Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 37

Labyrinth Day 7.

Another day just like yesterday.

The Orakans spent their day training in the morning, exploring the labyrinth and expanding maps in the afternoon, then resumed training after dinner.

I focused solely on exploration in the morning and afternoon while working on physical training in the evening.

Even though my powers were sealed,

Maintaining basic stamina is still a good idea.

Before bed, I took out the map.

The place I explored with the Orakans today was Passage No. 8.

I planned to avoid exploring other passages until the map of Cave No. 8 was perfectly completed.

‘The map is actually looking decent now.’

Cave No. 8 was like a labyrinth of countless paths.

If we’re not careful, we could easily get lost and end up missing.

That’s why I was working on creating the map.

We marked the crossroads with symbols as we documented the map.

Even though the walls of the labyrinth were abnormally sturdy, they were weak enough on the outer part to inscribe letters without much difficulty.


With this much done, I no longer had to worry about getting lost at the entrance.

After confirming the map,

I carefully stored it back in the box.

Then I settled down on the mattress and lay down.

“Yay! Doo Doom Bar!”

“Doom Bar, Doo Doom Bar!”

“Let’s dance joyfully! Doo Doom Bar!”

【Pururu】—Doom Bar! Doo Doom Bar!


The Hedgehog Summoner, Terio, and Ayula were still honing their butt dances.

Aside from the fact that they were dancing longer than yesterday, there wasn’t anything particularly special.


Labyrinth Day 8.

The Orakans started referring to monsters as “master.”

The healing Medical Mushroom was called “priestess.”

The Orakans detached some of their thick hair and gave it to the monsters one by one.

It seems that giving hair to those who impart lessons is a kind of tradition for that species.

Not many monsters were pleased to receive it.

Most reactions were like, “What am I supposed to do with this?!”

The Dog Spider curiously chewed on a strand of hair.

“Shii?! Shit-shit!!!”

Maybe it didn’t taste good, as it quickly spat it out.

Why would you even want to eat it…?

【Pururu】—Haha, dumb dog spider.


【Yumi】—So cute!

Unlike other monsters, the Psycho Clown seemed somewhat satisfied.

“Kirik. It wouldn’t hurt to keep some extra just in case Rize kicks the bucket.”

The clown said this while carefully storing the Orakans’ hair in its clothes.

And when bedtime came, the assistants suddenly started sending me support supplies one by one.

“Support supplies from GOLD rank assistant ‘Pururu’ have arrived!”

Notifications like this popped up five times.

【Pururu】—Aren’t those Orakans kinda like guests now? It’s not right to make them sleep on the bare floor.
【Pururu】—Send them this. And by the way, it’s on my dime.

Pururu sent over mattresses.

Not one, but five of them.

It seemed a lot were sent for the other monsters to use as well.

“Thanks, I felt bad about sleeping solo on a mattress. But where’d you get these?”

【Pururu】—Ordered them with rocket delivery last night. With rocket delivery, they arrived today.
【Pururu】—Since my rank went up, I could send some cheap beds, but even cheap beds are too expensive, and I can’t buy one. Just getting a mattress had me sweating bullets.

Right after Pururu sent the mattresses, Yumi’s support supplies arrived.

“Support supplies from RED rank assistant ‘Yumi’ have arrived!”

Ha Yumi sent blankets and pillows.

【Yumi】—You can’t just have a mattress, right?
【Yumi】—I’ve sent all the unused blankets and pillows. Turns out I had quite a few in the wardrobe.

“Thank you! I’ll use them well.”

Just as I was thanking Yumi while gathering the blankets and pillows, last of all, Missy also sent me support supplies.

“Support supplies from RED rank assistant ‘Mysticism’ have arrived!”


What dropped in front of me was a single pair of panties.


By the tattered state, it was clear it wasn’t new.

Someone had clearly used them before.

【Pururu】—What the hell? Why’d you send panties?
【Yumi】—Maybe it’s a hint to change your underwear? Think about it, you haven’t changed once so far.

“No, it’s not that I didn’t change; it’s that I couldn’t change. I didn’t have any spare underwear.”

I picked up the panties with my index and thumb.

Hygienically, they seemed fine.

They were a bit worn but had no stains or funny smells.

It seemed they were washed properly before being sent.

“…It may be a bit small, but I can wear it.”

【Pururu】—You seriously plan to wear that? Looks like they sent you used ones; that’s disgusting.

“Still, I can’t just throw it away. Since it seems they sent a washed one instead of one I wore, it should be fine.”

【Pururu】—Crazy Missy.
【Pururu】—Is that even men’s underwear?
【Yumi】—I think it looks unisex.

I slightly lowered my pants.

I was planning to change before bed.

But realizing the assistants were watching, I quickly pulled my pants back up.

【Pururu】—Hurry and change! I’ll close my eyes!
【Yumi】—I’ll close my eyes too!


“See you tomorrow.”

After saying that, I blocked the assistants and then changed into the panties before laying down on the mattress.

Once again, there was nothing particularly special.


Labyrinth Day 9.

While eating an apple for lunch,

The Centauress urgently came running to me.

“Explorer! Would you like to mate with me… Oh, cough! That slipped out.”

【Pururu】—How does that slip out?

The Centauress cleared her throat and reported that one of the centaurs found a vending machine.

Upon hearing that news, I immediately stopped eating and hopped onto the Centauress’ back.

And of course, I took the Black Magma Slime along too.

Always have to have a bodyguard.

“We shall depart! Hold tight!”

【Pururu】—Yeehaw! Yippee!

We quickly headed toward the place.

As expected,

The Centauress was much faster at full speed than I was with speed magic, even gracefully navigating the curves.

By the way, the Psycho Clown’s psychic ability only greatly increased sudden bursts of speed and wasn’t much use for long journeys.

In any case, about two hours later while riding on the Centauress’s back,

“Explorer! We’re here!”

I saw a centaur waving its arm in the distance.

Next to it, there was a vending machine.

Getting off the Centauress, I bowed my head to the centaur in thanks.

Then I checked the vending machine.

Time left until it disappears: 16 minutes.

If I had lingered even a moment longer, I might have missed out on using the vending machine.

【Pururu】—Got my second vending machine!
【Pururu】—Kid, sweep all the tickets they’re selling! Looks like it’s hard to find a vending machine no matter how much we explore.

Without needing to be told, I was already planning that.

Aiming to buy everything except for useless tickets.

‘Let’s see… The tickets for sale are…’

★━━━ 【Vending Machine for Supported Ones Only】 ━━━★

✧・゚: ✧・゚:

『Ticket Purchase』


➤ Low-Level Invitation Ticket ▼

◇ 1 Ticket: 10 coins

◇ Purchasable number of tickets: 10

※ This is an invitation ticket that allows low-level support requests to be made. Randomly requests assistance from a random assistant candidate, and the support request wording cannot be modified.

➤ Mid-Level Invitation Ticket ▼

◇ 1 Ticket: 100 coins

◇ Purchasable number of tickets: 1

※ This is an invitation ticket that allows mid-level support requests to be made. You may designate one individual you’ve had contact with in the last five days, either yourself or a monster you’ve tamed, to request support. You can compose the request wording yourself.

➤ Designated Dispatch Ticket ▼

◇ 1 Ticket: 250 coins

◇ Purchasable number of tickets: 2

※ Dispatches one tamed monster to another dimension for 24 hours. One dimension linked to the explorer must be designated for sending them.

➤ Return Ticket ▼

◇ 1 Ticket: 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 coins lol

◇ Purchasable number of tickets: 3

※ Returns you to the world you lived in. You lose your qualification as an explorer.

➤ Transferable Return Ticket ▼

◇ 1 Ticket: 12 coins

◇ Purchasable number of tickets: 5

※ A return ticket that can be transferred to a drifter.

⚠ Please check your remaining coins before purchasing ⚠

⏳ Time left until vending machine disappears: 00:15:46


Sadly, there were no evolution tickets for sale.

‘The price of the designated dispatch ticket is cheaper than last time.’

Still expensive, but…

I could buy it just in case, since I won’t know when I’ll be able to get it.

The price for the transferable return ticket was higher than last time, but since I had enough coins, I could buy it without hesitation. I also bought a low-level invitation ticket and a mid-level invitation ticket.

I couldn’t buy the return ticket even if I wanted to.

The price was simply impossible.

‘How many coins is that? This isn’t even a joke.’

Clearly, it was telling me not to buy.

The more coins I gathered, the more the price seemed to go up.

Perhaps the return ticket doesn’t even really exist.

After finishing my purchases, I checked the remaining coins.

『Coins held: 6』

Six coins were all that remained.

I had spent quite frugally.

If it weren’t for the 1 coin Pururu sent in the beginning and the 5 coins Missy sent, I would have been left with exactly 0 coins.

【Pururu】—Hey! Have you finished purchasing?
【Pururu】—What tickets did you get this time?


On the way back after finishing my purchases,

I told Pururu about the tickets I bought today and asked again for her to send me all my coins.

Did the remaining money amount to around 50 million won?

I planned to convert everything into coins and keep them on hand.

You never know when a vending machine might show up.

If I discovered a vending machine without Pururu around, that would be a disaster.

“Support from GOLD rank assistant ‘Pururu’ has arrived with 5,000 coins!”


◇ Assistant Rank Increased ◇

● Subject: Pururu (001)



Labyrinth Day 10.

I caught a Pig King for lunch.

Now I can get a Pig King whenever I want.

While exploring Passage No. 8, I found where they frequently inhabit.

Oh, and today there was other food too.

■ Laser Leaf

─Actual Danger Level: S-Class.

─Current (Nerfed) Danger Level: B-Class.

─Ability: Laser

The Laser Leaf.

A monster made of leaves that shoots lasers from its mouth.

And all its leaves were fine to eat without any issues.

Rize tried one first and confirmed it was safe.

So today, we made wraps with meat and apples on the leaves.


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