Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 112

Labyrinth Day 60.

As I flipped through the Monster Index, reminiscing about the monsters I had encountered so far…



Good to see you, BEEP BEEP!

Omega came through the Warp Device into our hideout. She scurried up to me, poking her head forward.

BEEP BEEP. That’s an artistic drawing. But do you really have to draw each monster by hand every time?

“Originally, yes, but now Centauress helps me out from time to time.”

Isn’t that a hassle? If you want, I can give you a camera.

“I’m good, thanks. The fun is in drawing it myself. Plus, I enjoy drawing with Centauress.”

Hmm. So it’s not just labor but more of a hobby… got it, BEEP BEEP.

I closed the Monster Index and stood up, looking at Passage 4.

Today, we’re heading to the Desert Rest Area. We had originally planned to go yesterday, but we delayed it by a day to take care of the unstable Hedgehog Summoner.

Pururu—What? When did I turn on the broadcast? Am I first?


Pururu—The Emoji Monster was here first. Don’t you ever sleep?

Mysticism—The early bird Missy catches the Pururu. 😀

I didn’t use Hyper Express. The distance isn’t that far. It’s just a nice stroll for me.

“Okay, let’s get going.”


We entered Passage 4.


We chatted and walked, eventually arriving at the desert rest area.

Around the oasis, there was a crystal-shaped house, and thanks to the protection of Solorb, it was the safest spot in this desert.


You’re here.

Two monsters welcomed us.

The giant caterpillar that came out to greet us was Giant Caterpillar. The one that lazily got up from the sunbed was Pharaoh Devil.

They were the sub-managers and manager of the rest area, monsters I had appointed.

Pururu—Where did the sunbed come from?

Mysticism—I sent it over last time! 😃

Pururu—Stop sending useless stuff!


Rize Nova—Rize has arrived!


Boglebogle—I’m tired. Got up early today.

As I was greeting the rest of the area monsters, Omega was slowly wandering the oasis, looking around.

BEEP BEEP. This place isn’t bad.

Pururu—Is the spot good?

After saying that, Omega set up a Warp Device next to the crystal house.

Now the Desert Rest Area could be accessed in just 1 second from our hideout.

Gauntlet. I just got an idea for what kind of village to build here, and I’d like to hear your thoughts on it, BEEP BEEP.

“Sure, go ahead.”

Since the explanation might be long, come over here first, BEEP.

Omega placed a square table on the sand.

It looked like a conference table.

I walked up to the table.

Pururu—Where did the table suddenly come from?

Yumi—It popped out of Omega’s belly.


BEEP BEEP. Before I explain, let me show you the blueprint of the village I envisioned, BEEP!

Omega tapped the table with her knuckles.

A massive hologram unfolded on the table, showcasing the overall structure of the village she envisioned.

It was a circular design centered around the oasis.

“Whoa… is this what you envisioned for the village?”

That’s right, BEEP BEEP.

Pururu—Wow. It’s super cool.

Rize Nova—A village more awesome than I expected!

Mysticism🧐 But didn’t you just say you envisioned it? How did you whip up that blueprint so quickly?

Yumi—She’s a robot.

Boglebogle—It looks like a slightly prosperous magical city, doesn’t it?

The image of the desert village Omega showed us was vastly different from the Machine Factory.

While the Machine Factory resembled a dystopian future city ruled by robots, the hologram of the desert village felt like a glimpse into a utopian ancient civilization that may have only existed in legends.

“It’s a bit larger than I expected, but the overall structure isn’t bad. I’m definitely on board with this.”

BEEP BEEP. I’m glad you like it.

Omega swayed her heavy reptilian tail, clearly pleased with the compliment.

Now, let’s start explaining the village, BEEP BEEP.

Omega manipulated the hologram.

The moment it expanded, the detailed aspects of the desert village appeared before us.

BEEP BEEP. The village has been designed in three concentric circles, with the roads narrow and winding to maximize shade. Plus, there are cool rest spots and fountains dispersed throughout. That’s the basic structural explanation. Now, let me show you the innermost area first!

The hologram shifted.

The innermost circle, showcasing the crystal house at the village’s core and the central square surrounding it, came into view.

This is the heart of the village, where the leaders and managers will reside. This is also where the key facilities will gather, BEEP BEEP.

The hologram moved again.

A giant structure rose beside the crystal.

This is a building called the Tower of Life. It will draw and purify the oasis water, acting as the heart that supplies water to the entire city through underground waterways. It would be ideal to place a monster that can handle water, preferably one that can produce it, here, BEEP BEEP.

Omega pressed her finger on the Tower of Life.

The interior of the tower appeared.

Inside the tower, a vertical farm will be installed to enable the village’s food self-sufficiency. However, we’ll need to collect the seeds to plant ourselves, BEEP.

Besides that, after explaining the facilities planned for the center, Omega manipulated the hologram to focus on the middle circle.

This area will be the residential zone. It’s where residents will live and where I plan to place major public facilities.

Then, the outermost circle.

BEEP BEEP. Here, there will be a commercial district and small industrial facilities, plus a laboratory. And…

Omega pointed to a device that was attached to every building.

By activating these devices, we can generate all the energy the village needs. BEEP!

“Are you generating energy with this?”

That’s right. This device converts sand into energy. BEEP BEEP.

Pururu—Whoa, when did you make such a machine?!

Yumi—That’s amazing!

“So what you’re saying is, as long as there’s sand, this desert village can be completely energy self-sufficient?”

Correct! Plus, all the materials for the village buildings will be made from wood.

Omega took out a branch.

It seemed to be a branch from the apple tree we had collected the day before.

When I returned, I analyzed and researched this wood, and it turned out to be composed of unique material that’s sturdier than most metals. I think this wood is quite suitable for building a new village. What do you think, Gauntlet? BEEP BEEP.

“I see the apple tree is extremely sturdy… Anyway, use whatever materials you see fit. I’m a complete novice in that area, so I won’t have any disagreements or objections. I’ll trust your judgment as much as possible, Omega.”

Pururu—How can wood be sturdier than iron?

Yumi—It’s from the Ancient Labyrinth.


“Oh, and I have one question.”

Ask anything, BEEP BEEP!

“We plan to set up a village on the sand, right? How do we deal with the unstable sand beneath it?”

BEEP BEEP. I’ve already considered that problem. The solution is simple.

Omega manipulated the hologram to show the underground structure.

Then she began explaining to ensure I understood.

I intend to implement a ground stabilization system beneath the village. By injecting specially developed nano-particles into the sand, the sand particles can bond tightly together, transforming the sand into solid rock. Additionally, I plan to apply floating technology for the foundation of the main buildings, allowing the structures to float above the sand and flexibly respond to ground movement. With this, we can certainly build a village atop the desert! BEEP BEEP.

After finishing her explanation, Omega continued with descriptions of other systems.

She also planned to establish a sand wall system surrounding the city.

This system allows protection against sandstorms while controlling the movement of sand to minimize changes in the surrounding terrain.

That was the gist of it.

After that, we kept discussing the village planning.

By the way, we decided not to install outer walls.

We had Solorb, way sturdier than any wall.


“Come down.”


Solorb, who was about to sneak down, soared back up high into the sky.


After returning to the hideout through the Warp Device,

we were at the apple orchard to gather wood for the main materials of the desert village.

And while we were selecting which tree to fell…

I locked eyes with a monster passing by.

It was the Dolmaker I saw yesterday.

Of course, that thing had died yesterday, so it was a different one.

It seemed like it was trying to use its ability on me, as it kept its gaze fixed on me.

Yumi—Your powers won’t work on our Ken! Hoohoo!

Mysticism🤔 Why are you so proud?

Naturally, the Dolmaker’s abilities didn’t work on me, and I reached out towards it.

Then, I flicked… no, used Technique: First Level to slice its body in half.

Boglebogle—Technique, First Level!

Pururu—Whoa, just popping it like a bug!

Rize Nova—I’d love to learn a technique like that.


As the Dolmaker fell, countless bear dolls poured out from its unique space.

The bear dolls soon returned to their original form, and once again, most were just piles of corpses.

Only one monster remained alive.

Ughhh… who are you…?

The monster, now back in its original form, lay on the ground looking up at me.

You saved me again…!

A familiar appearance.

A familiar way of speaking.

The identity of the monster was none other than Lionheart, whom I had saved yesterday.

Thank you so much! I will repay this kindness twofold!


This guy got caught again!

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