Moonlight Blue

Chapter 28: Phantom thief's diary (4)

As I stood in the room full of gold and precious jewels. There it was at the centre of the room. Its glow was magnificent.

I took the Draconic book from its stand and stored it in one of my storage rings.

With this, my family should be safe. I should get out of here before someone comes.

I exited the room and the moment I did; I felt a chill down my back.

“To think a rat could sneak into the Royal castle. I guess the guards have been getting sloppy.”

An elderly voice startled me from behind. I turned around only to find an elderly man, with white hair and a long white beard. He had brown eyes and was wearing the clothing of the magicians of the Magic Tower but it was somewhat different. He had a big wooden staff on his right hand.

I knew that moment that I was fucked. Because the man standing in front of me was none other than Merlin, the wizard. A man who fought side to side with the two heroes one hundred and fifty years ago and defeated the Demon Lord.

Merlin then raised his eyebrow.

“Oh, you must be the Phantom thief I’ve heard so much about. Chose the wrong place to try and rob didn’t you.”

I need to get out of here.

I jumped into the shadow but before I could enter it, I was struck by a fireball which sent me hurtling towards the wall. I slammed hard as blood started gushing out of my mouth.

“I’ve heard about your troublesome ability to travel through the shadow. I’m not going to let you escape. Bright burn.”

A blinding light illuminated the hallway. The shadows were eliminated by the radiant light.

But he made a big mistake. Shining that light didn’t eliminate my shadow, so I jumped into it. But for some reason, I couldn’t enter it.

What the hell is going on?

“Just as I thought. Your ability to travel through the shadow only works if your shadow is connected to the shadows of the surroundings. But if there are no shadows in the surroundings, then you can’t escape.”

Crap! I didn’t even know that. What do I do now?


He shot a fireball at me which I managed to dodge but the impact was powerful enough to blow me away into the ground.

“It’s your last straw, Phantom thief.” Said Merlin as he pointed his staff at me preparing to fire another attack.

A huge boom resounded through the entire castle as it shook like an earthquake had struck. Merlin was startled by the shock and let his guard down.

I managed to take the opportunity to run around the corner and disappeared into the shadow of that hallway.


Now with the Phantom thief gone, Merlin decided not to give chase and investigate the ruckus. Even though Merlin could’ve captured the Phantom thief easily, he knew that protecting the king was the most important thing. He teleported towards the ruckus only to see soldiers injured and some running away.

“What the hell happened here?” asked Merlin in a feat of rage.

“Lord Merlin, Damien has escaped from his cell.” Answered one of the guards.

“What?!” shouted Merlin shocked. “How did he escape?”

“We also don’t know my lord. He just busted out somehow.”

That was impossible. Merlin knew that after Damien was captured, he was chained with handcuffs made from Demon steel. Demon steel was one of the strongest metals out there and one of its properties was that it had the ability to drain mana, weakening the person in the process.

It was something impossible for someone to break out of them unless someone had set him free.

I see. Firstly, the Phantom thief and now Damien. Someone is definitely pulling the strings from the shadows.

Merlin halted his thoughts as he went to where Damien was.


“Damien!” shouted Merlin.

Damien, who was covered in the blood of his victims smirked as he turned to face Merlin.

“Merlin, my old friend. How have you been?” said Damien with a vibrant tone.

“Stop this nonsense and go back to your cell. I had already pleaded with the king to at least spare your life. If you continue what you’re doing, then a death sentence awaits you.”

“Oh, you pleaded for me. Why Merlin?” asks Damien as his face drowned in rage. “Why are you still kissing the ass of that old man who is in the brink of death?” shouted Damien.

“Watch your words or I will have to put you down.”

Damien laughed as he looked at Merlin.

“What happened to you? We were once passionate magicians searching for ways to reach the pinnacle of magic. What happened?” asked Damien with a face filled with sorrow.

“Don’t you dare bring up the past. You ended our friendship by using unorthodox means to try and increase your power. Don’t you dare look at me as if this is my doing.” Said Merlin in rage.

“Oh Merlin. You failed to understand the fact that, that was my true self. I couldn’t run away from it. I couldn’t run away from my destiny. After all, I’m a curse magician.”

“Enough. I only captured you because I had hope that my friend was still in there. Now, I see that I was wrong. Prepare yourself, Damien.”

The two then clashed.

At the other side, the Phantom thief managed to escape and is now heading to the Langston house.


Huff, huff, I can’t believe I managed to make it out alive. It was probably David’s doing. I’m reaching the Langston house now. David said I should be here by midnight sharp. I’m early. It’s only twenty minutes till then.

Well, I guess he should be glad than anything else.

I entered the house using shadow exchange. It was quiet. So quiet that you would even hear a pin drop.

Weird. Where is everyone? Doesn’t matter. I should probably go check him in his study.

Outside of his study, I heard chatter.

Does he have someone there? I don’t want to impose. Maybe I should peak just a little.

I opened the door slowly and saw David talking in front of a communication crystal ball. Who was he talking to? I couldn’t hear properly.

I released a shadow demon which managed to attach itself into David’s shadow.

“Did you get it?” the mysterious man from the crystal ball asked with a deep voice.

“Not yet, Duke Hanz. I did send someone reliable who should be close now. Thanks also for the aid you have provided to make this mission a success.” Answered David.

“Very good. As per our agreement, after we conquer the kingdom of Esteria, you shall be rewarded with the title of archduke and receive many riches. You have done ‘us’ an honourable favour.”

What?! Conquering the kingdom of Esteria? Who the hell is Duke Hanz? This is basically treason. Conspiring with another country.

“Thank you, my lord. I’ll deliver the Draconic Book the moment I have it on my hands.”

“With the help of the Draconic book. My kingdom will gain immense strength to conquer the entire continent. Oh, before I forget. Make sure to dispose of this person who is stealing the Draconic book. Leave no loose ends.”

“I understand my lord. I’ll obey your orders.”

What?! Kill me. I need to get the hell out of here.

I unconsciously squealed due to the injuries I had sustained which caught the attention of David.

“What was that?” asked the man in the communication crystal ball.

“I don’t know but I’ll look into it.”

David sprinted at my direction and opened the door only to find blood smeared on the floor.

“Damn it. Guards. Search this entire mansion for the Phantom thief.”

I managed to escape but now, I was sure I was not safe there.

I wish I could go and take my family with me but I can’t. If I did, then they would spend their whole lives running away like me. I’m sure David won’t hurt them after he finds out I’m no longer in the kingdom.

Right now, I can only think of one place where I can hide. One place, where no one will think to look for me. The Silent Demon’s Forest.



“So, that’s the strength of Merlin, the leader of the magic tower.” Murmured the guards as they stand at a ruined area scorched with flames.

“To think he blew Damien all the way to the outskirts of the capital. There is no way he is still alive after that.”

“So, that was hellfire. A spell so strong that only Merlin can perform it in this kingdom.”

Merlin had won his fight against Damien blasting him with hellfire that sent Damien flying through the sky. That day, he had killed his friend.


Outside the capital city of Esteria.

A mysterious man was walking with a cane in his hand. The cane wasn’t used to balance his body but instead for some other reason. The only thing noticeable about him were the glasses and lab coat he wore. He noticed the charred body of Damien in a crater on the ground.

“Hmm, to think you still live even after getting burned with hellfire.” Said the man.

Damien tried to open his mouth but he couldn’t even cough out a single word.

“You are a fighter. I commend that.” Said the man as he pulled out a syringe with a mysterious green fluid inside.

“Since you desire to live. Then I’ll help. You’ll make an excellent test subject for the experiment I’m working on.”

He plunged the syringe on Damien’s chest and injected the fluid. Damien jolted as his eyes turned emerald before passing out.

“Pick him up. We have work to do.” Said the man.

Two creatures filled with stitches all over their bodies emerged from the shadows of the night and picked up the unconscious Damien as they followed behind their master.

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