Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 102

A red flash pierced the silence of the mechanical tomb.


The laser bombardment from the Mechanic Hydra cut through the air and struck the ground.

With that single attack, half of the metal exterior of the mechanical legion melted away and evaporated in an instant.

Pururu─What the heck?!
Yumi─Half of them just disappeared with one attack…
Rize Nova─As expected, numbers mean nothing in front of an SS-Class.
Boglebogle─Of course! An SS-Class is practically a god!

—[Everyone, scatter! Pyo!!!]

Omega’s sharp mechanical sound reverberated.
The surviving machines quickly dispersed as commanded.

The attacks from the Mechanic Hydra continued to pour in.

Electric sparks, acidic liquids, resonant waves, cooling nitrogen, high-pressure steam, plasma spheres, dark matter.
Various forms of attack were unleashed, flying in all directions.

“Iris, dodge the incoming attacks and get close to Omega!”

Iris quickly approached Omega.
I immediately spoke to Omega.

“Omega, isn’t that black device on its body a weakness?”
—[Pyo. That power source is a regenerative power source. If destroyed, the Hydra will lose its regeneration ability. But right now, it’s pointless to aim there. As long as the functions of all heads don’t drop below a certain level, we cannot breach the shield protecting the power source.]

After that explanation, Omega continued.
—[Fortunately, it seems the Mechanic Hydra doesn’t possess the time manipulation ability it had before! Still, that head emitting dark matter is dangerous, so we should block that head first. Pyo!]

Kicking off the ground, Omega leaped high.
Its massive fist, made of rebar and gears, spun in midair.


As the powerful fist collided with one of the Mechanic Hydra’s heads, it exploded, scattering metal fragments in all directions.

But it was all in vain.
In the blink of an eye, a new head that emitted dark matter regenerated.

Pururu─Why is its regeneration speed so quick?
Mysticism─Is it even mechanical? 😨

—[Is that head the most dangerous?]
—[Yes! Completely eliminating it isn’t currently possible, but we need to keep destroying it to stay safe! Pyo!]
—[Got it! I’ll try to incapacitate it!]

Arachne’s thick threads sliced through the air.
In an instant, the threads wrapped around one of the Hydra’s heads.

Just when it seemed to stop moving,

The head wrapped in threads corroded and scattered.
Soon, a new head popped out from the body.

Since it could regenerate heads quickly, it had casually discarded the incapacitated one.

—[It seems threads don’t work on the body… I think I’ll need to wrap all the heads in threads at once.]
Arachne scanned the Mechanic Hydra, then let out a deep sigh.

The reason for the sigh was obvious.
To bind those large serpentine heads at once, she would need a significant amount of thread.

Of course, that much was entirely possible.
But the time needed to create the threads was substantial, and even if she managed to throw that amount, accurately binding all the heads would be quite challenging since the Mechanic Hydra’s heads moved surprisingly fast for their size.

—[For now, I’ll focus on incapacitating that head so it can’t emit dark matter.]
Pururu─Can’t our little thread incapacitate it with just one piece?
Boglebogle─It depends on the opponent.

Bastet Daong circled around the Mechanic Hydra at the speed of light, confusing one of its heads.
Next up was the Necro Puppetmaster.

—[I will use my psychic ability that greatly enhances my strength. I won’t be able to move while using this ability, so cover for me.]

In front of the Puppetmaster,
the SS-Class Puppet, Jellyfish Queen, and Niarah Nepensys stepped up.
As Jellyfish Queen stretched out her arm, a rainbow-colored explosive sphere formed, and as Niarah Nepensys lifted her arms, the sky tore apart.
Beyond the rift in space, a universe filled with countless twinkling stars could be seen.

—[An artistic explosion.]
As the Jellyfish Queen’s rainbow sphere collided with the Hydra’s head, a dazzling flash accompanied by a thunderous roar resounded.

—[Come forth, stars.]
A massive meteor erupted from the torn sky and rained down.


The ground shook, and a cloud of dust rose.
As the dust quickly settled, two of the Mechanic Hydra’s heads lay shattered.

One moment, a new head sprouted in the blink of an eye.

Yumi─None of the attacks seem to work, right?
Pururu─They do work, but its regeneration is just too OP.
Mysticism─Can’t we attack them all at once? One person per head. 🤔
Boglebogle─That’s going to be tough. Everyone has their own pace when casting attacks. Unless they’re a team that’s been practicing for a long time, it’s nearly impossible.
Rize Nova─Bogle’s point is right. The regeneration speed is less than a second, so to simultaneously destroy all heads without even a one-second miscalculation… Preparing powerful attacks capable of striking this beast while hitting all heads without timing issues is by no means an easy task.

The surviving mechanical legion continued to attack the body of the Mechanic Hydra.
Though they caused no damage, they played their part by drawing the Hydra’s attention.

The Techno Reaper and Cyborg Dragon were also relentlessly targeting the Mechanic Hydra’s heads from the air.
From the Techno Reaper’s scythe, blue energy that sliced through space burst forth, and plasma flames erupted from the Cyborg Dragon’s mouth.

‘…Is the Princess still far off?’
Earlier, before the Mechanic Hydra appeared,
I had given a command to Omega and the exploration team monsters.
To draw as much attention from the Mechanic Hydra as possible.
To prevent it from focusing on the Blood Jellyfish Princess.

Continuing to bombard it was also to obstruct the Hydra’s line of sight.
The reason for that command was simple.
The Blood Jellyfish Princess possessed the most powerful force right now.

Usually, the Jellyfish Princess is on the weaker side compared to other SS-Class beings, but this time it was different.
When preparing for a long exploration,
She had been continuously feeding off a waterfall of blood.

I don’t know exactly how much she drank, but she must have consumed and stored the blood of tens of thousands of Pig Kings.
And the more she drank, the more powerful she became.

‘I’m being patient for the ultimate technique, but… it’s taking longer than I expected.’
If the Princess’s attack doesn’t work either,
I decided to retreat for today and checked on the Jellyfish Princess through Iris.

She stood upright, hands together, with her eyes quietly closed.
Pururu─Why’s the Princess doing that?
Yumi─She said something about preparing an attack earlier.

As the battle reached its peak,
the Princess slowly lifted her eyelids.
Then, her mouth gradually opened, and red smoke began to flow out.

─[Stain the world with blood.]

The moment the incantation began,
everything in the world turned red.
Not just the mountains made of scrap metal,
but the land, the sky, and even the Mechanic Hydra’s colors.
The only ones not affected were the exploration team and Omega’s mechanical legion—that is, our side.

Only then did the Mechanic Hydra notice the presence of the Jellyfish Princess.
But by then, it was already too late.


A single raindrop fell from the sky.
It was a transparent droplet.


Clear water continued to fall.
The sound of raindrops intensified, and soon it transformed into the sound of a waterfall pouring down.

─[Kkak, KAAA!!]
The Mechanic Hydra’s scream, shaking the world, echoed in the sky and trembled the earth.

As the world turned red, the Mechanic Hydra, upon touching the transparent water, began to slowly vanish, as if being erased from existence.
As its murky blood was washed away by the clear holy water,
the Mechanic Hydra thrashed its seven heads and violently shook its body, but it was all in vain.
All it could do now was accept its destined demise.

‘Fortunately, the Princess’s attack worked…’
I let out a sigh of relief.
Well, I had a hunch that we would win the moment she began casting the incantation.
For just a brief moment,
I felt the Danger Level of the Jellyfish Princess rise to SSS-Class with my entire being.

Yumi─It’s not just amazing, it’s a truly mystical sight.
Pururu─D-Didn’t the Princess become the strongest among these monsters?
Rize Nova─It’s because she drank so much blood.

While everyone was watching in awe,
Omega, belatedly regaining her composure, shouted in a loud voice.
—[Now! The shield is down, so we can break the power source now! Pyo!!!]
Pururu─If we just leave it alone, won’t it disappear on its own?
Boglebogle─That’s true, but it shouldn’t completely vanish. Omega said she needs the parts from the Mechanic Hydra.

—[Leave that to me!]

As Omega’s mechanical voice echoed, Bastet Daong’s form disappeared.
—[Everyone from Solorb, watch over me!!!]
The next appearance of Bastet was on the opposite side,
beyond the Mechanic Hydra’s body.

She dashed at supersonic speed through the Mechanic Hydra’s body.
Naturally, the black mechanical device—the regenerative power source—was destroyed.
Upon confirming this, the Jellyfish Princess smiled as if she had completed her task, then said,
—[Pii… I did it… ]

Having exhausted her energy, she collapsed to the ground,
and at that moment, the world regained its original colors.
The Mechanic Hydra was still alive, but that posed no problem at all.

—[The Mechanic Hydra has lost its regeneration ability! Pyo Pyo!]
The creature was now in a near-death state,
and its ultra-regeneration power had vanished as well.

—[Everyone, unleash a total assault! Pyo Pyo Pyo!!!]

Omega and her mechanical legion,
along with the exploration team’s full-on offensive, caused the Mechanic Hydra to fall without ever being able to mount a proper resistance.

■Mechanic Hydra
i─Actual Danger Level: SS-Class x7.
i─Current (Nerfed) Danger Level: A-Class x7.
i─Ability: Electric, Acidic Liquid, Resonant Waves, Cooling Nitrogen, High-Pressure Steam, Plasma Spheres, Dark Matter.
i─Notable Trait: Infant state, hence weak.

The Mechanic Hydra, over time, will naturally grow, and the stronger it gets, the more powerful its force will be. Moreover, both its intelligence and destructive instincts will also become stronger.

Today’s subdued Mechanic Hydra was a monster that had only been alive for a month.

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