Mommy Will Help You!

5. This Is Extreme, Right?

He could feel the warmth radiating from her lips against his, and a tingling sensation was rushing through his body when she stroked his hair. At first, the experience was new to him, as he had never kissed anyone before. He had never had feelings for anyone before, being too shy to even think about dating.

He didn't know what to do with his hands, though, so he just placed them on the sides of his mother's head, closing his eyes.

Mia noticed his inexperience and took the lead, while her tongue slipped inside her son's mouth and she began licking his tongue in circles. It felt amazing for her to kiss her son like this, letting her love and lust pour into the passionate action.

After a long while of kissing, she broke the lip lock and gazed at Oliver, smiling proudly at herself.

"M-Mom...?" Oliver mumbled between heavy breaths.

"Hmmm, that was quite intense for someone so inexperienced in kissing, but that will soon change, Ollie. I am going to show you many things that will change you, honey."

"'s...wrong," he protested, yet his voice was shaking and there was no force behind his words. Oliver also couldn't help but look at his father, who didn't seem mad at the interaction in the slightest. In fact, Adam had been admiring his beautiful wife and seemed to enjoy watching his son make out with her.

"Look at your dad, honey," she said, tilting his head toward Adam. "Does he look like a man who thinks this is wrong?"

Oliver hesitated and looked again. His father had his hands resting under his head as he lay sideways facing them, just watching with a smile and calm eyes.

"I think he's enjoying the show," Mia giggled and pulled her son's head back to hers, pressing her lips to his once more.

For a few seconds, Oliver resisted, trying to prevent his mother from engaging him in another kiss, but his efforts were fruitless as her hand kept a firm grip on his head. When their tongues touched again, his resistance broke, and he let himself give in to the situation.

Their saliva mixed with each other's, creating a hot and wet mess that drove Mia crazy. A deep moan escaped her mouth as she felt pleasure and love build up inside her.

She was enjoying this more than she thought possible, and she couldn't believe how lucky she was that Adam had agreed to help her raise their shy boy in this unusual way.

Eventually, they separated and stared at one another in silence for a moment before Oliver asked, "Why?"

"Because I love you, baby. And I want you to be a happy, confident young man who won't feel uncomfortable whenever being around girls."

"But why is Dad agreeing with this?" he inquired as he continued looking at his dad.

Adam smiled and shifted his body upwards so he could lean against the bed headrest. "Because I care about your well-being and happiness, son."

"But... isn't Mom cheating on you with me?"

"Cheating? Why would you say that?"

"Well, you two are married, and here she is kissing me and stuff."

"Haha, that's true, but there's no cheating, Ollie. She isn't doing anything behind my back or disrespecting me. She asked for permission beforehand, and she is doing all this for you. So if anything, you should be grateful to her, son."

"For real?"

"Of course," Adam and Mia responded in unison.

Oliver couldn't understand. His parents have never argued or shown any signs of hostility towards each other since they've been married. They seemed to love each other very much, always cuddling, hugging, and kissing. Maybe that's why he'd never considered that his father would allow his wife to kiss him and let him touch her like this.

"But why would you do all this for me? I mean, I know you want me to be more outgoing and stuff, but this is extreme, right?"

"True, but we care about you, and we'll do whatever it takes to help you get out of your shell. You are our precious boy, who deserves the best in the world. We don't want you to waste your precious youth being afraid of the opposite gender just because you are inexperienced in relationships," Mia explained.

"So that's why, from this day on, you will do whatever your mom and I instruct you to do during the vacation. Understood?" Adam added.

Oliver wanted to question and argue against his parents' orders. Yet, there was an allure to the whole ordeal. He was attracted to his own mother, and being with her in this kind of situation made him aroused. And his father seemed supportive and proud of his son for it, which was weird but also nice.

However, the shame and guilt still plagued Oliver's thoughts. All this time, he's been taught by his society and religion not to sin, yet here was his own flesh and blood encouraging and supporting his actions.

Understanding her son's troubled mind, Mia stroked his hair and asked, "Are you confused, Ollie?"


Mia caressed his cheek, gazing at his handsome face, before asking, "Would you like me to explain further?"


Mia let go of his head and let Oliver sit up, creating some space between them and allowing him to look her in the eyes.

"Okay. Now, kiss your hand," she commanded.

"Huh?!" Oliver exclaimed, showing his confusion and surprise in his expression.

"You heard me. Kiss your hand."

Not understanding anything, Oliver still complied, bringing up his left hand to his lips. At first, he hesitated, staring at his mom as she waited with a smile. After a few moments, Oliver pressed his lips against his soft skin, giving it a soft peck, before retracting his arm.

"Now, tell me, didn't you just kiss your own flesh and blood, your own hand? So, what makes our kisses different?"

"Uh, you're not my hand?"

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