Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 107

Sudden attitude change of Hwang Mir’s mother.

Seo Dan-bi, who was puzzled by it, suddenly recalled a hypothesis that Ha Yumi had just proposed.

「I think that right now, there are monsters using possession or parasitism abilities on Earth. And they’re probably taking over high-ranking people or journalists to suppress public opinion.」

Shivers down the spine!

She felt the hair on her body stand on end.

Filled with goosebumps, Seo Dan-bi swallowed her dry throat and stared intently at Ha Yumi’s face.

‘No way… is it really happening?’

At first, she brushed it off as nonsense.

Ha Yumi was just joking, after all. She wasn’t seriously putting forward a hypothesis.

But now her thoughts had changed.

Ha Yumi’s hypothesis became plausible.

It was hard to accept the change in Hwang Mir’s mother.

Especially since every time they met…

Seo Dan-bi, who had endured humiliation from Hwang Mir’s mother, felt even more uneasy.

‘Didn’t my father just say his personality changed too? This literally doesn’t make sense! How can two people suddenly change their personalities overnight?’

It was a situation worthy of suspicion.

Hwang Mir’s parents were chaebols.

If parasitic monsters existed, they undoubtedly would have become juicy targets for them.

Seo Dan-bi glanced around at the other four before cautiously speaking up.

“Um, you know… about that parasite—”


The Dimension Magician, Sage Lunaris, interrupted Seo Dan-bi with a call.

She pulled out a notebook and pen from her pocket, opened the notebook, and handed it to Seo Dan-bi.

“You said Pururu is good at drawing, right? Is this how I should draw? I’d like to consult an expert.”

“Uh? Why so sudden…?”

This time, Seo Dan-bi stopped herself from speaking.

Sage Lunaris was not drawing in the notebook.

Instead, she was awkwardly writing letters in a shaky handwriting like a child who just learned Hangul.

─Hwang Mir’s mother is watching us from inside the mansion.

─It’s not just Hwang Mir’s mother. Since she entered, there have been more eyes watching us from the second and third floors.

─As you know, I haven’t been learning Korean for long, so please excuse my poor choice of words and handwriting.

The assistants all sealed their lips as if by agreement.

Seo Dan-bi cast a furtive glance at the mansion and took Sage’s pen to start writing in the notebook.

─You’re saying that the people inside the mansion are secretly watching us? For real?

─Yes. It seems something suspicious is happening. If it were just one person, it would be one thing, but it’s definitely strange that everyone in the mansion is watching us. For now, don’t look towards the mansion.

─This is freaking creepy. What if the parasitic monster Ha Yumi mentioned took over Mir’s parents? At first, I didn’t believe that theory, but seeing Mir’s mother’s sudden personality change makes it feel odd…

─After examining the people inside the mansion, they appear to be ordinary humans. But that doesn’t mean they couldn’t be parasitic monsters. They could be hiding their powers completely and disguising themselves without me noticing.

Seo Dan-bi and Sage continued their conversation in the notebook, exchanging thoughts on the hypothesis that parasitic monsters had taken over human bodies.


Shin So-mang and Ha Yumi were also having a discussion using a different notebook.

─Yumi, is there some kind of psychopath that suddenly becomes nice?

─There are similar conditions, but that’s not it. The symptoms are definitely different, and it’s unlikely someone who was perfectly fine would suddenly develop a rare mental disorder out of the blue. Moreover, the probability of multiple people falling ill at once is very low.

─So, does that mean a real parasitic monster took over Mir’s mom?

─I don’t know that either.

─I see. But this way of talking is uncomfortable. Can’t we just do it in a group chat?

─No! If my theory is correct, the chat app could also be monitored. Now that we know someone is watching us, we have to communicate very, very secretly!

Seeing them,

Hwang Mir crossed her arms and silently wiggled her fingers.


The sudden change in her parents.

Hwang Mir, who had been optimistic about it.

Good things are good, right?

She even said something like that, but deep down, she was also harboring some doubts about her parents’ change.

But she didn’t want to think negatively.

She didn’t want to accept Ha Yumi’s hypothesis even a little bit.

It may not be pleasant, but it’s not just anyone; it’s her parents.

After all, they’re not strangers but family she has spent her entire life with.

Hwang Mir let out a deep sigh, carefully snatching Pururu’s pen and began to write in the notebook.

─Honestly, I’ve been thinking it’s strange with our parents too. And I was startled when I heard Yumi’s theory. The thought that our parents could be taken by a parasitic monster made me anxious.

─But what should we do about it then?

─I don’t want to believe that our parents were eaten by monsters. I just want to believe it’s not true.

She wanted to think as positively as possible.

As she added those words, Sage shook her head slowly, took back the notebook, and began slowly scribbling.

─Of course, I understand how you feel, Mir.

─It’s only natural to wish that nothing happens to your family. It’s a perfectly normal thought.

─However, Mir. That’s not being positive.

─That’s just being naïve and lacking a sense of reality.

─One must always prepare for the worst situation.

─The more you turn away from the truth just because you don’t want to accept it, the closer you get to facing the worst possible future.

─If you genuinely care for your family, you mustn’t block out the sunlight. You should not think based on personal feelings but view the world objectively. Face reality.

─If Hwang Mir’s parents really have been possessed by parasitic monsters, then thinking and acting like Mir is little more than abandoning your parents. You’d be doing nothing. It’s not enough to try to save them.

Silence hung in the terrace.

It was already quiet, but it now felt even more still.

Hwang Mir hung her head low.

And she slowly began to write with her pen again.

─I’m sorry… I guess my thoughts were too simplistic.

─You don’t have to apologize. It’s normal for Mir to not know how to cope in such a situation since you’re an ordinary human. It’s commendable that you haven’t panicked.

Sage Lunaris pulled the notebook towards her.

And continued her writing.

─Anyway. It’s not certain yet, but if Hwang Mir’s parents are indeed in a state of possession… I’ll try to eliminate just the parasitic monster without harming the host.

─Of course, as I mentioned earlier, I can’t be sure, so for now, some back investigation is needed to confirm if they’ve really been possessed by a monster.

─I’ll start the investigation in earnest starting today. Just trust me.

As she was writing, Sage thought to herself.

Even if Hwang Mir’s mother had indeed been taken over by a monster, it would be fine as long as the monster wasn’t a doppelganger or some new form of monster.

Possession monsters and parasitic monsters don’t kill their hosts.

Doppelgangers, however, kill the original and take their place.

‘As long as it’s not a new form of monster or a doppelganger I don’t know about, that’ll be just fine. Then I can save Mir’s mother.’

With a desperate wish in her heart.

Sage momentarily gathered the assistants around her.

“Everyone, gather around. I’ll renew the protection magic I cast recently. Since there are so many eyes watching us, let’s be very discreet.”

After casting the protection magic.

Seo Dan-bi, Ha Yumi, Shin So-mang.

Together with Hwang Mir and Sage Lunaris.

As the five women finished their meeting and were about to leave the mansion.

“Hwang Mir, are you leaving already?”

Hwang Mir’s mother approached without a sound.

Hwang Mir flinched, looking at her mother.

“Uh, yeah… I’ll come again next time, Mom.”

“You could stay longer if you want. If it’s okay, sleepover with your friends… Ah… No, no, that’s a bit much.”

At that moment, Hwang Mir’s mother stuttered her words.

Stealing an awkward glance at Sage.

It was an obviously suspicious demeanor.

“Then take care, and I hope to see you all again next time.”

As Hwang Mir’s mother saw them off.

Hwang Mir and the other four hurriedly bowed their heads and briskly left the mansion.


No matter how one looked at it, she seemed like an ordinary human.

But somehow, she felt a bit different.

It’s honestly really ambiguous.

Sage Lunaris sorted her thoughts and turned back toward the mansion.

Inside the mansion.

When Hwang Mir’s mother saw Sage, she stammered.

“Uh, um? Hwang Mir’s friend? Did you forget something…?”

“…Yes. I left something behind.”

Suddenly, Sage’s eyes gleamed briefly.

She quickly cast a clairvoyance spell.

This was the kind of magic that was the hardest to spot even when used right in front of someone.

‘There’s nothing else inside her body. So, she’s not dealt with by a parasitic monster for now?’

One suspect was ruled out.

What remained were:

A monster with possession abilities.

Or a doppelganger.

Of course, it didn’t mean that only those two candidates remained.

There could be a new type of monster that Sage did not know about.

“What did you forget? I can help you look for it.”

“No, it’s fine. I’ve already found it.”

“Oh, really?”

“Then I’ll just head back now. I hope to see you again next time.”

With that said, Sage left without bowing her head.

Watching her retreating figure, once Hwang Mir’s mother confirmed Sage had disappeared, she walked back into the mansion.

And within was a waiting man.

She used telepathy to subtly inquire of Hwang Mir’s father.

[Is… it really certain? That woman is a monster?]

[…Yes. That woman is a monster.]

Hwang Mir’s father frowned, tsking his tongue.

He was irked at his wife for not gauging the level of the opponent’s strength and openly approaching to greet Sage.

[From now on, be more cautious in your actions.]

[I’m sorry… I thought she was an ordinary human…]

[An ordinary human? Do you see her as normal? Have your senses dulled?]


[As I mentioned before, she’s a monster that we cannot contend with. Even our entire race attacking together would never stand a chance against her.]

[Is she that formidable…?]

Hwang Mir’s father let out a deep sigh.

Holding a wine glass, he looked out the window and mumbled to himself.

[Huh… I never expected there to be such a powerful figure in this world… From now on, we have to be careful in all our actions. Otherwise, we could risk total annihilation.]

His insights were spot on.

Sage Lunaris.

She was a being known as a Dimension Magician in Elemenzia, also holding the title of ‘Sage.’

Her danger level was an outstanding S-Class.

A being with power on par with that of heroes or demon lords.

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