Moba: Me! I wanted to quietly gain points, but was broadcast live on the Internet

Chapter 32

"How did he get killed by a single player?"

A few minutes later, the top lane gradually stabilized. Jinoo was killed by a single player in the first wave, and his TP was also used up. His teammates couldn't help asking.

Upon hearing this, Jinoo became even more depressed:"The opponent was a bit cunning. He relied on his strength at level 1 to cunningly attack me. I was careless."

"Blame me for not realizing it before."The jungler took the initiative to say that if he had been more aware, it might have been Fiora who died.

"It doesn't matter. It's okay to let him get the first blood. Just keep playing."

Jinoo nodded and was about to reply when he suddenly felt something was wrong. The ward he had placed in the river had just disappeared. Looking at the dark fog of war, he subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

"Oh... did you realize it? Jinoo is very perceptive." Outside, seeing this scene, Wang Duoduo laughed and said,"Sure enough, he is very experienced. This wave of blind men is squatting in the grass!"

At the river in the upper lane, as soon as Ning Wang's blind men came over, Jinoo realized it. He said to Bai Qiu a little depressed,"It's okay, I'll come back later..."

Bai Qiu:"……"

Sure enough, not long after, Ning Wang's blind man came again.

This time, Ning Wang deliberately spared the vision and was not seen. Jinoo did not realize that IG's top and jungle directly attacked Gnar.

Fortunately, Gnar was still alert and was not in the front position. He used the E skill to jump away quickly.

However, Ning Wang was prepared and used a Q skill accurately on Gnar. Gnar had no choice but to use flash to escape.


"This..." Wang Duoduo and Rita looked at each other:"It feels like... Jinoo is being targeted!"

""Who is training whom?" Wang Duoduo finished speaking, and some people couldn't help laughing.

Indeed, Ning Wang was completely in the top lane during these two waves, which made Jinoo very uncomfortable.

More importantly... everyone was a little confused about Ning Wang's help in the top lane.

"It seems that IG is very confident in Cherish. Although they failed to kill Gnar in this wave, they used Flash, and Jinoo will have a hard time in the next laning phase."

In the game.

In the following time, the top lane was indeed hard.

Although Bai Qiu did not return home, he was already ahead by one head experience. In addition, Ning Wang came twice, and even Jinoo gradually became a little bit unable to beat Fiora.

At four or five minutes, Fiora actually suppressed Gnar's last hits by half, and the experience was a full level!

When the director's camera was given, the audience was a little stunned.

They knew that Fiora had an advantage. After all, she had the first blood and the jungler took special care of her. If she could not play an advantage again, then this newcomer should be carried away with her chair in the next game.


What the hell is suppressing nearly half of the last hits?

What's more, this is against Jianxian...

In the top lane in the camera, Fiora has not returned home once, and her health is still half, while Gnar has returned home once, and now only has two-fifths of the health left.

He only dared to use the arm length and Q to last hit from a distance, and did not dare to get close!

"Top lane...what's going on? Fiora is suppressing so much……"Miss Rita was speechless and said,"This... can the first blood lead be so exaggerated?" Wang

Duoduo was also surprised. He took a look and at this moment, he saw that the top lane sword lady saw an opportunity and directly Q crossed the line of soldiers and pressed forward, hitting a flaw.


Gnar's state dropped again, and Sword Lady had already burst out with three AEAs.

"WC!"Jinoo was frightened, and Gnar quickly used E to jump away and distance himself. Fiora wanted to follow, but she was surrounded by soldiers, and she had lost a lot of health in such a short time, so she didn't continue to chase.

"Wow..." Seeing this brutal scene, Wang Duoduo was a little dumbfounded as he was consuming energy even when defending the line:"This fight is too fierce!"…"

"I know how Cherish managed to suppress so much. This is totally his rank style! But I have to say that this new player’s laning ability seems to be quite good.

Rita was speechless. A new player had such an aggressive style in his debut. This was beyond her and Wang Duoduo’s expectations before the game.

"Then this wave of Gnar… has to go home. If he doesn’t go home in this state, Fiora will be level 6 soon, and by then he can completely cross the tower…"

In the game,

Gnar was consumed by Fiora again and had to choose to go home.

Retreating to the bottom of his own defense tower, Jinoo pressed the return key

"I am coming"

"I know."

The team's jungler was talking, and Jinoo also canceled the recall at the last second, deliberately blocking the vision. On the IG side, he saw that he had read the recall bar.

But he didn't go back!

A young man kept pushing forward, can LGD tolerate him?

He must feel the cruelty of the professional arena!

Gnar took medicine, entered his own jungle from the side, and then went straight to the river in the upper lane and bypassed it.

On the other side, LGD's jungler Prince also came out from the river and directly blocked behind the sword lady who was still pushing the line.

One jungle, one river, two ways to survive, LGD's jungle and upper jungle were all blocked!

"Um...Nar...cancelled his return to the city...what's going on?" Outside, everyone was stunned.

"Prince...! Prince is coming, Gnar is acting on purpose! LGD... is going to attack this Sword Princess!" Wang Duoduo glanced at the situation:"... Sword Princess's position... is completely blocked!"

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