. He won’t be foolish enough to disobey my orders and go to the lion’s den just for one person even if that person is his sister.” Said Pops as he was escorted by Marcus.


“You are going after big sis, aren’t you?” asked Jasper.

“Of course.” Answered Raizer.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“No, you’re staying.”

“Like hell I am.”

“I might not come back from this. I don’t want you to follow me to hell.”

“Stop treating me like a child. I’m no longer that little brat from before. I’m coming. If you’re going to stop me then you’ll have to kill me or break all my limbs.”

Raizer was shocked but he knew that what he had said was correct. Jasper, even though he was seventeen had a body of an adult with muscles all over his body. He was tired of being the youngest and had to be protected all the time so he dedicated his time into training his body. He was one of the strongest in the gang alongside Raizer with his own unit under him.

Although Raizer didn’t want to admit that the cry baby from years ago was now equal to him in strength, he knew that he would need his help. But he also kept hearing Naomi’s voice ringing in his ears about protecting Jasper, their little brother.

“Fine. But you better not slow me down.”

“Yeah, right.”

As the two prepared to leave. Members from Naomi’s unit showed up behind them.

“We would also like to help you guys on saving our division leader.” Said Irene who was the vice-captain of Naomi’s division.

More people of both Raizer’s and Jasper’s squad appeared.

“Count us in too captain.”

Raizer and Jasper were touched by their teammates willing to help.

“Fine. Me and Jasper will go first. You guys follow us after a few minutes as to not raise any attention.”

“Yes, captain.” Said the men as they took a salute stance.


At the East Alley Gang base.

At the cell that Naomi was kept in.

Cole and a few guards were rushing towards it as noise of people calling for help was heard. They arrived only to find the guards that were assigned in guarding Naomi locked up.

“What the hell happened here?” shouted the infuriated Cole.

“Sorry sir but the woman escaped.” Said one of the guards with blood shot eyes.

“How the hell did she escape? You are all useless! How is it so difficult to watch over a single woman?!” Shouted Cole as his face turned bright red. He then looked at the guards that followed him there and shouted. “Find that bitch now! She shouldn’t have gone far.”


As Naomi was busy trying to find her way out inside the maze-like base filled with guards. She managed to stumble upon a storage room. The storage room was filled with a lot of crates hauling weapons.

“Holy shit.” Said Naomi shocked. She looked over at the weapons that filled the dozen or so crates.

These are all common-grade magic weapons. And they all have the crest of the military. Is the kingdom helping them or did the Lord ask for help from the capital? But why would the weapons be with these guys? Could the Lord have hired them?

That doesn’t make sense. Gangs are considered as bandits so they are basically criminals. There is no way the Lord would make deals with criminals. Could they have stolen them? I doubt it. If they did then word about them being stolen would have gotten around. Not only that but I always monitor what comes in and out of the city so it’s impossible for them to hide it from me.

Could someone else be supplying them with these weapons? If so, then who and why? And how did they manage to smuggle so much weaponry in this city without the soldiers or me knowing about it?

She stopped at one of the crates as her eyes went wide open.

How the hell did they get Magic guns?

There were twenty magic guns in one of the crates. They were rifle-type guns that were found in the 19th century. Magic guns were considered valuable because of their difficulty to manufacture. They needed a lot of materials and skilled mages that were experts at curving magic circles. Even though they were useless at the hands of mages (since they could use magic), they were irreplaceable for people who couldn’t use magic or manipulate mana. In other words, they were irreplaceable for gangs and low-life criminals.

The other thing that made them hard to get was the fact that they were only available for the military. There were some that would be sold off but it was rare to find them at shops.

The magic guns weren’t the ones that made Naomi sweat more than she was though.

M-V bombs! M-V bombs are practically illegal for people to own. In order for people to own them, they have to get permission directly from the military. They are usually owned by organisations that are involved in mining to use in destroying difficult and hard parts that are impossible for a human to dig.

M-V bombs were bombs that had an intermediate-level explosion magic circle drawn into them. They also had a mana crystal as fuel for the spell. They were dangerous weapons and anyone found possessing them without a sort of proof of ownership, would be executed on the spot.

What the hell is going on here? Could the military really be involved in this?

Naomi was now sure about something. Those weapons weren’t stolen but someone provided them to the East Alley Gang. Otherwise, the entirety of Waham would have been closed off by soldiers, searching every nook and cranny of the city for these weapons.

Naomi calmed herself and smirked. Escaping was now possible thanks to the magic guns and the M-V bombs.

She placed all the M-V bombs together. There were only twelve of them. She then timed all of them to set off after ten minutes.

The explosion that would be created by all those bombs would probably destroy the entire East Alley Gang base. So, she needed to escape before then. She grabbed a magic gun and loaded it with bullets.

“Too bad this is a low-level magic gun.”

The reason why she was saying this was because low-level magic guns only used ordinary bullets. There were magic guns that used bullets that had different magic circles drawn on them. Those types of magic guns could cause even more damage and people who possessed them could go toe to toe with mages. At least, that’s what she had heard.

“Good thing nobody has a mage part of their gang in Waham.” She muttered to herself as she cocked the gun.

She sneaked out of the storage room silently. Even though she was cringing inside because of all the weapons that she was leaving behind. She knew that survival was number one.

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