Moba: Me! I wanted to quietly gain points, but was broadcast live on the Internet

Chapter 60

"The middle tower has also fallen... Now, OMG is completely at a disadvantage!"

In the game.

IG opened a breakthrough in the top lane, and the advantage snowballed all the way, gradually radiating to the middle lane and jungle, and turned into an advantage for the whole team.

At this point in time, the economy leading the opponent by about 4000+ is actually a very big advantage.

The only thing that makes IG feel uncomfortable is that OMG's top, middle and jungle are all at a disadvantage, but the bottom lane is still in good condition.

This year, OMG's bottom lane is Sima Laozei. Although Ma Ge is known as one of the biggest G2 braggarts and has never won a championship, he is a popular star player and his personal strength is actually very strong.

It can only be said that staying in a team like OMG, with poor teammates configuration, it is difficult to play well. Results.

But now Ma Ge is giving it his all. In this game, he can be said to be the C who fought hard.

Because... he knows that this is the closest he has ever been to the World Championship!

Like all players, his dream is to enter the S game. He has persisted in this matter from S2 to S7, and it has not changed in six years.

Seeing the bad news from teammates in other positions one after another, Ma Ge got angry and played as if he was in a desperate situation. He played very fiercely and suppressed Xiaoxi and Baolan in the bottom lane of IG.

When IG used the Rift Herald to push down the first tower of OMG in the middle lane, Ma Ge did not discuss with the support. He found the right opportunity and flashed over to kill the low-health Xiaoxi alone.

"OMGSMLZ killed IGWest!"

"Bottom lane... Solo kill in bottom lane!"

Seeing this scene, several commentators were also cheered up:"Brother Ma... This man finally stood up when OMG was about to fall into despair!"

"Stand up, this Tristana suddenly flashed over, the damage was so high...Xayah died before she even used her ultimate... This was a bit unexpected."PDD frowned and said.

Although IG lost one man due to Xiaoxi's mistake, the overall advantage is still very large.

Ignoring the situation in the bottom lane, IG continued its operation rhythm in an orderly manner after pushing down the first tower of OMG in the middle.

In the early 20 minutes, IG had already lit up all the vision of the dragon pit, and the five people gathered together to start taking the dragon.

When OMG came over, it was too late, or they knew that they could not beat IG even if they came. After successfully taking the dragon, IG's advantage has reached the peak of this game.

Then, according to the tactics formulated when Bai Qiu came on the court, IG started a four-to-one split lane that is rare in the LPL region.

The second tower in the middle lane and the second tower in the top lane, including the two towers in the bottom lane, were all quickly pushed down.

IG's economic lead has reached 8,000 or 9,000.

But... soon everyone found something wrong...

Because of OMG's lineup in this game, at this point in time, it is actually very fast to clear the line of soldiers. Even if they have the dragon buff, OMG cannot clear it all in the first time, but if they want to touch the tower little by little, the speed is obviously not satisfactory to IG.

"Hey...OMG's defense has been pretty good in the past few seems that they have blocked IG's offensive trend."Seeing this scene, several commentators were also a little surprised.

"IG…It's time to gather. Jayce can't carry the team alone. It's actually a disadvantage to carry the team alone with the big worm, because the longer the delay, the better the big worm's development. This hero gets stronger with time, and Jayce is at a disadvantage to carry the team with him..."

In the game.

After IG discovered this situation, they decisively changed their tactics. Bai Qiu came to the middle lane, and the five of them wanted to take advantage of the big dragon buff to go to the middle lane high ground.

However, Jayce came a little late. Not long after, the big dragon buff was almost gone.

At this time, OMG's middle lane highland tower still had half of its health left. During this period, Ma Ge's cannon equipment had been completely mature, and the speed of clearing soldiers was very exaggerated. If there was no big dragon buff, they would not be able to go to the opposite high ground at that time.

"It's's still delayedOMG…Coming to their senses, they knew that their lineup was strong in the late game, so if they didn’t fight IG now, they would just drag it out!" I remembered looking at the equipment bar:"If that’s the case… the Baron buff will disappear, and when the next Baron spawns… the development of the big worm and others will also have to start!"

"The main thing is the big worm. If the big worm develops, then IG's lineup will be difficult to play.…"

"I'll find an opportunity and go over the tower directly." Inside the IG team, seeing that the Baron buff was about to disappear, Bai Qiu couldn't sit still anymore, and after saying hello to his teammates, Jayce went around from the front to the nearby jungle area.

At this time, another wave of soldiers with the Baron buff came over, and Ma Ge's Tristana stepped forward without hesitation, while clearing the soldiers, he knocked out IG's skills several times, and he was a one-man show, just like a god of war.

Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly felt a little touched:"Ma Ge... this man, is still persisting... he really wants to go to the S game... damn!"

Before he finished speaking, Bai Qiu, who had been keeping a close eye on the positions of several OMG players, finally found an opportunity and fired his QE cannon instantly.

The next moment, he accurately fired at the cannon that was clearing the soldiers.

Then, without waiting for others to catch up, Jayce had already transformed from WR to hammer form, and with the help of acceleration and Q skill displacement, he instantly entered the opposite highland tower alone.

Bang bang bang... three explosions rang out, and Ma Ge's cannon's status dropped rapidly.

However, he reacted quickly, and immediately flashed to perform a double healing combo to distance himself from Jayce.

Seeing this, Bai Qiu flashed without hesitation!

"Protect Tristana! Protect Tristana!"The other members of OMG almost subconsciously went over to focus on Jayce.

But before reaching Jayce, Bai Qiu had already reached Tristana and hit her twice as she tried to use W again!

"IGCherish killed OMGSMLZ!"




"Seconds! Cherish went straight in! Ma Ge was killed in this wave!"

"Everyone else… IG’s other people are also on the field!"

In the game,

Ma Ge’s sudden death became the last straw that broke the camel’s back for OMG.

Just now, everyone in OMG focused on Jayce, which gave IG a chance to push forward. Four people took the last few seconds of the dragon buff and attacked the tower together.

In less than three seconds, the highland tower was shattered!

Without the highland tower to contain them and one of their players had died, OMG could no longer be a coward. Rookie’s Ahri flashed over with W to save Jayce.

In the end, it was still a step too late. Jayce was killed by OMG’s focus fire, but the other people in OMG… were already desperate.

Without Tristana and the highland tower, the huge economic gap made it impossible for them to compete with IG.

In a wave of team wipes without suspense, IG traded Jayce for five people, and a few minutes later, they pushed down OMG’s crystal base!

They won the game!

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