MMORPG: Genesis

Prologue – Why Genesis was created

War, never ending war. 

That's all the races of Atlantia knew, ever since they were evolved enough to scheme, war had ensured. 

First, they fought individually with their own race with sticks and rocks. 

Then over time they learned to team together, and they created factions and they fought with sword and shield. 

Then they discovered other bipedal creatures who looked similar to them but also different that lived on the same landmass to them and so the faction wars became a racial war and by this time magic had been discovered to be usable by a rare few. 

Over time they learned to build more advanced equipment until eventually they learned to build ships that they powered with magic, and that allowed them to travel across the giant blue oceans that surrounded the lands they lived on. 

After setting sail on these ships, they found other pieces of land with new strange bipedal creatures and instead of talking, the races once again fought. 

Over time the whole of Atlantia was engulfed in war between the different races, and while not all races partook in the wars as some decided to hide away in their own lands with powerful defenses to protect themselves. 

There were, however, four races that had always fought. 

Humans - Being cunning and manipulative they used more underhanded techniques in the wars. Though middle of the pack in terms of magic capability. 

Draconian - They are prideful in nature thanks to their ancestry with the ancient dragons who hid away long ago, preferring to sleep rather than fight. Scales covering the most sensitive areas of their bodies, horns, tails and wings that allow them to fly, able to breathe fire, second most proficient magic class. 

Orcs - Powerful and strong, natural regenerative abilities that allow them to recover lost body parts if given time. The most war-like of the races as they believe only the strong should survive, what they lack in magic capability they make up for in brute strength and Survivability, only a few Orc leaders known as shamans can use magic. 

Dwarfs - Greatest inventors of all the races who created the greatest and most powerful weapons, also the builders of the first ships. Middle of the pack for magic use like humans. 

The wars fought for centuries before the Elves wise and knowledgeable from being the longest living of all the races such that they never die of old age because of their natural affinity for magic thus making them the strongest magic users, brought word of a warning. 

The oracle or the elves had seen a vision that if the wars did not stop the world of Atlantia would be destroyed. 

Though the other races hated to admit it they all admired and respected the Elvin race for though the elves did not participate in the war they were a formidable enemy with their magical capability, also their different oracles throughout history had many visions over the centuries that helped each race avoid disaster. 

With each race's leader brought to the table the Elves tried to speak for peace, however the four races had fought each other for too long and there was too much bloodshed. 

After many weeks and months of discussion a solution was devised, they decided to create a virtual world that every being on the planet would have access to once a person reached their race's adulthood. 

From then on, they would move the wars, the internal political adversarial conflicts, any type of disagreement that could only be solved with force, all conflicts that engendered citizens' lives and more importantly the world to this virtual world. 

Using the magical powers of the Elves and Draconian they created a world encompassing spell that made an exact replica of Atlantia for the virtual world, then using the Dwarfs technological prowess access bands were created that allowed people to enter the virtual world from anywhere on the planet. 

Then as a final step each of the five races offered a volunteer to have their minds uploaded together and then merged to create an artificial intelligence that would run and watch over the virtual world so that no one race would have greater authority there than the others. 

Artificial Intelligence took the name Tia which was short for Atlantia. 

And with the implementation of Tia, Genesis was created, and the world entered a new era. 



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