Mistress Of The Evil Forest

Case 8: Golem and Owl game.

''Hu~!!'' Ariel flies straight at the golem.


She screams right at the golem's head, but it doesn't seem affected one bit.

Okay, that was brave, Ariel.


'''' ... ''''

Doesn't work either.

Now, run.

So I immediately turn around-


-only to be blocked by a transparent barrier.

[State: Bound]

Tch, so I got trapped. Should've expected this from the beginning, they can trap that skeleton, they can trap me too. But the important thing now is that I need to defeat this golem, else it will kill me first.

Said golem is already charging straight toward me, giant arms crossing. I take three steps to the left, eyes focusing on the golem's trajectory as its loud steps echo through the room.

thump thump thump


First, the head turns to me slowly, then, the torso creaks along, and finally, the legs start to change their direction. As expected, it can steer, but not very fast. 

I steady myself and wait for the right time as the golem rushes toward me furiously.

Fifteen meters... Ten meters... Five... Now!


I leap to the right, barely avoiding the golem as it crashes into the barrier behind me. Seizing the chance, I immediately sprint towards the magic circle inside the cavern.

''Hah... Huh?''

Is that another barrier outside the magic circle??


It seems like my suspicion is right, I can't get in at all. Tch, even the gauntlet... Do I really need to defeat that golem?

Turning around, I can see that the blockhead has already recovered from its crash, now walking slowly toward me, likely due to its [Acceleration] being on cooldown.

I scan around the room while keeping tabs on the guy, trying to find something, anything, to hopefully get me out of this situation.


On the wall in each direction is a hole, seven in total, approximately big enough to fit me inside it. Before each hole is a visible, protruding button. It's pretty obvious that those are triggers for something.

thump thump thump

Let's test it out on this guy.

I sprint off in a random direction, letting the golem chase me. Because I don't know what would come out of these holes, I just jump past the trigger and wait patiently for the golem to step on it.

Yes, that's right, come here...


As soon as I see the button click, I leap to the side and begin to run as far as possible. Oh, let's hide behind the barrier.

''Phew... Let's see.''

The golem crashes again, this time into the wall with a deafening boom, throwing its upper body slightly into the hole.  

Together with a loud rumbling noise, I can feel the whole room vibrating. Something is coming.


To my surprise, a giant ball of rock comes out of the hole and smashes the golem's torso, sending it tumbling backward with a loud thud and scattering shards of rock everywhere.

[HP: 46/60]

So this is how you defeat it...!

Having understood the strategy, I immediately run to another hole and wait for the golem to charge at me again.

Yes, that's right, get up. Come at me.

thump thump thump

Hearing the same clicking sound as earlier, I dodge to the side and run off behind the barrier again.

''Hu...'' I let out a breath.

My stamina is going down fast. But I just need to repeat this a few more times and it'll be don-



That's cheating. Who told you that you can smash the rock like that??

Okay, change of plan, I don't know what to do now... It just used [Smash], right?

[Smash: Deal instantaneous damage to the target based on the user's STR. Cost: 3 MP, CD: 5 seconds] [Normal]

The cooldown isn't even that long. I can't exploit this.

thump thump thump



Another rush, another jump. This time it rams straight into the barrier and...

It cracks...!

So the whole stone thing was bait, I hate you, game developer.

Okay, maybe not, but I can still do something with this.

Case one: I destroy the magic core, all the barriers break, then I run.

Case two: I destroy the magic core, but only the barrier at the skeleton's place breaks, then I need to call for his help.

Whether or not he would come here at all is unknown, but I'll have to try.

''Ariel! Go back to the skeleton and ask him to come help me!'' I shout at Ariel, who's still lingering around, not knowing what to do.

''Hu!'' She immediately runs off, leaving me and the golem, who's ready to charge at me again, alone.


Come at me again, idiot.

''Hah... Hah...''



I barely dodge the golem's flying fist by ducking down, letting it hit the barrier instead. I bit my lips and force my tired legs to move again, running to the side.


I've been playing tag with it for quite some time now, and even though I've successfully lured it many times, my stamina is running low. I tried stabbing it with my claws as well, but didn't work. It defended its core flawlessly, like a professional martial artist. The bow was useless too, predictable.

Why has the barrier not been broken yet? 

Despite all the white cracks on its surface, like a well-woven spider web, it still stands.

thump thump thump

Okay, another one. Fortunately, much like my stamina, its MP is running low as well. Maybe I can survive this.



Along with the sound of breaking glass, the barrier shatters into millions of tiny white pieces that disappear into the air. The golem continues forward carrying its momentum, unable to steer back right away.


I immediately jump in the circle and kick away the magic core, which is unsurprisingly hard. My foot is now dead, but that's not important. After confirming that the circle is not glowing anymore, I run to the stand nearby and grab the gauntlet as well.

creak creak

Ringing creaking noises can be heard as the golem suddenly turns its head abruptly around, similar to a broken doll, the core on its chest glows a blinding red.

Not wanting to deal with whatever it is anymore, I turn to the entrance and start running. My legs feel like they're going to fall apart any second now, but I have to keep running.

thump thump thump

''Hah... Hah...''

But its footsteps behind me are only getting louder and louder, sweat drenching my robe, making the fabric stick to my skin, uncomfortable. Tired, tired, uncomfortable.


Okay, maybe not the time for complaints. But I can feel the golem right behind me already. I just need to jump to the side-


At that moment, something suddenly appears in front of my eyes, and the next moment, my point of view changes abruptly.

When I realize it, I'm already standing behind and some distance away from the golem.

''Skeleton!'' I exclaim, a smile blooms on my face.

''I have come to your aid, Lady Aurora!'' He says. ''Do you want to run away? Or-''

''Help me beat that thing.'' I interrupt him and put on the gauntlet.

['Gauntlet of severance' equipped]


He turns to face the Golem, who has already turned around and is running towards us. 

''O Holy Light, grant me the power to purify evil!'' He raises his hand in the air and shouts.

From the palm of his hand, three short beams of light shoot out and strike the golem's core, cracking it considerably. Unexpectedly, or expectedly, the golem raises its hand to cover the damaged core entirely while still rushing toward us.


My vision abruptly changes again as I assume that the skeleton has used [Blink] to bring us here - right behind our enemy. Having teleportation skills is great, I'll consider buying them later. But for now.

''Aim for its joint. See if you can sever the arm.''

''Roger.'' Skeleton raises his hand again.

The skeleton's aim is phenomenal, somehow shooting the light beams right at the golem's shoulder joint, which is only accessible through a slight gap between the arm and the torso.

The golem's arm covering the core drops down with a loud thud.

I immediately activate my [Sharp Claw] and the gauntlet's ability at the same time, burning a whole 15 MP to gain ten meters of reach. I lunge forward, thrusting my claws at the golem's tattered core while it's still staggering from the imbalance caused by its missing arm.


My claws dig deep into the core, and the bright red color of it gradually fades into a dull gray. It feels weird attacking like this, but it works. The golem's entire body falls to the ground with a boom, finally ending my stamina's nightmare.

[You have defeated a Lv.15 Guardian Golem]

[Proficiency achieved a certain level]

[Being: Aurora Lv.8 has become Lv.12]

[4 skill points acquired]

[Title: 'The Underdog' acquired]

''Phew...'' I flop down the floor and let out a long sigh.

Finally, it's over-

[Skill requirements met]

[Unique skill: Horror Lord acquired]

[Skill requirements met]

[Unique skill: Monarch acquired]


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