MMORPG: Genesis


Every player in Genesis and all humans in Atlantia via their access bands heard the siren that signaled a racial punishment before they heard Tia speak. 


[The human race is to receive punishment for the following crimes committed against the Genesis Agreement.] 

[Crime one: Corruption] 

[It has been discovered that government officials in the human city of Dawnscape have been involved in corruption against one of their own citizens.] 

[Government officials are confirmed to be withholding a citizen's financial support he is entitled to under the Genesis Article and worse, yet it is being transferred to someone else for their personal use.] 

[The same citizen no longer lives at the address registered on his citizen ID because of lack of funds and was instead forced to live in slums that were banned under decree of Empress Alexia Bristle] 

[Crime Two: Bribery] 

[Evidence has been found of Dawnscape City officials and the minister in-charge of Dawscape city receiving bribes to keep this quiet.] 

Crime Three: Improper care of public citizens] 

[The same individual was forced to work in order to earn enough money to eat even though he was under the legal age of employment under the Genesis Article.] 

[This work also paid said individual well under the minimum wage making him barely able to survive with enough food.] 

[The school he attended showed no care whatsoever for this individual and when he asked for help, they ignored him] 

[The Dawnscape city officials show no care whatsoever for this individual and when he asked for help, they ignored him] 

[Said individual received regular bullying and even had his freshwater tampered with by putting dead animals inside it.] 

[Crime Four: Attempted Murder] 

[It has been discovered that at his school's initiation to Genesis the same individual as before was supplied with the outlawed and highly dangerous MK VI Access Band] 

[This access band was outlawed because of the deadly MK VI poison that slowly kills the individual in contact with it.] 

[After investigation it has been discovered that Dawnscape government officials were aware of this and in fact did partake in supplying said outlawed access band to the individual] 


[The individuals confirmed to be guilty of any or all of these crimes will be permanently banned from Genesis and will also face punishment from the leader of the human race Empress Alexia Bristle] 

[The individuals suspected to be guilty of any and all of these crimes will be temporarily banned from Genesis while they are taken into custody for questioning and a thorough investigation is carried out, any individual found innocent will be released and access to Genesis restored, any individual found guilty will face the same punishment as those already found guilty.] 

[The individual who received the mistreatment from Dawnscape City will have all financial support owed to him paid in full by Dawnscape City and the main instigator in all of this.] 

[The individual who received the mistreatment from Dawnscape City will automatically receive two percent of all earnings the Dawnscape guild makes from any of its endeavors in Genesis from this point on.] 

[The human race will lose its ownership over Stone-mist Castle and a Great Ocean Siege will take place in seven days for a chance to claim ownership of it.] 

[Further Notice] 

[*WARNING* As of this moment I am temporarily lifting the restriction on the use of force without due cause for the security forces and military in Dawnscape City and Eclipse City, it is advised that all civilians stay in their homes until further notice to avoid harm.] 

John heard notification before waving his hand to dismiss the notification window that also appeared in front of him and crouching down to gather the herb. 

[Herb gathering success] 

[Quest Progress:] 

[Peacebloom 1/5] 

[Silverleaf 1/5] 

After which the herb disappeared automatically into his herb pouch before he got up and went to search for more herbs. 


The only way to describe the reaction of the majority or the human race in Genesis was shock and outrage, they could not believe the Dawnscape city officials had done something so stupid and lost them Stone-mist Castle. 

The Dawnscape guild's members started to panic, and many decided to leave the guild. 

The other human players in Genesis started to curse the Dawnscape guild and also the officials of Dawnscape city and whoever else had an involvement in this. 

The other races though many were shocked and applauded while others just did not care and decided to sit back and watch the show, after all everyone likes entertainment. 


In Eclipse City Minister Dawn and former Minister Marcus were quickly apprehended at their high-class residents, and although they protested and told the security forces to Unhand them at once they were quickly knocked unconscious before being dragged away to jail. 

Those that tried to assist them, such as their own security teams, quickly stood down when they heard Tia's announcement about ' temporarily lifting the restriction on the use of force without due cause for the security forces and military'. 


As for Dawnscape City, well this was going to be a night many of the residents would never forget. 

As soon as Tia made her announcement General Vimes ordered the go ahead and the army personnel that had been quietly stationed in the city and were waiting near the intended target's GPS location moved at once. 

With the temporarily lifting the restriction on the use of force without due cause the military personnel showed no restraint and immediately started kicking in doors to gain entry to the different houses, apartments or wherever anyone on the list Tia had supplied was located. 

This list included all the Dawnscape City council officials, who like the two ministers tried to protest and wave the soldiers away, but they just ended up being knocked unconscious and dragged away. 

Their security forces mostly stood down however there were a few stupid fools who tried to fight back and were quickly incapacitated by the magic tasers that shot a bolt of magical electricity at the target that was enough to render them unconscious but not kill them. 

The teachers at John's school all found their doors kicked in and themselves quickly restrained and taken away to the detention facility that the army had quietly built in a nearby forest away from the city's eyes. 

The fellow students in John's year were also arrested for investigation to find out who out of them had helped in the bullying and took part in the contamination of John's water. 

General Vimes himself led a team towards the top priority target Dean Thomas at his family's high class family home. 


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