MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 51 Punishment

John nodded in agreement before moving on.
"The next thing is that the basic master passive you gain for completing the training is not one percent but ten percent."
"Ten percent really? That's a huge difference." Thasinia began to explain.
"While you won't notice it at the start, as your level rises higher and higher, and your ATP increases so too will the difference between one percent and ten percent."
"In the future if you have one hundred ATP you will gain ten extra ATP instead of one extra, that's essentially ten extra levels."
"Then why did that online post Saida read only say one percent?" John asked.
"If I had to guess it was a ploy to try and keep it under wraps, if they claimed that nothing came from the training no one would believe them, however by saying the reward is rubbish and not worth the effort they are more likely to put people off."
John nodded in understanding before Thasinia turned to look at the test results.
A few moments later the test results were in and after checking them Thasinia smiled and spoke.
"The Sync rate increased again with a reduction in loss rate, I wonder how high the rate can go."
Two days later while John was still working through all the weapons in the weapons hall, in Ellipse City Empress Alexia Bristle was getting the report on the investigation into the whole incident that led to the human race's punishment from Tia.
It had been several days since they had apprehended over a thousand suspects having interrogated each of them.
"Empress, we have finished conducting the investigation and interrogation of the individuals apprehended in Dawnscape City and also Minister Dawn and former minister Marcus." General Vimes reported.
"Proceed General." Alexia said from behind her desk.
"We have broken the individuals down into three groups."
"The first group contains the names of those directly involved with the actions against John Michaels or those who received money to cover it up."
"These include the person who started this whole thing Dean Thomas simply because Mr. Michaels would not show him the respect he thought he deserved."
"Malcolm Thomas who bribed the officials simply because he is too much of a doting father."
At this point Alexia interrupted the general to ask in a cold voice
"You're telling me we lost Stone-mist Castle because this man was doting on his son?"
"Indeed Empress." General Vimes replied with an equally cold voice.
Alexia sighed before motioning for him to continue.
"Then we have the people who received the bribes namely, Joseph Dawn the Minister of Dawnscape city and surrounding areas."
"Jasper Dawn the Mayor of Dawnscape city and younger brother of Minister Joseph Dawn."
"Former Minister Marcus who was the minister in charge of Dawnscape city and surrounding areas before Joseph Dawn."
"Frank Hargreaves the government official in charge of John Michaels initiation who orchestrated giving him the Mk VI access band."
"Peter Hendrix, the principal of Dawnscape City School where John Michaels attended, told the teachers of the school not to bother with him."
"The second group contains people who actively worked to make John Michaels life harder, did not assist him when he requested help and also bullied him."
"Miss Mary Brown, Homeroom teacher of John's class."
"The cronies of Dean Thomas that I won't mention by name because it's a waste of breath."
"The individuals on duty that Mr.Michaels spoke to that day when he went to the government offices to en-quire about his financial support who just made up some excuse.
"The final group contains all the individuals who knew about John Michaels incident or the bullying he received and did not help or even offer to help him."
"The rest of the teachers and employees of Dawnscape City School."
"The entire final school year at Dawnscape City School."
"Approximately thirty-five percent of the Dawnscape City government officials."
"As for all other individuals who knew nothing about this incident and had no involvement in it, they have already been released and had Genesis access restored."
There was silence for a few minutes after the general finished his report before Alexia sighed and spoke.
"Thank you general, the punishment for each of these groups has already been decided."
"First the final group who did nothing, those employed as ether government officials or teachers will lose their jobs, all of them will be given community service for eighteen months, while Tia has also confirmed that the entire group will be banned from Genesis for eighteen months also."
"The second group will spend eleven years in prison to match the eleven years that John Michaels suffered and Tia has also confirmed they will be permanently banned from Genesis for the rest of their lives."
"The First group and main perpetrators, there is nothing much to say; they will all be publicly executed on the charge of crimes against the human race."
Three days later John was sitting on his sofa watching the Genesis News channel while reading through the forums on his access band as he tried to learn more about Genesis.
He had been training in the Weapons Hall for just over six days, only taking on average four hours' worth of break a day to get food, have hygiene breaks and relax a little before he carried on.
John had just completed his tenth weapon training so he decided to take a break before starting the final one as he was not sure what would happen when he completed them all.
While he was browsing through the forums the presenter on Genesis News said something that caught his attention.
"Ladies and gentlemen Genesis World News has just been sent footage from the human capital of Eclipse City showing the execution of those responsible for the racial punishment where the human race lost control of Stone-mist Castle."
"The execution took place on the punishment platform below the cliff that Eclipse palace stands on and was witnessed by a huge crowd."
"During the execution the youngest of those sentenced tried to plead for his life as we will now show you."
The screen changed to show seven people in bartered clothing chained together with their backs against a cliff wall.
A large man in uniform and a priest stood before them as the uniformed man started to speak to the crowd.
"Those gathered before you are charged with crimes against the human race."
"For it was their actions of conspiring against one young schoolboy that led to us losing Stone-mist Castle."
The crowd cheered and cursed the prisoners.
Dean Thomas suddenly screamed, he appeared to have gone mad from the treatment he had received these last few days.
He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was used to getting what he wanted when he wanted and never had anyone treated him this way.
The army officer stared coldly at Dean before speaking.
"You still don't understand the crimes you have committed, your actions against this one boy who you won't even address with his name have damaged the human race in ways no enemy has done since the Genesis Agreement."
"It is not wrong to say you are the worst humanity has to offer."
After that the officer addressed the troops lined up with magic rifles.
"May the gods have mercy on their souls." The priest suddenly said before
There was only the sound of seven guns hissing as a beam of light left the barrel of the magic rifles before.
Six bodies hit the floor dead, however one screamed in pain as a hole appeared in his right arm.
"JENKINS WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" yelled the soldier in charge.
"I don't know sir, I aimed the gun correctly but for some reason it went to the side, let me try again."
"Fine, aim and.... Fire."
Again, a hiss, again the beam of light, again...
The shot went through Dean's other arm.
"Strange this time it went in the other direction, hmmm."
Jenkins took aim again and...
This time it went through Dean's leg causing him to collapse.
Jenkins looked at his gun with a thoughtful expression before saying.
"I think I got it now." he said before taking aim and...
Dean's other leg now had a hole in it as he writhed on the ground in pain.
"I think I understand the issue sir, the focusing crystal must be loose and that is causing the shots to veer off in random directions."
"Permission to change to a different rifle."
"Granted, just get on with it." The soldier in charge ordered in an angry tone, however for any keen observers they would notice that all the soldiers had a small grin at the corner of their lips.
However, no one felt the need to point this out.
Jenkins swapped rifles with another soldier and spoke.
"Ready sir."
"Good, now aim and..... fire"
A hiss, the beam of light, a hole in Dean Thomas head and his body crumpled as it stopped moving.
"Holo off." John said after seeing that,
He sighed before saying
Then he lay down and spoke.
"Let's finish this, Genesis Sync"


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