Mistress Of The Evil Forest

Case 5: Owl vs Bear.

What in the world is a 'Sonic Bear'??

Okay, maybe not the time for that, I just need to know that it's really fast. Fast enough to catch me if I try to run.

[Acceleration: Enable the user to move faster. Cost: 2 MP, last for 15 seconds] [Normal]

[Dash: Enable the user to sprint at a high speed for 1 second. Cost: 2 MP, CD: 10 seconds] [Normal]

Wait, assuming that it just used [Dash] to run past me, then it's still on cooldown!

Seizing the opportunity, I immediately use [Domination], which apparently has little to no effect on it, because it just flinches lightly.


Change of plan. I'm not going head-to-head with it, what was I even thinking.

Having made up my mind, I jump back as the bear approaches me with incredible speed.

''Huu~!'' Ariel tries to scare the bear by huu-ing at its face, but it doesn't even register her.




The bear tries to give me a palm, but I duck at just the right moment and let the tree behind me take the hit instead. I immediately sprint to the side and jump onto another tree in an attempt to gain elevation.

Climbing up the tree with extreme haste, I can hear the bear's rapid steps getting closer and closer, but fortunately, my tree-climbing skills are sufficient to escape its grasp.

''Hah...'' I breathe out, looking at the bear below me, who seems to be pretty angry.

Wait, don't tell me-


''Hyah!'' I exclaim, almost losing my balance and falling as the bear hits the tree with immense force.

I need to stop it somehow. I dropped the sword earlier, but I still have the bow with me here.

I pull the bow down from my shoulder and take an arrow from the quiver. I've never touched a bow before, but surely I won't miss a target this big at this close distance, right?



I almost fell.

Pulling the bow back, I calm my shaky hands and aim for the bear's head before releasing the arrow.

With a small, short whistle, the arrow lodges in the bear's shoulder, causing the creature to flinch slightly, but it seems unfazed.

[HP: 29/34]


I hurriedly take another arrow out and pull the bow back again. 




Unfortunately, the tree snaps at that moment, causing the upper part of it to fall to the side along with me. Not wanting to go right into the bear's jaws, I jump forward as hard as I can, spreading my wings to hopefully glide just a centimeter further.

After flying for just a few moments though, the ground is already close to me. My instinct kicks in and I curl up into a ball in anticipation of impact.


Scratches pile up all over my body as I roll and roll on the hard, bumpy ground.


Where is it-


The bear, who was supposed to be standing in the distance, suddenly appears right before me.



It mercilessly stomps on my right wing, snapping it in half. The sharp pain I feel in my wing is the worst I've ever felt, it paralyzes my whole body, and my thoughts aren't even straight anymore.

''You!'' I shout, boiling rage filling my mind. ''How dare you?!''

I can feel the bear tremble a little bit, but with unshakable will, it raises its hand to give me another palm, a palm that would surely end my life.

''Huu!'' Ariel flies around the bear's head, trying to catch its attention, but it seems futile.

I immediately activate [Sharp Claw] and-


-cut my wing in half.


Enduring the excruciating pain, I roll over to the side, barely dodging the bear's palm.

[Skill requirements met]

[Skill: Pain Tolerance acquired]

There's no hope for tactics at this point, let's just go all in.

Right then, Ariel's silver eyes suddenly shine brightly.

''Huuu...!'' She almost screams. ''G-


''Hgn!'' I frown at Ariel's sudden piercing wail.

Unlike me, whose ears are just a little numb, the bear seems to be completely stunned. Seizing the opportunity, I muster all my remaining strength and rise to my feet, plunging my sharpened 'claws' into its throat.

The bear twitches violently as my fingers penetrate its throat, blood gushing from the spot like a tide, soaking my entire arms down to my shoulders.

Shakily, the bear tries to raise its arm to slap me again.

''Don't you dare.'' I glare straight into its eyes.

[Skill proficiency achieved a certain level]

[Skill: Domination Lv.2 has become Lv.3]

The upgrade comes just in time, enhancing my intimidation aspect even further. The bear's body shakes, its pupils dilating.

'''' ... ''''

Eventually, its eyes get cloudier and cloudier before its heavy body completely relaxes, then tips over and falls toward me. I quickly pull my hands out and step aside to avoid being crushed by its weight.


Its lifeless body falls to the ground with a loud thud, signaling the end of the fight.

[You have defeated a Lv.9 Sonic Bear]

[Proficiency achieved a certain level]

[Being: Aurora Lv.6 has become Lv.8]

[2 skill points acquired]

[Skill proficiency achieved a certain level]

[Skill: Sharp Claw Lv.3 has become Lv.4]

''Hah...'' I breathe out, feeling my wing growing back and my wounds closing.

I try to flap my wings around a bit, and it very much feels like the old ones - comfortable.

It's impressive, really. But seeing the severed half of my wing down there is honestly quite uncomfortable.

And I'll need to go to the stream later, this amount of blood is-


Did my chest get bigger?

Hmm... I feel like my point of view is slightly higher than before as well. Maybe my body will grow according to my level, and that means that I won't need to wait for another three or four years to reach my old body anymore.

In any case, Ariel's help has been a big part of this whole fight.

''You did really good, Ariel.'' I turn to my beloved banshee and smile lightly.

''Huu~'' She flies around me merrily.

''Oh, you just gained another skill, right?''

I don't think that scream came from the [Cuteness] skill or anything.

''Hu, hu!'' She nods intently.


Name: Ariel              

Race: Banshee                    Title: Unsuccessful Banshee

Level: 5

HP: 15/15                    MP: 13/13

STR: 1.7                     INT: 3.4

AGI: 3.6                    STA: 2.4

Skill: [Incorporeal State Lv.7], [Cuteness Lv.6],
[Banshee's Wail Lv.1].

State: Happy.


[Banshee's Wail: Deal extreme mental damage to surrounding targets. Cost: 3 MP, CD: 10 seconds] [Rare]

So that was the real banshee's wail, totally different from the usual huu-ings. But I wasn't affected at all unlike the bear though, what exactly happened...?

Either way.

''Congratulations on leveling up, Ariel.''

She did contribute to that kill, so either the EXP got shared, or she got additional EXP from supporting while I keep the whole thing, I really don't know how it works.

''Hu~!'' She exclaims, doing silly dances in the air.

I smile lightly and turn on my status screen.


Name: Aurora              

Race: Owl-kin                    Title: Brute Force

Level: 8

HP: 25/25                    MP: 30/30

STR: 2.8                     INT: 8.2

AGI: 3.4                    STA: 2.7

Skill: [Sharp Claw Lv.4], [Domination Lv.3],
[Stealth Lv.2], [Inspect Lv.1], [Night Vision Lv.1],
[Enhanced Hearing Lv.1], [Pain Tolerance Lv.1].

State: Normal.


Hmm... What exactly is the INT stat again? The other three stats do increase quite regularly, but my INT has always been 8.2. And while STR, AGI, and STA are pretty obvious, I still don't know what INT does. I guess I should be grateful that it is as high as it is.

Either way, I won't say thank you for the experience, bad bear.

''Oh, it's starting to light up.'' I lift my head and look at the sky, which is getting brighter by the second. ''Ariel, are you alright with the sunlight?''

''Hu...'' She shakes her head with a sorrowful expression.

''What do you do when it's not night then?''

''Hu, hu!'' She points in a direction.

''Follow you?''

''Hu.'' She nods.

Hmm... Alright. I don't have anywhere to stay anyway. Worst case, I'll be running from a bunch of banshees or something. 

So I pick up the sword and the bow on the ground and begin to follow Ariel.

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