Moonlight Blue

Chapter 20: Decisions

It’s the third week now. The New team is standing outside the giant door of the boss room. Everyone looks like they have been through hell. Well, they kind of were. They’ve already challenged the boss four times now and they haven’t managed to win against it at all.

A lot of people nearly died but survived in some mysterious way. There were even times where the team was completely defeated but somehow the boss monster didn’t kill them.

Luke is sitting against the wall looking at everyone. They seem to have lost all hope.

I don’t blame them. This is an impossible challenge. To think the boss monster would be a two-headed hydra. I remember the first time we opened the door. Everybody was so excited about challenging the boss monster but their faces drowned in despair the moment they saw that thing. Even I…

The only thing Luke can do is think back at the times they challenged the boss monster. The first time they entered the boss room, most of them were frozen in fear so they barely fought. The second time, most of the guards managed to pull themselves together and fought valiantly but they still lost. The third time, they came up with a near perfect strategy but they were surprised by the hydra’s wide area attack which injured a lot of them (but none died for some strange reason).

The fourth time was different. Light was able to use his thrust of death to injure the hydra just slightly but it was a good sign for them since they hadn’t landed a single attack that injured the hydra. Angered, one of the hydra heads released a shrieking sound-based attack that inhibited everyone’s movements. At the mercy of the hydra, they were blown away by the other head’s wide area attack.

I understand why everyone is like this. We are fighting a losing battle. Half of the guards are injured. Light is still unconscious because of his thrust of death attack. Sigh, maybe we should just give up.

“Why do you have that “let’s give up” look? It’s so unlike you.”

Light finally wakes up from his unconscious state. He pulls himself up and sits right next to Luke.

“Look who’s finally awake.” Says Luke.

“We can’t give up.”


“I know you want to give up but we can’t.”

Luke’s face drowns in disappointment as he turns his head away from Light.

“We can’t win this one. I’m sure you also felt it. Look around you. Everyone is badly injured. Those who aren’t are drained and tired. We have nothing left.” says Luke moping.

“Allen would never give us a challenge that we couldn’t overcome. If we keep pushing, I’m sure we can-“

“NO! We can’t. He made a mistake this time. This is a challenge we can’t overcome Light. We failed.”

Light looks up at the cave like structure they are in. He let out a sigh before standing up.

“W-what are you doing?”

Everyone looks at Light with puzzled faces.

“I can’t run away.”

Luke’s face changes to fury.


“Yes, if that’s what it takes. We have come so far. All the training we did and all the pain we have suffered. If we give up now then that would mean all of it was for nothing.”

The disappointed Luke looks at his friend with eyes filled with self-hatred and sympathy.

“We can just give up for now and come again next time-“


Everyone is stunned by the words he is saying.

“We can’t run away Luke. We-I can’t run away. Sometimes you just have to fight even if that means death. Putting your life on the line to become stronger. I believe that’s what Allen has been trying to teach us all this time. If we don’t then we might not have the strength to protect those we love.”

I see. You are still suffering aren’t you, Light. After Amy was kidnapped by the bandits, Light blamed himself. He hated that he was weak. That he couldn’t save Amy. I know how he feels. That day, the only thing I could do was freeze in fear. Light and Kelvin tried to fight them but I just stood there. If maybe I had helped them back then, then maybe…

“This fight is meant to build us. All of us. We can’t run away. Not anymore. Because we all are going to be Allen’s trusted soldiers. We can’t cower otherwise it’ll show a bad light to him.”

Everyone is motivated by Light’s words. They know what he means by his words.

They all have people they care about which they want to protect. Some were once cowards who would run at the sight of a goblin. But now, they have fought with a lot of monsters and have grown stronger in the process. They were blessed to have their fates, their destinies changed forever by Allen, their teacher, their leader and their king.

Everyone stands back up.

Even those who couldn’t move because of their wounds stand back up. Kelvin walks up to the side of Light. It is now time for Luke to make his choice.

“If I die, I swear to the goddess, I’m going to haunt you.” Says Luke as he stands up too.

“You won’t die so don’t worry.”

“Okay, before we do this. Are you going to be okay? You drained your mana on your attack that time, remember.”

And then Light remembers that he didn’t have any mana left in him.

“Idiot. And after giving such an amazing speech.” Says Luke dumbfounded.

“We can help.”

The injured guards speak as they go closer.

“We can share our mana with him. Even though we can’t join you guys in this fight, this is the least we could do.”

“Okay, that will do.”

Light then sits down in a meditation pose. The tens of injured guards also sit down and places their hands on him. They begin transferring their mana to him.

“They’ll take approximately twenty minutes since Light will also have to change the nature of their mana to fit his. In the meantime, you guys prepare everything you’ll need for the fight.” Instructs Luke as he also prepares.

After twenty-five minutes.

“Here. You guys drink a lot of water and have some food too. These should help you with the dizziness and in gaining back your mana.” Says Luke as he gives food and water to the drained, tired and injured soldiers.

They prepare to enter the boss room again.

At the shadows, Uriel is watching them intently. She then lets out a smile.

“I see now why Dad decided to let them challenge this dungeon. The old man is quite crafty.” (She is referring to Allen.)

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