Moonlight Blue

Chapter 39:

Curse energy. This energy is known by a lot of names. Sorcery energy. Resentment energy. Negative energy. Curse energy comes from the negative emotions such as fear, jealousy, anger and resentment just to name a few. The stronger the negative emotion one feels, the stronger the curse energy released.

People can harvest their own curse energy and use it for sorcery but few do that as doing that has it’s own consequences. Which is why many use the negative emotions of others. That’s the sole reason why many countries don’t like sorcerers and that kind of magic is forbidden. Because these sorcerers would torture people just so that they could harvest their curse energy.

Of course, there are other reasons why black magic (sorcery) is forbidden such as driving oneself to madness. Cursed weapons are as the name implies; weapons filled with curse energy. These kinds of weapons can be created using black magic but there are those special ones which manifest on their own due to their owner’s negative emotions.

That’s the case with this scythe. Whomever its previous owner was, they were probably a person filled with rage and resentment so strong that even their weapon developed its own will due to them.

That probably explains why this guy is so bloodthirsty. It’s probably because the weapon is corroding his mind and soul little by little. That’s how these weapons work after all. It probably wants to take over his mind and perform what its previous owner sought out to do before they died.

I was able to tell all this after I made contact with the scythe.

You are the strongest. Now prove your strength. Kill anyone that stands in your way. KILL!

That’s what the whispers I heard from it said. But never mind that, my body was even able to withstand curse energy, that’s surprising. Of course, the curse energy within the scythe isn’t much but that’s a plus in my books. And considering that if we were to couple the curse energy within the scythe itself, its overall strength is comparable to a Legendary weapon.

Meaning that only an Earth and Heavenly grade weapons could hurt me without using mana to defend myself unless they are special in some way I don’t know.

I look at the scythe again. Even though Garrin was scared a minute ago, it seems he has gotten back to his craze like state again, releasing his bloodlust everywhere.

Then I notice some of his bloodlust being absorbed by the scythe. Not only that, but the scythe is also absorbing the fear of the soldiers gathered around.

I see. It seems this weapon hasn’t reached its full power yet.

“You are quite unlucky you know.” I speak.

Garrin raises his eyebrows, confused.

“That scythe of yours has the potential to hurt me. But it lacks the necessary curse energy to do that.”

Garrin grits his teeth.

“Of course, if it was wielded by a much stronger person than yourself, then they wouldn’t need it to be at its full power since they could just use their own strength.”


“I wonder. How did you become a Slayer in the first place with your measly strength. Or did your weapon help?”

A look of shock appears on his face followed by frequent panting.

“Well, it doesn’t matter really. If that’s all you have to offer, I’ll just kill you.”


The same feeling. As Allen approaches Garrin step by step, Garrin experiences the same feeling he felt from that guy, the Dragon Slayer, William. Fear.

Garrin wasn’t blessed much in terms of strength. After the massacre of his unit in the hands of Dread, he felt that for once in his life, he wanted to be strong. He left the military and went on a journey to build his strength. He trained and trained and trained and even though he became stronger, it wasn’t long before he realised he wasn’t blessed.

He fell into depression as he lost sight of his purpose. He started drinking and he walked aimlessly in the kingdom. But all that changed when he witnessed the strongest Slayer slay dozens of wyverns alone as he protected one of the important cities in the kingdom.

“To think this many wyverns would be part of a stampede of this magnitude. A monster that can cause even the wyverns to flee. A dragon must be near.”

After saying that to the city lord, the Dragon Slayer disappeared to the forest close to the city. And then hours later, roars and quakes were heard that travelled all the way to the city.

A fierce battle was ensuing. After 30 minutes, there was silence in the forest. People waited in anticipation. Then finally, the Dragon Slayer returned, bathed by the blood of the dragon while holding its giant head over his own effortlessly. His golden armour was still dazzling even though it was covered in blood. He showed no expression on his face and his eyes were indifferent.

He was greeted with cheers from the people, but his expression remained the same. After finishing his affairs, he left the city.

“WAIT! Please wait!” shouted Garrin.

William halted his movements and turned to look at him. All Garrin saw were soulless eyes. His golden eyes held no light. His white hair fluttered with the wind as he stood there emotionless.

“If I trained as hard as you. Do you think I can ever be as strong as you are?


A flat out “No”. He didn’t even ponder for even a second.

“W-what? Why?”

Garrin was confused. This was a hailed hero. How can he be so indifferent.

“Because you don’t have enough hatred.”

After saying those words, he turned back and continued his way. Garrin was stunned. What did he mean? Wasn’t he supposed to motivate him. Tell him that as long as he trained hard, he can be as strong as him. Rage engulfed Garrin.

I want that. I want his life. I want him beneath my boot. I want to remind him when we meet again, when he’s down on the ground beaten, if he still remembers me before I take his life.

With that goal in mind, Garrin started training harder than he had ever trained. His strength improved little by little. Although he was getting stronger, he knew with the pace he was going, he wouldn’t reach his level.

A chance encounter appeared when he was at a weapons shop.

“Are you an adventurer?” asked the owner.


“Hmm, I see. You’ve been looking for a weapon for hours now. Have you found one to your liking?”



The owner, who had aged and probably reached his hundreds, suddenly closed the door of his store. This confused Garrin.

“Follow me.” Said the owner with his hands behind his back.

Garrin followed him.

“You seek strength, don’t you?”

Garrin was shocked to hear his words. The old man chuckled and spoke.

“I can see it in your eyes. The fire that you have in them. Can you tell me more about it?”

“I want to defeat someone.”

“I see. A motivation of us all isn’t it, hehehe.”

After arriving in the back, the old man walked to a crate at the corner of the room. The crate was filled with dust, indicating that it hasn’t been touched for months. The old man opened the crate and inside of it was a scythe wrapped with an old dirty bandage.

The scythe released an aura unbeknownst to Garrin.

“This weapon was once wielded by a strong warrior of this kingdom. With it, he slayed hundreds of his enemies in wars and battles.” His eyes narrowed, as if reminiscing about the past.

“He tasked me to find a person who can wield his weapon and continue his legacy.”

Apparently, the old had tried for years to find someone who can wield this scythe, but all those who held it even once were plagued with the screams of the enemies killed by it. Not only that, the was another voice within the scythe. A voice that sought nothing but destruction and chaos.

Everyone who held it either got devoured by the voice or they fell to madness. Garrin unwrapped the weapon and touched it. The old man bit his lip, hoping he was different from all of them. And luckily, the scythe accepted him. It saw that even though Garrin wasn’t that strong, but due to the hatred he had inside of him for a particular somebody, made the scythe give him a chance.

Maybe he might be a worthy vessel in the future. Or maybe he would bring the scythe close enough to that person he hated and it could make him its new vessel. After all, that person was strong.

Fast forward a few years, Garrin acquired the Slayer title. Not only that, but he also got to meet William again in one of their meetings.

“Do you remember me?” asked Garrin as bloodlust radiated from him.

William stared back at him with his indifferent eyes.


As soon as he said that a wave of bloodlust exploded in the room. Every Slayer watched at the two.

“Oh wow, are you challenging him?” a female voice rang out.

It was Rika, the second strongest Slayer. Also known as the Wyvern Slayer. She had a small body, almost like a child. She had pink hair and besides her, stabbed on the floor was her giant sword. Its height was even higher than her. Although she looked like a child and acted like one at times. She was the opposite of that. She was in her mid-twenties and was a sadistic person.

Not only that, but she also wasn’t that fond of William, who always wore that same look no matter what.

“You know, us Slayers can challenge each other for positions. Right now, you’re still at the bottom. If you want, you can challenge William for his position.”

Garrin smiled and took Rika’s suggestion.

At the training ground within the castle walls, Rika stood next to Barion as they chatted a bit before the match.

“What are you up too?” asked Barion.

“I want to see the newbie’s strength.”

“Is that really all?”

“Ehh, what do you mean?” answered Rika in a dissatisfied tone.

“You know this kid can’t beat William. Even you couldn’t-“

Barion couldn’t even finish his words as the giant sword stood inches from his neck.

“Listen old geezer. Just because you’re the oldest Slayer doesn’t mean you can talk like we’re equals. I can cut off your head right now and have a Slayer position vacant if I want.”

Cold sweat slowly rolled down Barion’s forehead as he kept quiet. Rika effortlessly ploughed her weapon on to the ground and watched as William and Garrin stood side to side.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment since the day we met. I’ll make you remember me.” A surge of energy radiated from the scythe.

This guy is strong. He’ll probably underestimate me. So, I should probably go all out in the beginning and end it.

“You may start!” signalled the referee.

Garrin summoned all of his mana towards his weapon. An explosion of energy filled the room. This was his strongest attack. The attack he used to kill the king cobra. He disappeared from where he stood and charged right at William at full speed. He raised his scythe high up in the air and brought it down vertically.

The level of this attack was strong enough to split the entire training hall in half. Not only that, there would even be more strength left-over for it to reach outside. William hadn’t even taken his sword out of his sheath yet.

“DIE!” yelled Garrin.

“Too slow.”

The man who was silent this entire time finally spoke. Then he unsheathed his sword. It was as if time stopped. Even though it felt like that, Garrin could still perceive his movements of him unsheathing the sword, as if William had slowed down his movements so that Garrin could see the gap between them.

He unsheathed his sword completely, but Garrin was still stuck in the air as his attack continued to strike William.

“Your attack might disturb His majesty’s teatime. I don’t see myself using mana against an opponent of your level, but I guess I’ll make an exception for you just this once.”

Golden mana manifested on his body and sword.

What’s that? Magic?

Garrin thought to himself.

People usually mistake the colour gold as holy magic since that kind of energy is golden in colour. Golden mana, however, is only in legends. Only a few individuals know what that signifies if a person were to ever awaken golden mana.

William held his sword with one hand and swung. A gust of wind blew over the training ground creating a thick dust.

Rika clicked her tongue and stood, placing her giant sword on her shoulder before walking out.

“Where are you going?” asked Barion.

“The match is over.”

After the dust clears, Garrin was on his knees as blood gushed out of his chest all the way to his stomach.

Impossible. Not only did he inflict a wound on me. Using the same attack, he actually destroyed my own attack.

“Consider this as me sparring your life. Next time, if you’re to disturb His majesty’s teatime, I won’t be so forgiving.”

William walks past the collapsing Garrin. Right there and there, curse energy from the scythe emanated as it tries to make contact with William. The Dragon Slayer stopped before releasing an intense energy at the scythe, suppressing its energy and causing it damage.

“Do you think a puny weapon such as yourself can take over this body? I shall forgive this weak attempt too as destroying you would mean destroying his strength.”

Just like that. The Dragon Slayer showed his overwhelming strength.

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