MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 20 Arrival at Asyath Serin

Several hours later John was flying over the central continent.
After getting into the car with Ascal Daemys, John was driven directly to Dawnscape city airport where he immediately boarded the private plane that was sent for him.
Ascal Daemys used his diplomatic immunity to bypass any checks that would normally need to be carried out on a person or luggage as Queen Alexia had ordered him to get John out of Dawnscape city as soon as possible.
Ascal Daemys did not join him on the flight but wished him farewell before seeing John onto the plane and leaving, he may not know the reason why the Queen wanted a human out of the country asap but he had been doing this job long enough to know that something big was about to happen in Dawnscape city and he needed to be back at the Elven embassy before whatever happened, happened.
John had never flown before, so this was all a novel experience for him, as he boarded the plane he was greeted by three elves, one male and two female.
One of the female elves was the captain and she introduced herself and her co-pilot who was the male elf before introducing the other female elf as the stewardess.
John greeted them all in elvish which made them all smile before the stewardess showed John to his seat and the pilot and co-pilot started the pre-flight checks.
The stewardess asked John if he would like anything to drink, but not knowing what was available and feeling uncomfortable with having someone serve him he just asked for water.
Eventually the plane took off and headed for the central continent while John looked out the window watching the scenery go past underneath and was amazed that he was actually flying on a plane.
Every so often the stewardess would ask John if he needed something, and it got to the point where he could not take it anymore.
"I'm sorry miss?"
"Chalia Sarrona" Chalia replied with a smile.
"I'm sorry Miss Sarrona, this is all new to me." he said waving his arm around to indicate the plane and everything before continuing.
"I am not used to being waited on and it makes me slightly uncomfortable, do you mind if you just relax, and I will call you if I need help with anything?
"Of course, Sir I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
"It's not your fault, as I said I am new to all this, and I have no idea what to do or how to act."
After that Chalia left John in peace as he looked outside the window some more before he started to feel tired and closed his eyes to get some sleep.
He did not wake up until the captain's voice came over the intercom.
"We will be landing at Asyath Serin airport in the next few minutes please make sure your seatbelt is fastened.
The plane started to descend before eventually it touched down and started to slow and then taxi towards where John was supposed to disembark.
Once it stopped Chalia opened the hatch on the side of the plane so that the steps could connect to it and then she, the pilot and co-pilot all said goodbye to John who returned the farewell and exited the plane going down the steps.
He was honestly not sure what he was supposed to do next as Ascol had never told him anything.
However, as he walked down the steps four smart electric cars came speeding towards the plane before stopping in-front of the steps.
Several male and female elves stepped out of the vehicles and looked around suspiciously as if checking for any danger before one of the female elves walked to the back door of the second car and opened the door.
A beautiful elf in a silver white dress stepped down from the car and John had to admit she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, only Sarah Lapis could come close to her beauty, but she still fell slightly short.
The elf looked towards John and gave a kind smile before approaching him and saying."
"Welcome to Asyath Serin Mr. Michaels, I am Alea Keagwyn ."
"Vedui' aranel Alea Keagwyn, annad llë an hosta imni." (Translation: Greetings princess Alea Kaegwyn, thank you for collecting myself)" John greeted back making Adria's smile grow and the security guards eyes widen in surprise.
"I must admit I was not expecting to be greeted by the princess." John confessed.
"Oh, and who may I ask where you expecting." Alea asked with a smile.
"Honestly no idea, perhaps no one, after all I was only invited to stay here and nothing more."
"Mr. Michaels please do not look down on us so, we asked you to come stay here in our capital, so it is only right that we send someone to meet you and bring you back to the palace."
"Wait the palace?" John asked, surprised.
"Of course, that is where you will be staying while here in Asyath Serin, plus my mother is looking forward to meeting you."
"Err, I don't know how I feel about staying in the palace, I mean I am not really dressed to be meeting the princess, let alone the queen." John said looking down at his old worn-out clothes.
Alea giggled before saying.
"Nonsense, you are our guest, and your form of attire does not matter to us, though I would very much like to take you out shopping in a couple of days to help you get a new wardrobe, after you gain the money you are owed of course."
"In the meantime, we will provide you with a change of clothes once your medical examination is complete."
"I see, annad." (Translation: thanks.)
"Please Mr. Michaels this way." Alea said before pointing towards the car."
"After you princess, but please stop calling me Mr. Michaels and just call me John."
Adria smiled again before saying.
"Very well John, but only if you address me as Adria."
"Thank you, Adria, after you please."
Adria entered the back seat of the car first shortly followed by John.
The security personnel then loaded up after and the cars set off from the airport.


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