Monster Breeder

102. Charlatan Forest, Part 4

*Selected Webling Jumper Aphrodisiac Venom!*


*Fucked the Sundew Treefolk – One Forest Mark!*


*Forest Marks – One*

Mandragora Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis (Sundew, Pitcher)

Twisted Treefolk Twisted Apple

Twisted Treefolk Roots

Pitcher Treefolk Vines

Sundew Trap Tendrils

Mandragora Plant Growth Magic

Plant Growth Magic (Sundew, Pitcher)

Twisted Treefolk Bark Skin

Twisted Treefolk Earth Magic

Treefolk Cock (Twisted, Sundew)

Pitcher Treefolk Stomach Acid

Sundew Trap Sweat


Nothing too exciting. Gabby sure makes Plant Growth Magic look good, though. When my mobility develops past using Vines, maybe I’ll switch that ability for Trap Tendrils. Maybe I could use Sundew Sweat in place of Spider Climb? Bark Skin seems underwhelming.

A couple minutes spent recovering, cleaning, and redonning any doffed garments (Gabby’s robes) later, we’re almost ready to depart.

"Tokt confuse. Dat feel gud, but no plug hole..." the Goblin guy says after rising to his feet and wiping away Gabby's leavings. 

"Try broadening your horizons," Gabby replies while straightening her bandoleer of eleven herbs and spices. She doesn't appear to have formed any emotional attachment to the male Goblin despite their tryst. She's a bit more cagey with her affections than a certain someone.

"Yum! Jonny is so tasty! I love humans!" Gale says while throwing her blue and green wings around my new boyfriend in a big hug. The way she kicks back a taloned leg as she rubs her cheek against his chiseled pecs is so cute. 

"I agree," Megan adds while fondling the young man's privates, "Though Cottontail and Alex's flavors come first in my book." Despite what she says, her long, whip-like tail curls around Jonny's leg.

Gale purses her lips and pouts at her mousy wife. "Boo! It's not a competition. Stop comparing surf and turf!" I'm confused for a moment until I realize I'd better recognize the idiom as 'apples and oranges' adapted to a carnivore culture. "Gale likes to have fun with Alex and all her friends!"

"You're welcome to get another taste whenever, as long as he has the stamina after satisfying me~" Brenda teases, her face appearing in the stone of Jonny's shoulder. The young man gulps audibly at the implied drain on his reserves. 

Then Jonny nods his head at me. "Thanks for letting me enjoy your wives' company, Alex."

I wink back. "Any time they feel up for it is fine with me. I appreciate having the chance to watch, though," I say with a chuckle. Me and Olindia both, from the horny look on her face.

Drosera watches the exchanges between our group with a curious expression.

“Okay, dude, bend over. I’m taking up temporary residence whether or not either of us likes it,” Olindia tells the Sundew Trap.

“Is this really necessary?” he says with a frown, not budging.

I nod. “Making me cum isn’t enough to convince me you’re trustworthy… even if it was really good. Ahem, the only way I’m turning my back on you is if I have someone else I trust there to slap your hand if you reach for any of my precious prey monsters. Please, there’s a shortage of perfect butts in the world, and I’d hate to have to put yours in the ground.”

"If that's what it takes," Drosera harrumphs, but acquiesces by bending over facing away from Olindia, “Fine.” The Large Pink Jellyfish Slime girl goes in headfirst, showing no mercy. Drosera’s legs splay wide and go wobbly as the shoulders come next. “Fuuuck!”

“Yeah, it feels good, right, but she’s just a lot,” Megan commiserates.

“Don’t need sympathy from a mouse, hrrk!” Drosera grunts loudly as Olindia’s ample bosom squeezes inside, followed by a short break at her waist before ballooning out again for her impressively curvy backside.

Gabby cocks her head in curiosity before whispering to me, “She doesn’t need to do it like that, does she?”

I shake my head. “No, she does not. I think Olindia just enjoys fucking with people.”

“Gah! Finally!” Drosera exclaims as the Pink Slime fully enters the plant monster’s newly minted womb. His distended tummy gradually recedes as the bulk of Olindia’s Slime dissipates. Then pink tendrils emerge from his ass by the dozen to form a Jellyfish ballroom gown. 

“Nope, I’m not dealing with these,” Drosera says as he cups the fake C-cup breasts on his chest before ripping them off.

“Hey, not cool. I thought you looked hot!” Olindia objects to his treatment, bringing new meaning to the phrase, 'talking out the ass.'

The Sundew Trap puts his hands on his hips and looks down at himself. “Yeah, skirts are scorching, but I don’t do boobs. Maybe something like this?”

Olindia shifts at his direction until the pink dress meets his criteria. Drosera settles on an ultra-short miniskirt that bares the bottoms of his ass cheeks when he walks, pink stockings and garter belt that leave a tasteful absolute territory, long sleeves with covered shoulders but with a massive cutout baring his chest from navel to collar. Pink heart pasties cover the nipples on his flat chest and red Sundew stalks poke through the dress on his shoulders.

“Damn,” I say, fully ready to push him down again.

“I daresay I’d take a tumble if I wanted to brave the acid-glue,” Gabby stage-whispers to me.

“He’s cute,” Jonny says while nodding politely, a true boob man through and through, “But I’m not into guys. This doesn’t quite do it for me.” 

Bro is a pure boob connoisseur! I wonder how he feels about monsters with human top halves like Sirens and Centaurs. He seems like the kind of guy to fuck a rock if it has tits... and I guess he actually did just that.

“That’s a shame, stud,” Drosera eyes the young man’s skintight Stone Ooze bodysuit up and down with a lusty grin. “I’d love to get a taste of you.”

"Sorry, I appreciate the interest, but I'll have to refer you to a colleague of mine back home. All the gay monsters in my hometown say he's the best Top since," Jonny pauses as I cut in.

“Not the time,” I break up the interaction. “We need to—”

“Um, Alex,” Flou3 says in Suka’s voice, relaying a message from the desert team, “Don’t panic, but I think we’re stuck here.”

I panic. “FUCK!!!”

Then loud buzzing fills the air.

Above us hovers a flying insect monster girl. She’s blond and covered from face to ankles in a fine layer of yellow fuzz with a stripe of black across her breasts and groin. A fat bee abdomen half-again her humanoid bodyweight grows from her tailbone with a sharp stinger sprouting from the end. Her arms, legs, and bee abdomen are striped. She has compound eyes with a spark of inner light in each that tracks us like pupils and a pair of compound aviator goggles on her forehead.

She has four arms with humanoid hands, but insectoid claws in place of feet. A pair of large insectoid wings like panes of glass grow between her shoulder blades. Fluffy patches of lighter-colored fur grow on her collar, wrists, and ankles, giving her an extra dimension of cuteness. However, each of her hands clenches a stinger dart dripping with venom.

“Bee Girl,” Gabby says.

“Hey, everybody, I found one!” she says, doing a cute little midair dance while waving her abdomen about.

Then a score more Bee Girls swoop down into the clearing.

Today just took a sudden turn.

Short chapter. This is really the second half of the previous Bonus Chapter, separated to make the sex scene optionally skippable.

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