MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 14 Someone else has been watching from the start, right?

"Why would I care when I expect this person in front of me is only here because she is going to receive something from you?" 

There was silence as John finished his speech and continued to wash himself. 

"What makes you assume Sarah Lapis is set to receive something from me and that is why she is here? Tia asked. 

"Because that's human nature, humans are greedy, and they say only the very best of us will do something for free." John replied before continuing. 

"Personally, I think that's horse shit because I have never met a decent kind human in my life, and it does not take much brain power to guess that if the AI of Genesis wants something from a user that plays her game, all she has to do is offer them a reward." 

After he finished speaking John stood up and used the rest of the water in the basin to wash his hair by pouring it over him, he then pushed back his long dark hair before turning to stare at Sarah and the holographic Tia. 

What caught Sarah by surprise was that John was actually exceedingly handsome underneath his long black hair. 

"Now if you will excuse me, I have better things to do than answer questions or make a princess feel she is doing a good deed by being here." 

With that John once again entered his shack and slammed the door shut. 

Sarah froze and did not know how to respond. 


Inside Genesis there was a deathly silence as everyone saw John enter his shack and slam the door. 

No one knew what to say as they had never met anyone who showed such clear disregard to not only Sarah's identity but Tia's. 

Tia was probably the being with the greatest authority and power in the world. 

With Genesis and the real world being so closely linked as they were, any decision Tia made would have consequences in both worlds and when she asked something of someone no one had ever refused her. 

Sure, she always made it worth their while with a reward if they got the job done, however even if that was not the case they would still accept since Tia had the power to destroy them and anyone they knew if she so wished. 

Of course, Tia would never do that as it was against her core reason for being, however when it came to life and death people were not willing to risk it. 

And yet here was a human male willing to do just that and refuse a request from Tia because he did not care what happened to the human race since they never cared about him. 

"What now?" Red Rose asked, unsure of what was supposed to happen now. 

No one replied because honestly no one was sure, even Silver Queen who was one of the oldest alive on the planet today had no answer to that simple question. 

Tia herself just stood still with no expression on her face as her mind try to comprehend what had just happened as this was another new experience that John had brought her. 



Back in Dawnscape outside the shack Sarah finally shook off her shock and confusion and looked around but did not see anyone before she remembered John had entered the shack. 

She walked over and knocked on the door but got no response. 

She kept knocking and asking if he would please open up but all she got was the silent treatment. 

Finally, she accepted this might be a failed endeavor and decided to just be honest about her reasons for being here since John mentioned it before. 

"Mr. Michaels you are correct that part of the reason I am here is for a reward from a quest that Tia issued to me, but that is not the only reason I am here, I am also here to try to find out the truth of what really happened to you and I am not the only one." 

There was silence for a moment before the door opened and John showed himself again before saying. 

"So, who else is here if not just you?" 

John then looked down at the access band and asked. 

"Someone else has been watching from the start, right?" 


In Genesis Silver Queen whistled before saying. 

"Did he guess that or figure it out?" 

"I guess we are about to find out." Fire Empress replied 


"That's correct" Sarah answered honestly though she was slightly surprised about his question. 

"How did you know?" 

"Not hard to take a guess, after all the access band allows for face-to-face communication so it must have a camera, then there is Tia who controls everything to do with Genesis and that includes the access band." 

"Finally, Tia mentioned about an investigation and a punishment for the human race, you may be the Empress niece but that's all you are as you have no real power." 

"My guess is someone of high standing in the human race is watching, if not the Empress herself since you're here." 


"Ok that clinches it, this boy is beyond smart, how has no one realized this in that stupid city?" Red Rose suddenly said. 

"He said it himself; his teachers ignore his very existence so it's not surprising they have not noticed." Oracle answered. 


"Your very smart Mr. Michaels you are correct Empress Alexia Bristle is currently watching everything that happens along with 1st Princess Adria Bristle as well as Queen Tanelia Kaegwyn and Princess Alea Keagwyn of the elves." 

"Oh." John replied simply. 

There was silence for a moment before John sighed and spoke. 

"Look I am not beyond courtesy to those who show it to me as you have done since you arrived."

"I would invite you in but it's not exactly to the standards of royalty, plus I don't even have tea to offer you, only hot water I boil to get rid of the germs." 

"Hot water would be fine and I would be happy to enter your living abode so that we can talk more." Sarah replied with a smile. 

"Fine but don't expect much." John sighed before stepping aside and inviting Sarah inside. 



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